Chapter 424 Strong enemy, ranking of Jiangnan University (2/5)

According to the staff of this competition, among the several screens in the field, according to the ranking of each college, the screens occupied are also different.

It is like the top ten universities are recorded in the first projection screen.

The second projection screen records the tenth to the thirtieth, and so on, the more each time each school is, the more backward the list is on the projected screen.

When the ranking was announced, almost all eyes were placed on the first screen.

From bottom to top, they are Aix College in France, Bonn College in Germany…The top ten universities are basically China, Northern Europe, and North America. There hasn’t been much change in previous years.

However, when the ranking appeared in third place, the original English suddenly changed, and four large characters of Chinese appeared.

Jiangnan University! After seeing this ranking, everyone at Hanhai University and other universities in China was a little surprised.

Although Jiangnan University has occasionally been able to enter the top ten in previous years, it is beyond everyone’s expectation to be ranked third like this year.

As the saying goes, the family rejoices and the family hates.

0 Dongying: After seeing these points, the universities in Europe all gritted their teeth in anger.

Because on the projected screen, Jiangnan University with 42 points, these points are basically searched from their side.

Especially Dongying: The University of Tokyo here is even more annoying.They are directly deducted by Jiangnan University by 100 points.

One hundred points! Ozawa Taro’s heart is dripping blood, because of this reason, his own ranking is also greatly reduced.

The more he thought about it, the more angry, Ozawa Taro looked at Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze, filled with the cruel look of choosing people.

“Principal Zhang, Gonggui school is among the best.”

“Lao Zhang, your points have increased a bit too much. I saw you only over 200 points in Europe, and you jumped to more than 400 in one fell swoop. It is probably due to that kid’s contribution!”

…At the same time, in Zhang Xunkun’s mobile phone, there are also congratulations from other universities in China.

Without paying too much attention to these false names, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes are placed in the first and second positions.

The first place is the Vatican Holy Academy on the British side, with 500 points.

The second place is St. Louis of the United States.



College, 460 points, 460 points.

The difference in points between the top three universities is not very large, but Jiang Xiaobai is not very familiar with these two universities, and the competition is very disadvantageous for him.

Jiang Xiaobai just wanted to ask Zhang Xunkun, but he noticed Zhang Xunkun’s gaze.

As if seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s thoughts, Zhang Xunkun smiled and said: “The Saint Louis Academy in the U.S. and the Holy Academy in the Vatican basically sit on the throne one or two every year.

The former is an emerging super university, and the United States spends half of the world’s competition on this institution.

The latter is a long-established Nordic government, inherited from the 17th century, and has a rich heritage.”

Speaking of this, Zhang Xunkun groaned for a while, but continued: “Among these two schools, the two most talented seniors are only the seventh level of the Galaxy Realm, but they are extremely powerful, and even the strongest under the Star Sea Realm. One said.”

While talking, Zhang Xunkun was also a little embarrassed.

This year, the students participating in China have good overall strength.

But compared to the Saint-Louis Academy and the Vatican Saint-Academy, it lacks the kind of genius that…

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai is such an enchanting evildoer.

In the end, after a pause, Zhang Xunkun continued: “And these two universities are united with Beijing University in China. The three schools can be said to be your biggest enemies in this global competition.”

“The strongest under Xinghai Realm.”

Jiang Xiaobai repeated, his eyes turned to the side of the Holy Academy of Vatican and the Holy Academy of Louis.

I was also curious about the other side’s university, and the realization of the other two sides was also placed on Jiangnan University.

The students of the Holy Academy of Vatican cast a glance at Jiang Xiaobai and others.They looked at the high school students who were only seventeen or eighteen.They all showed disdain, their heads raised high, and their expressions were very arrogant.

“Yellow Monkey”

A student of the Holy Academy of Vatican said lightly, even though it is separated from the crowd, Jiang Xiaobai and others can still hear it clearly.

“Sure enough, Great Britain came out, and they are crazy talking.”

Jiang Xiaobai withdrew his gaze from the Vatican Sacred Academy before continuing to speak.

“Be careful, you will get rabies if you stare at a mad dog.”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s meal: cynicism, Jiang Xiaoxin and others couldn’t help laughing.

The students from the Holy Academy of Vatican City were stunned, relying on translation headphones and their understanding of China’s homophonic culture.

This is taunting myself with the name of the country.

After that, everyone at the Vatican Academy showed fierce gazes, which meant that, again, the game was waiting.

It’s just that everyone in Jiang Xiaobai talked and laughed, ignoring these unkind gazes.

Everyone at the Holy Academy of Vatican:!!!!!! After more than ten minutes after the points ranking was announced, everyone present also calmed down.

After that, the person in charge of the competition made another opening remark, and then turned the topic to the point that everyone cares most about.

The venue of the first game, the dimensional space.

Among the dimensional space to be entered next, the lowest dimensional creature’s strength is at the sixth level of the Galaxy Realm, and the strongest is the diamond-level creature that has reached the first level of the Xinghai Realm.

The 807-dimensional space method hunts as many dimensional creatures as possible with the school as a unit.

Then the watch on everyone’s wrist has a recording function. After killing, it will automatically recognize the points of the dimensional creature. After killing the sixth floor of the Stardust Realm, the score is 10 points, and the seventh floor is 20, and so on. The higher the dimensional creature, the higher the points earned.

The voice fell, and the enthusiasm that had just subsided rose again.

Let alone the outcome of the competition, the resources in the Platinum Dimensional Space alone are worth a try.

“It’s worthy of being a global competition. The dimensional space used in the competition is all platinum.”

Yuan Xiaoning couldn’t help but sigh in the team.

So far, Jiang Xiaobai and others have not stepped into such a high-level dimensional space. After thinking about it, they still can’t help but feel a little excited.

“Sister, do you think this platinum dimension space is dangerous?”

Yuan Yang said something weakly.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai patted Yuan Yang on the shoulder and said seriously: “Don’t worry, there is a special rescue team for the global competition.”

Yuan Yang heard this and heaved a sigh of relief.

After seeing Yuan Yang breathed a sigh of relief, Jiang Xiaobai added another sentence: “Is there… the rescue team is one thing, the dimensional space is so big, it’s another thing if it’s too late to rescue.”

Yuan Yang: Jiang Xiaoxin and others:……………

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