Chapter 425 So that they can go on the road with peace of mind (3/5)

Although it is a global competition, the strengths and weaknesses in the standings can be known at a glance.

In addition to…China stands out, the entire list is almost covered by universities in Europe and North America, even Dongying: Although it has been very happy in Asia, its ranking in the standings is also After reaching thirty, the name appeared.

In previous years, Dongying: Although the colleges and universities could not enter the top ten, there are still one or two schools in the top twenty.

Listening to the above introduction of the rules of the game, Jiang Xiaobai was lost in thought.

This time entering the dimensional space, the biggest danger is definitely not just from the dimensional creatures.

Although the platinum-level dimensional space is sufficient to prove the strength of the dimensional creatures, the most dangerous one is probably the schools in the field at this moment.

Zhang Xunkun said before that in the last global competition, China’s colleges and universities kept the rankings at a tragic price of almost complete destruction.When all colleges entered together, even the most powerful dimensional creatures would not bring such tragic consequences.

Then there is only one result.

Every school that enters the dimensional space is both a hunter.

Also prey.

Jiang Xiaobai’s current strength is still there: the ninth level of the Stardust Realm, although the strength of students from countries such as Africa and Australia is stronger, but compared with Europe and North America, it is very different. Xiaobai thought and knew with his toes, after entering the space, I am afraid that he would immediately.

It will become a target of public criticism.

“That’s good, it’s still troublesome to save them one by one.”

Jiang Xiaobai muttered, his eyes fell in the middle of the field.

With the order of the competition committee, dozens of awakened people wearing staff costumes walked out and injected star power into an instrument in the middle of the stadium.

With the infusion of star power, a huge space gate emerged in the middle of the arena.Dozens of awakened people did not stop star power infusion, and after continuing to input star power for half an hour, the huge space gate began to form firmly.

“Space Element! These… the Awakeners are actually Space Element, this competition committee is really a Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger.


Seeing these dozens of staff leave, Xu Yan sneered.

Space system skills are relatively small, and it is usually difficult to see.Some powerful space system skills can even span half of the earth in an instant.Unexpectedly, there are so many space system awakeners among the staff of the competition committee.

“These guys in Europe and the United States are stinking because of this problem, for fear that others don’t know what they have in their home.”

Zhang Xunkun smiled, but turned his head and suddenly whispered towards Jiang Xiaobai, “These staff will also go in later. If you can, it’s better to kill a few!”

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, “Don’t worry, I will tell them.”

Zhang Xunkun: “”

Jiang Xiaobai: “So that they can go on the road with peace of mind.”

Zhang Xunkun was embarrassed, “It’s best to be more secretive, I won’t protect you kid if you show your feet.”

Jiang Xiaobai does not understand at this moment, these…The staff of the competition committee, I am afraid it is not a good thing, but it happens that life and death in the dimensional space are inherently unpredictable. Things that are not clear.

At this moment, the person in charge of the global competition on the stage is already letting everyone enter.

According to the ranking method, the lower-ranked learners step forward, and the lower-ranked schools enter the month later.

When the voice of the person in charge fell, a school from South America not far from Jiangnan University had already got up, led the team with the captain, and first entered the dimension sky.

It was embarrassing to be the first to last, but now it is still in the dimensional space, in front of so many people, the students of this college bowed their heads and walked in.

After the first college, the second college plucked up the courage and walked in.

The third, the fourth…Until the middle part of the ranking, those students from the…

Although it represents universities, it loses the face of a country.

Until Jiangnan University, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhou Jia with his chest tall and a smirk on his face.

Zhou Jia: “…”

At this moment, on the side of the Holy Academy of Vatican, a slender, maternal-looking man looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a gloomy look.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze, the student of the Holy Academy of Vatican raised his palm flat and stroked his neck, which meant it was obvious.

Cut the throat.

“Xiao Bai, why are you enemies everywhere”

Yuan Yang saw the student’s provocative actions, and suspiciously asked Jiang Xiaobai, “Have we pitted the Holy Academy of Vatican before?”

“should not.”

Jiang Xiaobai remembered the appearance of this Vatican student in his heart, and then he thought about it for a moment.

“Too young, too lazy to apply for a visa, I shouldn’t go.”

………Everyone who waited until Jiangnan University entered the dimensional space.

What came out of the pavement was a damp, sultry heat.

Then, a large area of ​​tropical rain forest appeared in everyone’s eyes, and the surrounding vegetation still brought some water droplets, as if it had just rained.

This dimensional space is the dimensional space called Xiaoyue Python, which is mainly a dimensional creature with Xiaoyue Python as its mainstay.

After everyone at Jiangnan University entered the dimensional space and looked at the surrounding environment.

Yuan Yang already asked Jiang Xiaobai: “Xiaobai, what do you plan to do next”

The others also turned their heads to look at Jiang Xiaobai, after all, Jiang Xiaobai is the captain.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai groaned: “Look at these first…The strength of the dimensional creatures.”

The stipulated time for this trip to the dimensional space is three hours3. In other words, during these three hours, every school except…It is necessary to hunt as many dimensional creatures as possible.

At the same time, the competition stipulates that once a student is killed in the process, the student who killed the person can get the points accumulated by the dimensional creature that the opponent killed before.

Although the person in charge of Manno mentioned the strength of dimensional creatures before, it is just a statement, so I actually understand the strength of dimensional creatures in the dimensional space, so as to consider the next move.

Everyone thought for a while, and they also understood Jiang Xiaobai’s thoughts, and they all nodded, feeling that what he said was very reasonable.

After all, this kind of platinum-level dimensional space is also a reckless army.

However, when everyone was discussing where to find a dimensional creature, Erha in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms suddenly opened his eyes, revealing two immature dog teeth.

“What’s wrong”

Zhou Jia on the side asked a little curiously.

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said, “Looking at the reaction of this silly dog, there should be some dangerous dimensional creatures around, everyone, be careful.”

Just as Jiang Xiaobai’s voice just fell, the few people on the side noticed something was wrong.

It’s too quiet around…”Puff”


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