Chapter 423 : When you grow up like this, you still dare to swagger into the market (1/5)

Start by seeing the light.

It didn’t take long to fully enter the bottom of the canyon.After Jiang Xiaobai and others reached the inside of the canyon, there were already more than a dozen teams gathered here.

According to the arrangement of the competition committee, each school has its own designated position.When Jiang Xiaobai and his party walked over, many teams’ eyes turned to this side.

“Too enthusiastic, I can’t stand it.”

Jiang Xiaobai looked at those… from Europe and Dongying: The team’s eyes gave a chuckle.

In the previous points match, Drake’s god assists allowed Jiangnan University to almost brush the points of European universities.Now, seeing Jiangnan University’s eyes are full of hatred.

The most gaze among them still fell on Jiang Xiaobai.

There is no way, like Jiang Xiaobai, a supportive “one-five-zero” that is so powerful that one can doubt life.

, These…It’s hard for students from European institutions to remember them.

Seeing so many gazes, Jiang Xiaobai dazzled his eyes, these… his gaze seemed to be scalded, he slammed back, pretending to be busy with his own affairs again.

In the scene, many suffered losses in the hands of Jiang Xiaobai. Naturally, it is clear that this guy holding a pet dog who looks harmless to humans and animals is not easy to provoke. At this time, there will be no problems, “Is it so scary? It’s like seeing a ghost.”

Zhou Jia curled her lips, said something disdainfully, and put her hand on Jiang Xiaobai’s shoulder.

Jiang Xiaobai’s face turned black immediately, and he is a cruel image in the eyes of others, can’t you respect yourself, but after thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai’s face is already with a smirk , Whispered in Zhou Jia’s ear: “It’s not terrible, I know it at night, and it is guaranteed to be terrible.”

It’s fine to say this to others, but to Zhou Jia, he understood Jiang Xiaobai’s meaning in seconds.

Hearing this, Zhou Jia shook his fist with a little toe, a stone on the ground was kicked, and a fist was held, and he opened his mouth to Jiang Xiaobai with a smile.

“Xiaobai, do you know where men are the most vulnerable”

While talking, Zhou Jia clenched his fist, and the stone was instantly crushed into a ball of powder, which fell from Zhou Jia’s fingers.

Jiang Xiaobai slammed the animal from the corner of his mouth. After a while, he said quietly, “You want to destroy the things you can’t get. The most poisonous woman’s heart, the ancients sincerely don’t deceive me.”

Zhou Jia: Does my old mother mean this? For… Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Zhou Jia’s chest is constantly rising and falling.

But don’t wait: Zhou Jia went back, and Jiang Xiaoxin on one side was helpless and said: “Okay, it’s all on the formal occasions, so be more serious.”

Hearing that, the two shrugged and did not continue to fight.

After that, Zhang Xunkun led the team to the position that had already been arranged for Jiang.

In the process, a Dongying man with a dwarf figure smiled, and the team from Jiang Xiaobai had walked over.

It is the leader of the Akita University of Toei Country, Okamoto Nigawa.

“Hehe, Jiangnan University has provoked so many institutions in the points. This time, I’m afraid your school will not be so easy!”

Facing the words of Okamoto Hikawa, Zhang Xunkun’s gaze was swept Zhou Zhou, and then frowned: “A man who does not speak secretly, he has the ability to stand up for me and hide his head and tail.”

Okamoto Nigawa: “”

In the midst of Okamoto Hikawa’s stunned, Zhang Xunkun saw Okamoto Hikawa after scanning back and forth, and then lowered his head. He immediately said, “Heh, it turned out to be President Okamoto! Sorry, it’s a little taller, but it’s not for a while. Found you.”

Raising his head and looking at Zhang Guoxin’s head in front of him turning around in the head-up, Okamoto Hikawa had already reacted after he was stunned.

It is not clear that Zhang Xunkun is completely mocking his height.

After all, Okamoto Hikawa’s height is even a little shorter than Chu Nun’s.

It can be described as a dwarf.

This is also the eternal pain of Okamoto Hikawa.

But now, it was ridiculed by Zhang Xunkun in this way.The hard work in Okamoto’s heart can be imagined for a while, and Okamoto’s face is a little scary.

“Zhang Xunkun, okay, you’re fine, I want to see who can have the last laugh.”

Seeing Okamoto Hikawa rushing over to the foreign devils who thundered without a word, Zhang Xunkun just snorted disdainfully.

“When you grow up like this, you still dare to sway the market, don’t you have any points in your heart?”

Zhang Xunkun’s reaction to Okamoto Nikawa is in my eyes, and the students at Jiangnan University couldn’t help but smile. There is a saying that those who are close to Zhu are red and black are black, and they have stayed with Jiang Xiaobai for a long time, even Zhang Xunkun. It also became a bit poisonous.

And Okamoto Hikawa had just left, but there was a light and fluttering voice behind him.

“It seems that this time in China, history is going to repeat itself.”

Everyone turned their heads to look, but it was Drake who walked forward with a group of people slowly, looking at Zhang Xunkun and Jiang Xiaobai and others, with a bit of sarcasm in their eyes.

In this regard, Zhang Xunkun sneered and said: “Things gather people in groups, just like a dog eats shit. After one time, there will be a second time. For this kind of thing, we naturally can’t stop it, but we want to play tricks. You can give it a try.”

Described as a dog by Zhang Xunkun, Drake’s expression sank.

After a while, Drake said again: “It’s a Chinese person. His eloquence is really good, but it’s hard to be alone. See when you can be arrogant!”

The voice fell, and Drake had already turned and walked away.

After Drake left, it was… no one from other schools continued to come up to look for things, which also made Zhang Xunkun happy.

…. With the passage of time, there are more and more teams on the field.

When the last timer stops 1.

At the end of 2, there were about fifty teams on the field:

The representatives of various countries on the stage are already gathered together, including members of the responsible group of the global competition.

A dozen people lined up above, and without exception, they were all big bosses in the Starry Sky Realm, all standing at the top of the pyramid.

At the beginning, a middle-aged man who looked like North America delivered the opening speech.

After a long polite remark, the member of the global competition team stepped down.

Then another member of the team in charge came forward.

After a while, several screens have appeared on the canyon’s mountain wall. “Next, I will announce the points ranking for this point match.”

In an instant, the expressions of everyone in the venue became solemn, and they were placed motionless on the big screen.


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