Chapter 422 Arrogance also depends on the object! (5/5)

According to what Jiang Xiaobai said, in the following time, Jiang Xiaobai was almost soaked in the dimensional space.

Moreover, the dimensional space that Jiang Xiaobai entered is also a platinum-level dimensional space, and the dimensional creatures in it have reached the strength of the galaxy realm.

Even if Jiang Xiaoxin and others want to follow along, there is no way.

The strength gap is too large, and it is estimated that it will be a gift if you enter.

In the next week, as Zhang Xunkun thought, no other school team continued to challenge Jiangnan University.

On the contrary, Jiang Xiaoxin and other students from the school have been so idle, and sometimes they suddenly hope that someone can call the door.

Waiting until three days before the race, with Jiang Xiaobai’s accumulation of achievement points as many as two million, after the practice banquet, a group of people had already left Jiangnan University in the early morning.

…As a private competition united by various countries, the venue of the global competition is not so ostentatious as to choose a certain city.

As mentioned before, the global competition is a national competition that competes for dimensional space resources.

Just during the points match, the hidden challenge training ground, etc… can be seen.

Therefore, this time the competition was selected in the Great Rift Valley of Africa.

The rift valley is long and narrow, so big that it can be seen directly from satellite maps.

When everyone was sitting on the plane that marked China, looking from an altitude of one thousand meters, there was a huge “knife mark” on the ground.

Presented in front of the eyes, it suddenly makes people feel surprised and magical.

In the faint deep gorge, there seemed to be the power to attract people in, and Yuan Yang and the others felt a little scared after a glance.

As the passenger plane slowly landed, there were already dozens of parked planes around.

The teams of each school also went to the canyon under the leadership of each team leader.

At the bottom of the canyon, there is a specially built spacious step, surrounded by protective fences, safety measures are well done, and it is specially built for global competition.

While walking, Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaoxin and others are also constantly looking at the surrounding environment.

The reddish rocks scorched by the sun, the dust that rolls up from time to time around them, and the black rocks that are deep in the canyon and entangled in the walls.

“Noisy, panicked.”

Yuan Yang cursed, even under the high temperature of more than forty or close to fifty degrees, he felt very embarrassed.

“Let’s bear it, the venue for this game is in a dimensional space at the bottom of the canyon.”

Seeing her somewhat unconvinced brother Yuan Xiaoning couldn’t help but frown and said.

Yuan Yang also shrank his neck after being reprimanded by his own old sister.

Later, looking at the surrounding environment, Yuan Yang continued: “I heard that the Great Rift Valley of East Africa reached the center of the earth in the high school culture class, I don’t know if it is true.”

“Is it true? Go down and see for yourself.”

Pointing to the dark bottom.

It was also at this time, suddenly a deep and disdainful voice “get away”

When everyone looked at it, they saw a North School student sipping to another pair of participating schools.

Seeing the arrogant appearance of this European and American student, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but uttered, “So arrogant, who you are?”

The gorge was surprisingly quiet, so the North American student immediately heard Yuan Yang’s words and turned his head and glanced here.

However, after seeing the sign of Jiangnan University next to everyone for the first time, the student turned his head back with a hum.

A week or so: Time will challenge the universities in Europe to clean up, and Jiangnan University was originally well-known among the world’s universities.

This time the points competition came, and Jiangnan University’s reputation was also rapidly rising.

Almost all participating schools that participated in the global competition this year know that Jiangnan University is much stronger than the previous one.

Therefore, after seeing the logo on Jiangnan University, the North American student was obviously a little bit jealous.

After seeing such a student’s reaction, Zhou Jia frowned slightly.

“Which school this student is from, why is it so arrogant.”

Hearing this, Zhang Xunkun smiled and said: “Looking at their school’s logo, it is an institution in North America called Carnot Institute. The strength is not bad.”

It seems that after seeing everyone who heard the name of this school were a little bit confused, Zhang Xunkun explained.

“The Carnot Institute has a certain history in Europe, and the background is not bad. It is also a more prestigious institution in Europe.”

Speaking of this, Zhang Xunkun paused before continuing: “In terms of overall strength, compared with our Jiangnan University, it should be slightly weaker than mine.”

Yuan Yang muttered again: “Then what’s so great about being so arrogant.”

Hearing what Yuan Yang said, Zhao Hanshan couldn’t help but blacken his face. How did he feel that he had degraded Jiangnan University together. After a while, Yuan Yang noticed that his words were a little improper, and he immediately said with a smile: “President Zhang, Teacher Zhao, me, I didn’t mean that…”

“Then what do you mean.”

“I… don’t you think this Carnot is not worthy of being compared with our Jiangnan University”


After Yuan Yang made a fuss for a while, Jiang Xiaobai on one side said lightly: “Arrogance also depends on the target!”

Hearing this, everyone also looked towards Jiang Xiaobai.

When everyone saw it, Jiang Xiaobai slowly said: “The global competition is originally polarized. It can be said that it is a competition between upper and middle countries, and those… countries with poor strength are just plain. The escort, didn’t you look at the other side and left after seeing us?”

…Everyone was pondering the words in Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth. The students from the previous university met Jiangnan University for fear of avoiding it. It seems that they don’t want to be in the game. In the middle, I met with Jiangnan University.

If you think about it carefully, it was originally the law of the jungle, but it is also very applicable to humans who are higher animals living in the jungle.

“Then, we can’t walk sideways in the global competition”

Thinking of this, Zhou Jia couldn’t help but said with some joy.

In the global competition, as a teammate who can only lie down and shout 666, this is a great boon.

“If you feel that this time is not dangerous enough… you can give it a try like this.”

Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but cast a blank look at Zhou Jia, and said lightly.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s look of an idiot, Zhou Jia’s mind was hot, and she immediately wanted to go back, but Zhang Xunkun was robbed of the words.

“Jiang Xiaobai is right. Everyone in the world academy, you can’t relax your vigilance. As far as I know, the overall strength of the super universities in North America and the ancient universities in Northern Europe is above my Jiangnan University.”

When Zhang Xunkun spoke, his tone was also a little serious.

Hearing this, Zhou Jia nodded, but still cast a fierce look at Jiang Xiaobai, as if you were waiting again.

Just as everyone talked and laughed, and in some gloom, one could vaguely see the bright people at the bottom of the canyon.

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