Chapter 399 So what, do you want to do something? (1/5)

As Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Xunkun thought before.

As the challenge of Saint Neya College failed, and there was a difference of less than an hour before and after, another group of participating school teams arrived at Jiangnan University.

After arriving, the people in the school also showed confident smiles when they looked at the situation of the students at Jiangnan University.

But when he came eagerly, after more than ten minutes, he left with a gloomy expression.

The same scene happened one after another in the next few days.

Every time Jiangnan University’s situation seems to be at a disadvantage because of his injuries.

But the students at Jiangnan University are extremely tenacious.

After forcibly supporting it, they were able to make a comeback.

People live a face, and trees live a skin.

In the eyes of other schools, all the students at Jiangnan University were at the end of their lives.

In the end, the people in my school couldn’t even challenge a few injured guys but failed in the challenge.

Under such circumstances, even if there is something depressed in my heart, I can only taste it by myself.

This result also caused the challenge teams of other schools to be unaware of the problem.

Until the fifth day, after a challenge from a team named Haneda Academy in the Eastern Kingdom, the leader of the Haneda Academy faintly felt wrong.

After inquiring in many ways, I learned that in the past few days, more than a dozen schools’ participating teams are all the same as them.

Everyone thought they had a chance, but in the end, they were brought back by the people from Jiangnan University.

One time or two is enough.After five consecutive days of a dozen challenges, the results and processes are the same.

After the news came, those…the school that challenged Jiangnan University before was still unclear where they and others were pitted.

For a time, I don’t know how many schools have secretly scolded Jiangnan University for such shameless and insidious behavior.

Even the people of the Modu Military District Academy who are also in the Modu are all surprised at the behavior of Jiangnan University.

“Asshole! I dare to play with it, I”

At the same time, after Drake, who had already returned to the Japanese school, learned of the news, he was dumbfounded.

After a while, a feeling of being played around by Jiangnan University like a fool came to life.Under this feeling, Drake could not help but curse.

Judging from the current situation, the students at Jiangnan University are definitely not in a weak state.

They do this to get themselves in.

Moreover, during the whole process, I also helped Jiangnan University to make wedding dresses, not only gave Jiangnan University points, but also became an accomplice of Jiangnan University, and took the initiative to arrange people from other schools to go to the door.

Thinking of this, Drake directly squeezed his hands in angrily, holding a breath in his throat.

At this moment, Drake seemed to be able to imagine how Zhang Xunkun was talking about himself in Jiangnan University.

In the past few days, according to Drake, Jiangnan University’s points have been nearly two hundred.

In other words, Jiangnan University is not crazy about losing points, it can be said that it is already qualified to participate in the global competition.

On the other hand, now that the participating students have been killed twice in a row, the participating teams in the school have been greatly affected, and the points are only forty now.

Moreover, the news was sent out by himself, and now some of the universities are asking for their troubles, and their credibility has been greatly reduced in an instant.

Fame, status, and connections all fell apart.

Looking at the bright moonlight outside the window, frustration was engraved on Drake’s frozen face.

He remembered that there was a poetic saying in China.

“The wine enters the sorrow, three-thirds of the wine is made into melancholy, and the remaining seven-point is, embroidered and vomited, it is… the language of fragrance.”

All of this is thanks to the people of Jiangnan University.

Thinking of this, Drake’s silver teeth clenched, and a pair of eyes revealed an extremely thick and cold color.

“Since this is the case, don’t blame me for being cruel.”

Drake said coldly, then took out the phone in his pocket and dialed the assistant’s number.

“Marina, get ready for the flight to Northern Europe right away, the sooner the better.”

“Principal Drake, are you sure…”

Marina on the phone confirmed it very seriously.

“Didn’t you hear me? Now, immediately.

Prepare the plane!”

Hearing Marina’s words, Drake’s mood was obviously fluctuating more violently.

“By the way, I will stare at Jiangnan University for the past two days when I am away.”

“Yes, principal.”

Toot—-When the phone was hung up, a cold smile appeared on Drake’s mouth. Through the moonlight, coupled with that gloomy face, people can’t help but think of the legendary vampire Degu pull.

Since Haneda Academy and Carlton Academy were planted in the hands of Jiangnan University, others have also understood that the rumors from Saint Neya Academy are simply not credible.

Some people even suspect that this is because Saint Neya College and Jiangnan University colluded with Jiangnan University to defraud the points.

Therefore, the next day everyone waited at the training ground for a full day, and there were no challengers to come.

However, for Jiang Xiaobai, this is also a joyful leisure.

Anyway… Jiangnan University has already mastered two hundred thirty 230 points.

According to Zhang Xunkun, such a total of 497 points, except for some of the top 20 universities in the world, most of the rest are still tens of hundreds of points.

Even if the pressure of this global competition has increased, the points have changed.

As long as the current points remain unchanged, Jiangnan University’s points can also be steadily ranked in the top 100 in the world and successfully qualified for the competition.

Counting it all up, it has been almost a week since the start of the points challenge.

The first stage of this points match is almost at the end.

In this first stage, the low-level points universities have been scoured, and the second stage is the truly cruel competition.

“Xiao Bai, it’s kind of boring!”

In the school, Zhou Jia glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, who was lying on the lawn with a big pillow, and couldn’t help but mutter.

It is the eighth day since I returned to school, but since the strategy of Jiangnan University was passed three days ago, Jiangnan University, which was originally a crowded city, instantly became an unattended existence.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai slowly opened his eyes, and sighed after hesitated a little.

“It’s really boring!”

Then, Zhou Jia, Yuan Yang and other participating students glanced aside, Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and suddenly asked: “Well, do you want to do something?”


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