Chapter 400 The mode of global competition (2/5)

“Do something”

Hearing that everyone looked at each other, their expressions were a little dazed.

Zhou Jiadao: “What do you want to do?”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and slowly said in the confusion of the crowd: “Since no one comes to us again, then let’s go find other people’s troubles.”

As he said, it seemed that he was in interest, Jiang Xiaobai said, “Wait first.”

After the words fell, Jiang Xiaobai was already up.

After Daha jumped directly on his shoulder, Jiang Xiaobai walked towards the office where Zhang Xunkun was.

But before Jiang Xiaobai had just walked down to the office building where Zhang Xunkun’s office was located, he ran into Zhang Xunkun who was coming out.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai quickly greeted him.

When looking at Jiang Xiaobai, who was walking towards him, Zhang Xunkun was slightly startled and asked: “What are you kid doing here again?”

While talking, Zhang Xunkun’s face also had a smile.

Now, the points competition has just started one week, and Jiangnan University’s points have reached 210,210 points.It can be said that such results are unprecedented in previous global competitions.

And all this is also inseparable from Jiang Xiaobai.

This made Zhang Xunkun’s resentment towards Jiang Xiaobai a lot less.

And through the performance of this period, Zhang Xunkun can also see it.

Although Jiang Xiaobai used to give him and Jiangnan University students a set.

But compared to the time when dealing with other schools during this period, Jiang Xiaobai in the past can be said to be more merciful.

“Well, I am grateful for what this kid is doing”

However, just as this idea just emerged, Zhang Xunkun’s face suddenly went dark.

Facing Zhang Xunkun’s weird look, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but feel a little strange.

However, I didn’t get too entangled in this aspect, but directly stated my intentions this time “Principal, the world is so big, we want to go out for a walk…”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Zhang Xunkun was first shocked, as if he did not understand Jiang Xiaobai’s inexplicable words.

But after a while, Zhang Xunkun, who reacted, already understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant.

Immediately he lost his breath: “Speak well.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai touched his nose and said, “So what, I stayed in school: for so long, I can’t go to the dimension space, everyone feels a little bored.”

Regarding Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Zhang Xunkun was not surprised.

Then he slowly said: “It’s just right, I also have this idea. We are only starting now, we don’t have to spend it all the time, we still have to find a way to get more points.”


Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai said, “Aren’t we enough points?”

Zhang Xunkun said quietly: “Yes, if there is no change later, the current points are enough for us to qualify for the global competition.”

It seems to have heard Zhang Xunkun’s overtones, Jiang Xiaobai: “Does this point have anything to do with the subsequent global competition?”

Zhang Xunkun nodded and said: “Yes, in the process of this points challenge, the points can not only… It’s also useful.”

Then, Zhang Xunkun slowly explained it again.

Hearing what Zhang Xunkun said, Jiang Xiaobai also understood what happened.

The format of the global competition is similar to the national college competition that Jiang Xiaobai has experienced before.

It’s just that in addition to…the Dimensional Space Station and the team battle, there is also an additional individual battle.

After each item, according to the performance of each school team, the corresponding points will be obtained, each accounting for 33% of the total points.

Except for the three competitions, China’s national leagues are similar, divided into three parts: space battles, team battles, and individual battles.”

“Among these three parts, the points obtained by any part will be calculated into the total points according to the proportion, and the ratio of the three parts is 33.”

In the end, the scores of each participating school are judged by the points obtained after the three 3 projects plus the points obtained by the previous schools in the points challenge.

In other words, the points obtained by each school now have a pivotal significance in the subsequent global competitions.

Speaking of this, Zhang Xunkun smiled and said: “So, even if you don’t say it, I am going to notify this matter and ask your opinion.”

“Ask my opinion, is the next challenge object”

Jiang Xiaobai tilted his head.

Zhang Xunkun nodded slightly.

If it were in the past, it would be fine for school leaders such as Zhang Xunkun to make decisions about these matters. Where would students be asked for their opinions, but Jiang Xiaobai’s performance during this period of time makes it difficult for Zhang Xunkun to treat Jiang Xiaobai as a pure student! See this, Jiang Xiaobai Glancing at Zhang Xunkun with a smile on his face, it seemed that he had faintly understood. Jiang Xiaobai smiled gently and said: “If you ask me, I feel reasonable. Just those who came to challenge me during this period of time. College, how come our school has to be courteous.”

Hearing this, the smile on Zhang Xunkun’s face became even stronger.

Without thinking about it: “Go to Saint Neya College first.”


Jiang Xiaobai responded decisively.

Then, both of them appeared to smile a little at the same time.

A little later, Zhang Xunkun waved his hand and said, “Since you know everything here, then I won’t bother to go to the training ground to notify those guys. You can just notify them. In addition, we will leave at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.”

After Zhang Xunkun left, Jiang Xiaobai turned around.

However, it didn’t take long before I saw King Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and Yuan Xiaoning.

Before and after a quick step, Zhou Jia shook her head and said, “Sure enough, you know that you must be looking for Principal Zhang again by looking at your previous position. Let’s talk! What pits are you going to dig again”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Zhou Jia unanimously, and said lightly: “Nizi, can you talk and stretch?”

Zhou Jia: “”

Facing Jiang Xiaobai, he just said…being a father, Zhou Jia was taken aback and couldn’t help but roll up his sleeves and said: “Jiang Xiaojian, I think you are really floating, and you dare to speak to me like this. ”

After waiting for a fight, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhou Jia with a proud face like a victorious rooster for a while, and couldn’t help but secretly said: “This Nizi is getting less and less cute.”

Then, Jiang Xiaobai said slowly: “I’m sure, we don’t need to stay in the school for the time being to guard and lead the team, and we will leave with the principal and Teacher Zhao tomorrow morning.”

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