Chapter 398 Don’t pit the dead, don’t give up (5/5)

Glancing at the people in the field panting and vomiting blood, they might fall down almost in the next moment, but they still have to support the stubborn He Weihua and others.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

Why didn’t I find these before…The guys who were cold from other students turned out to have such good acting skills.

At the same time, looking at the corpses of the students belonging to their own school in the field, this familiar scene has completely dumbfounded Drake, who was still full of confidence before.

After the reaction, it was clear that victory was in front of him, but it was… unable to make that step, but was counter-killed by the people at Jiangnan University.

“Just a little bit!!!!”

At this moment, Drake almost roared out angrily.

Just looking at the two fists that Drake is clenching at the moment, you can see how unwilling Drake is at this moment.

It’s right to want to come.

Obviously all advantages are “two four, seven”

He is biased towards himself, and the students from Jiangnan University may lose out almost at any time.

But no one thought that such a change would happen in the field.

The students from Jiangnan University took a chance and directly took out a fateful gesture and came back to a Jedi comeback.

In this process, suddenly even a Nebula realm expert like Drake was caught in a daze, leading to these things that he brought during the process… Dead and clean.

Although in the end all the students of Jiangnan University were almost half alive, they were still alive, but the five junior students in their school were all dead.

Needless to say the result naturally.

The challenge was lost.Although Drake was angry, uncomfortable, and wanted to cry, he could accept it.

But the death of the junior contestant made Drake even more uncomfortable.

You know, in the global competition, relatively speaking, it is the juniors and seniors who can truly represent the strength of the school and play an effect in the global competition.

Therefore, almost most schools will train students in advance for the global competition.

The same is true of Saint Nea College.

Regardless of….

It is the students who are now juniors or seniors, they are all cultivated by Saint Neya College in a few years.

Not to mention the effort and price spent in the process, it is just that these students have died, and they are returning to the school.It is impossible to pick out a group of people from the freshmen as before.

The impact of this on St. Nea’s College is not negligible.

Therefore, now Drake really has the heart to scold his mother.

The gloom on Drake’s face can almost be fully felt at a glance.

And at this juncture, how could Zhang Xunkun miss this opportunity to poke his heart?

Immediately with a smile on his face: “Principal Drake, it seems that this school has won by fluke again.”

In the words, this “again”

The pronunciation is prolonged.

In the face of Zhang Xunkun, Drake jumped wildly with anger.

If Okamoto Nigawa had experienced Drake’s feelings at this moment, I was afraid that he would be furious with anger.

But Drake’s character makes De Shi look violent at this moment, and it is impossible to slap him directly.

Then, when Xu Yan stepped forward, Drake signed his name on the file that Xu Yan handed over.

During the process, Drake was also dripping blood in his heart.

This time I only didn’t get the points of Jiangnan Academy, but instead ruined a few junior students.When I thought of this, Drake just… felt heartache and hard to breathe.

After signing his name, Drake already turned his head and glared at Zhang Xunkun.

After taking a few deep breaths, Drake said solemnly: “You are lucky! But next, I want to see how you deal with the challenges of other participating teams.”

“I’m so scared!”

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai on one side suddenly murmured.

But while speaking, Jiang Xiaobai’s voice was obviously heard by everyone present.

In a blink of an eye, Drake gritted his angry teeth as he looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a smile on his face.

Without saying a word, he turned around and left angrily.

“This person is also stupid. Both times are the same pit, but he has to jump inside. It is really the kind that can’t be stopped.”

Zhou Jia couldn’t help but cast a blank look at Jiang Xiaobai and said something.

“It’s not that they didn’t work hard, the problem Xiaobai dug this pit, who can think that even now, the people at Saint Neya College don’t know how they lost before.”

Yuan Yang on one side added one sentence after hearing the words.

Upon hearing Yuan Yang’s words, everyone thought of Drake’s reaction just now.

It seems to be true.

At this time, He Weihua who came by also suddenly asked: “Xuedi Jiang, you just asked us to kill all the students of Saint Neya College. If this is offended, will it be a bit too much?”

The five people from the Saint Neya Academy were slaughtered all the time. I am afraid that which school is changed, this hatred will be completely written down! Moreover, Drake is also a nebula realm. Big brother, such a crime is cruel, He Weihua naturally feels a little jealous… “What are you afraid of? Give up and let it go, and you will surely usurp it in secret. If no more people come to the door, otherwise we will earn this point when we come back. Isn’t it a loss?”

Jiangnan University initially scored 20 points, and harvested 30 points in Southeast Asia, plus the Akita Academy and the Saint Neya Academy.

Jiangnan University now has a total of 70 points.

According to Jiang Xiaobai, there is basically no need to go out to earn points again, just wait for others to send points in the school.

Understanding this, Yuan Yang nodded.

This behavior of the people completely explained “to die for the courageous, and starve to death for the courageous.”

This sentence.

“Yes, then follow what Jiang Xiaobai said. I believe we will be able to enter the world competition points threshold soon.”

Zhang Xunkun came over and said with a smile.

The growth rate of this year’s world competition points is twice to three times that of previous years.

Thinking of previous years, in order to squeeze into the threshold points of the global competition, Zhang Xunkun wanted to break his head to get together.

And this year’s points are as simple as drinking water. This is just the beginning of the day, and there are already 70 points, and also 2.

3 Jiangnan University’s mortal enemy Sheng Neya Academy severely suppressed:.

All this is because of the existence of Jiang Xiaobai.

Now, Zhang Xunkun couldn’t mention how happy he was.

After speaking, after a pause, Jiang Xiaobai reminded: “You performed well today. In the next time, you will also maintain this acting skill, and then attract more people.”

At the end, Jiang Xiaobai paused and added a sentence, “How many can be pitted?”

Hearing this, everyone was speechless.

By now, everyone can be sure that Jiang Xiaobai, a guy, is a typical character who doesn’t give up.

Then, looking at the malicious smile at the corner of Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth, everyone trembled, and I felt that I would better keep an eye on Jiang Xiaobai in the future.

Maybe that day I was scammed by this kid, I don’t even know.

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