Chapter 397 I am an actor (4/5)

As the battle became fierce, Saint Neya College seemed to be a little upset by the negative resistance from Jiangnan University.It was a bit more ruthless than before, and at the same time, it was a bit impatient.

During the battle, the original formation of Saint Neya Academy scattered directly.

He Weihua and the others were squeezed into position while being pursued.

A few minutes later, the back to back of the few people were completely surrounded by the five people from the Jiangnan Academy on the opposite side.

Suddenly, a good root emerged from the ground: vines with thin arms slowly rose up, and surrounded them into a huge cage, enclosing He Weihua’s four-person figure.

“Burn Huo.”

Seeing that it was about to be surrounded, a senior from Jiangnan University’s team directly showed a fire skill and wanted to forcibly open the vine cage.

Huhuhu! The three flames turned into flame snakes, swept toward both sides, and whizzed past the vines.

The flame is like a small flame in front of the vine, and it is difficult to affect it at all.

The student of Saint Nea College who released the talent of the vines smiled contemptuously at the flames spreading on the vines.

At the same time, another student of Saint Neya College drank in a low voice, and a huge star power slowly condensed on his body, and then turned into a thunder and lightning slowly appeared on the top of several people.

Just standing on the side, feeling the power coming from the thunder and lightning, Yuan Yang and Zhou Jia’s heart jumped slightly.

I believe that if they face such a talented skill, even if they can follow, the result will definitely be severely injured.

The movement is restricted by this vine, and this thunder and lightning halo will directly hit four people4.If they are directly hit by this terrifying thunder halo, several people will be killed on the spot.


The corner of Drake’s mouth could not help but a faint smile.

As long as this thunder and lightning halo condenses successfully, and then falls on them, it is…the victory of Saint Neya Academy! However, at this moment, a low roar emerged.

At the moment the sound sounded, the flames above the vines soared, but in an instant it burned the vines on everyone to ashes.

At the same time, several people from Jiangnan University who were originally imprisoned in the field burst into shape.

The Shield War students from Jiangnan University rushed to the student of Saint Neya College who released the talents of thunder and lightning in the shortest time.

Originally, the students of Saint Neya College thought the battle was over at the moment, and the alert in their hearts also slowed down.

How can I expect such a change in the field?

Even after the other students reacted, the Shield Fighting students from Jiangnan University had already rushed to Saint Neya College, the student who released the talents of thunder and lightning.

Before Saint Neya College, the student who released the talent of Thunder and lightning, interrupted the skill and pulled out to deal with it, he was directly knocked out by the student who was wrapped in rock armor.

Boom! Kaka! Suddenly, when the Saint Neiyaxue was knocked out, a burst of bone cracking sounded, echoing throughout the training ground.

The voice just makes people feel cold when they hear it, “Fuck, how many broken it is.”

Yuan Yang’s face turned dark, and it hurts just to look at it.

The student flew out like a broken wire, and landed in the corner of the training ground.His whole body was soft and boneless, lying on the ground, blood gurgling out.

After the first blow worked, the Shield Fighting students at Jiangnan University didn’t have the slightest idea of ​​giving up.

When the body was leaping in the air, he placed the shield in his hand directly under him, and then directly pressed the whole person.

Noting the reaction of the students at Jiangnan University, a quick response student from Saint Neya College quickly issued a talent skill.

But for the situation here, the Jiangnan University who was in the middle of the air gritted his teeth and resisted.

At the moment when a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, this Jiangnan University student was connected to the shield to lead the person so fiercely and directly connected to the shield to press on the Saint Neya College student.

Originally, this student of Saint Neya College had less air intake and more air. Being shielded by this company, gravity added to the pressure of falling from a high altitude, where there is still a way to survive, even Jiang Xiaobai could not bear to see this scene. The corners of his mouth twitched.

Just like a signal, with the sharp drop of one person from the Saint Neya Academy, He Weihua and other people also selected a target for crazy attacks.

And in the process, it is completely ignored…

The attack on Saint Neya Academy’s side was a trend of desperation and fearlessness.

“Yes, these guys are crazy.”

Seeing this kind of fighting method of killing one thousand enemies and destroying eight hundred, the remaining students of the Saint Neya Academy were all sucking animals from the corners of their mouths.

Although I can stand here, I don’t care about it…

All of them have experienced countless battles.

For: life and death have long been prepared.

Can be alive, just ask who wants to die. Therefore, under the desperate efforts of He Weihua and others, these…The students of Saint Neya College have jealousy and scruples in their hearts.

However, they are not clear.

Jiangnan University has Jiang Xiaobai here.As long as it is not missing arms or legs or directly died, even if it is injured, as long as Jiang Xiaobai has a skill afterwards, they will be able to resurrect with full blood immediately.

And now, Jiangnan University has not forgotten his identity as an actor, and his strength is still hidden.

Under the superiority of strength, he can naturally control the degree of his injuries, and can avoid those…serious injuries.

It’s just that all the students of Saint Neya College don’t know it.

At this moment, as the students of Saint Nea College once again used that…controlling vine talent skill.

Looking at the vines sprinting around like giant pythons and swept toward them.

…The student who used the flame awakening skill before Jiangnan University gritted his teeth, and directly used himself as the origin, and burst out a strong flame current.

Under this flame, the thick tree vines are like ice cream that quickly dissolves in the sun.

The abrupt attack on Saint Neya Academy from the shield war just now hasn’t reacted yet, now there is another one.

Then the student who used the Flame Awakening skill after using the skill, the whole person is like a frustrated ball.

It seems like… exhausted all the energy of the whole body to say that this skill has been used to the extreme.

The scorching flame seemed to scorch people, and the few remaining students of Saint Neya College suddenly retreated back, trying to disperse to avoid the temperature of the flame.

When several of them backed, they felt that the soles of their feet were bound to something, making it difficult to move.

Looking down, he saw that his feet were already wrapped in heavy rocks, and it was difficult to break free for a while.


The students of Saint Neya College noticed this scene and their complexion suddenly changed.

But without waiting for them to reflect, He Weihua, who had been waiting on the side, suddenly violent, and quickly killed the four 44 in less than two seconds.

A set of cooperation is simply perfect.

After killing the students of Saint Neya Academy in the field, He Weihua and others have not forgotten their mission.They all hesitated, and one student slumped directly on the ground, holding the wound and his face was pale.

At this moment, a thought emerged in the hearts of several people.

“I’m an actor now”


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