Chapter 396 But it’s just a mix of food, what’s the life for it! (3/5)

“One does not stay”

He Weihua couldn’t help being a little surprised by Jiang Xiaobai’s words when he saw the crowds of Saint Neya College who were slowly coming forward over there.

After pondering for a while, one of the senior students couldn’t help asking: “School brother, will this be too cruel and may completely offend the other party?”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai said calmly: “It’s okay, it’s already an offense.”

At the end, after a slight pause, Jiang Xiaobai said quietly: “The reason why you have been challenged so many times in the past two days is completely caused by the old clapper.

If it is under normal circumstances, facing such continuous challenges, I am afraid that one of you will count as one.

Either you are seriously injured and you quit this points match, or, when the challenge is over, your relatives in the family will burn you up.”

Speaking of this, Jiang Xiaobai said quietly: “Are you sure you want to wait: do you want to keep your hands?”

Hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, He Weihua and the others all turned their attention to the Saint Neiya Academy.

After groaning for a while, a thought came out in the hearts of several people, “Kill them.”

After successfully arousing the killing intent of 447 in the hearts of several people, Jiang Xiaobai once again exhorted a few words.As Zhang Xunkun spoke over there, He Weihua and others had already stood up slowly.

All the people who came out of Jiangnan University were seriously injured.

On the other hand, Jiang Xiaobai is still standing on the spot, looking on the side with folded arms.

Drake couldn’t help squinting his eyes, “Is this a broken jar, abandoning these students completely and protecting the rest of the people”

Having seen Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, Drake also understands the power of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills.

If it is on the court, the bag must not be able to create some troubles.

But at this moment, Zhang Xunkun asked these seriously injured students to fight, obviously knowing that this battle will undoubtedly be lost, and instead wants to save Jiang Xiaobai and others.

After feeling that he had guessed what Zhang Xunkun was thinking, Drake couldn’t help but snorted, secretly mocking “naive”

After all, after me, there are still teams from other schools waiting to challenge Jiangnan University.

Even if Zhang Xunkun wants Tibetans, even if he hides to the end, Jiangnan University is afraid that he will not even be eligible to participate in the global competition a month later.

Subsequently, Zhang Xunkun and Drake called their names on both sides, and after the students from both sides entered the arena, and everyone gave way, Xu Yan’s cold voice sounded, and the teams on both sides were already facing each other.

The arrogance of the two sides was revealed in an instant.


As Xu Yan’s cold voice came again, it already marked the beginning of the game.

At the beginning of the game, the shield players from both sides rushed out.

The shield battle on the Jiangnan Academy’s side is directly protected by the rock as an armor.

On the other side, the students from Saint Nea’s Academy were all wrapped in metal.

Boom! At the moment when the two shield fighters collided together, the powerful fluctuations were already scattered around the two.

Accompanied by the shield student from Saint Neya College in front of him, the senior shield student from Jiangnan University resisted the urge to take this product out, and continued to accompany him, and his body retreated one after another.

The whole person’s face seemed to be paler at this moment.

“Humph! Rubbish.”

After noticing this, the Saint Neya College student smiled mockingly after spitting out such a few words, and then continued to bully himself.

He looked ashamed and unforgiving.

The same scene happened among other students in the field.

Between the various talents and the brilliance of weapons, the students of Jiangnan University seem to be retreating because of their injuries.

In a situation where we are struggling to deal with it.

Jiang Xiaobai, who was originally worried about the lack of acting skills of a few people, was relieved by watching the situation in the field at the moment.

Similarly, Drake on one side looked at the situation in the field, and his face couldn’t help but smile, and he looked in a good mood.

Originally, looking at Zhang Xunkun’s situation before, Drake still faintly felt that some places felt weird.

But looking at the field at the moment, just a shield battle on the Jiangnan University side was suspected of being killed by a spike, and Drake’s previous doubts were swept away.

After that, the dissatisfaction and anger accumulated over the past few days also dissipated a lot at this moment.

Glancing at Zhang Xunkun, who was silent next to him, Drake sneered and said: “President Zhang, it seems that this time, Saint Neya Academy will win the battle.”

Zhang Xukun glanced at Drake, his expression sank, and hummed “shamelessly”.

From Drake’s point of view, Zhang Xunkun’s reaction was completely embarrassing and angry.

Then he said with a complacent expression: “You shamelessly, don’t China have a saying that there is no father and son in the battlefield. In this integral competition, every school is an enemy. For the enemy, it is natural to win or lose on the basis of success or failure. Why is it shameless to say”

Listening to Drake’s words, Zhang Xunkun has already turned his head too far, and seems to be too lazy to talk to Drake.

On the one hand, looking at those in the field… and retreating, at first glance, it looks like Jiangnan University and others who have been crushed to death.

As well as the pale faces of the students’ movements and the blood spilling from the corners of their mouths, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but “tsk.”

Two beeps.

When the two sides played against each other, everyone could feel the fluctuations in the star power of those in the field.

The third-year students at Saint Neya College are only at the second floor of the Galaxy Realm.

After all, Jiangnan University is much worse.

If you really want to win, there is no difficulty at all for He Weihua and others in the field.

It’s just that everything comes from the show.

Don’t say it, if it wasn’t for everyone to know that this was acting, maybe they would all believe it.

However, as the five minutes have passed, watching the scene still remain: these few people from Jiangnan University who are struggling to deal with, the students of Saint Neya College have quietly appeared a little depressed.

Obviously several times, the people here at Jiangnan University could no longer hold on to it.

But in the end he just carried it over, and even caused the five of them to almost overturn the boat in the gutter and be injured.

Such stubbornness simply made these students of Saint Neya College unceasingly cursed.

But it’s just a mix of food, what’s the life for it!

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