Chapter 352 I started to beat myself even harder (3/5)

As Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward, the surrounding students all stepped back a few steps to get away.

And He Weihua looked at Jiang Xiaobai who was teasing Daha and squinted his eyes and asked Zhao Hanshan next to him: “Mr. Zhao, wait: Are there any restrictions on fighting?”

Zhao Hanshan shook his head and said: “They are all students who need to participate in the competition next. They are not allowed to use talent skills, and are not allowed to attack the vital points: You can’t follow the killer, you are free to follow others.”

Hearing this, He Weihua turned to look at Jiang Xiaobai again.

“Brother, I know that the effect of your talent skills is to make people kneel down, but you are only in the Stardust Realm after all. Do you think that if you have no chance to release your talent skills, what use is your… talent skills?”

As the last word fell, He Weihua’s body shook slightly.

In the next instant, He Weihua was already violent from the same place.

A distance of ten meters, for He Weihua, who has already stepped into the Galaxy Realm, is no different from being close at hand.

It didn’t even take a blink of an eye to have rushed to Jiang Xiaobai’s front.

During the whole process, it was almost time for Jiang Xiaoxin, Yuan Yang and other students of the Stardust Realm to only see a phantom.

This scene can’t help but make Jiang Xiaoxin and others look slightly dark.

The moment his body appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai and stopped, He Weihua’s hand was already raised and waved straight towards Jiang Xiaobai’s face.

Glancing at He Weihua’s hand fanning towards him, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes are already half-squinted.

But don’t wait: Jiang Xiaobai did something, and he just rushed in front of Jiang Xiaobai.He Weihua, who is not standing still, is…feeling that his two legs suddenly lost their sense.

At the same time, looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s original head-up gaze gradually changed to looking up.

When he lowered his head and looked at it, He Weihua later realized that he was already kneeling on the ground.

Seeing He Weihua just appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai, he just…kneeled directly, and all the students around were staring.

To be honest, although everyone had heard before that Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skill is to make people kneel down.

But when I saw this scene appear in front of my own eyes, the feeling was still different from hearsay after all.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at He Weihua who was kneeling in front of him, and the hand that had touched Daha was slowly raised, and he switched from Daha’s head to He Weihua’s head.

“Come again.


Seeing this action by Jiang Xiaobai, Yuan Yang and Zhou Jia couldn’t help laughing.

Even Jiang Xiaoxin felt a little bit uncontrollable.

After a few months, several people stayed with Jiang Xiaobai every day, and they also discovered a special hobby of Jiang Xiaobai.

That is when there is basically an enemy or dimensional student Jiang Xiaobai in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai almost always stretches out his hand to touch the opponent’s head.

Zhou Jia and Yuan Yang also once asked Jiang why he had to do this every time. Jiang Xiaobai at the time replied after thinking about it for a while: “People rushed to you and kneeled down in front of you, touching their heads as a comfort. , So as not to shut down directly.”

Hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, the current world and Zhou Jia were speechless for a while.

You have made people kneel down, and you are still concerned that people’s autism is really worrying about eating carrots.

I don’t know if it is the laughter of Yuan Yang and Zhou Jia. He Weihua, who is kneeling in front of Jiang Xiaobai at this moment, has recovered, and directly slaps Jiang Xiaobai’s hand on his head.

But when He Weihua took this slap, Jiang Xiaobai had already taken his hand back indifferently.


Therefore, when He Weihua slapped his slap fiercely, he slapped his head directly and made a dull sound.

You must know that He Weihua’s slap was slapped with anger.Although he didn’t use his full strength, the force that was added to it was not insignificant.

At this moment, a strong slap was slapped on his head, and He Weihua’s head was slapped and he was a little dizzy.

The other students around heard the dull voice echoing, and their hearts tightened.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at He Weihua in front of him, and he couldn’t help but think about it after pondering slightly.

“Does this count as if I initiated a ruthless attack, even hitting myself”

After a few seconds, when he came back to his senses, He Weihua felt his two legs had recovered.

The moment is… stood up, and then stared at Jiang Xiaobai angrily.

But it’s okay if you don’t look at it.He stared at it, and He Weihua, who had just stood up before his legs straightened, knelt down again.

“This f*ck!”

Kneeling on the ground again, He Weihua was already red with anger.

He stared directly at Jiang Xiaobai fiercely, and said with an extremely gloomy expression: “.

Are you sick or deaf? I didn’t hear the restrictions mentioned by Teacher Zhao just now. You are not allowed to use talent skills.”

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai said quietly: “I know! So I didn’t take the initiative to use talent skills on you.”


Facing Jiang Xiaobai’s open-eyed act of telling nonsense, He Weihua couldn’t help but yell again: “Are you stupid as Laozi isn’t it because you use talent skills, Laozi can kneel here”

At this moment, looking at the pictures in the field, a strange feeling arose in the hearts of the surrounding students.

If it is normal, if one person yells at another person, there is no problem with an angry face.

But the situation in the field is Jiang Xiaobai standing, and He Weihua kneeling Chun.

Naturally, this picture looks a bit happy.

But for all of this, Jiang Xiaobai is……I don’t think there is anything wrong.

Seeing Zhao Qian’s look of He Weihua who was about to attack his heart, Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and said: “I’m sorry, my talent skills can not only be actively released, but also have a passive effect.

As long as you act or are hostile to me, it may trigger the passive effect of my talented skill. If you don’t believe it, you can ask Teacher Xu, and she can testify.”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Xu Yan next to him nodded and said: “Yes, Xiaobai’s talent skill is a rare two-way skill. It can not only be actively released, but also contains a passive effect.”

“Look! I didn’t lie to you, I can’t help it.”

Jiang Xiaobai spread his hands and showed me helpless.

As soon as he said this, He Weihua said nothing, and the other students around him stared.

“It can be like this”

For a while, the surrounding environment suddenly… became quiet.

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