Chapter 351 Disobedient children how to do? Just hit it (2/5)

: The strength level of the participating students has been revised. The senior students are all on the sixth floor of the Galaxy Realm and the eighth floor of the Galaxy Realm! After leaving the office of Zhang Xunkun, Jiang Xiaobai appeared to be lacking in interest.

The next day, as Yuan Yang notified by Zhao Hanshan, when it was ten o’clock in the morning, the selected group of people went to the designated training ground in the school.

It is said to be a training room, but the size of the entire training room is almost the same size as the former Yucheng Middle School that can accommodate hundreds of people to enter and train at the same time.

Almost the training room of the football field, but there are only a few dozen people such as Jiang Xiaobai, which is extremely lonely.

After Xu Yan arrived, Zhao Hanshan said, “You are all selected by the school from thousands of students. Each one of you is at the top in terms of strength and talent, so I don’t have much extra nonsense. Say.

In previous global competitions, there was no shortage of students from a school who entered the dimensional space in a group.

So in the next week, Mr. Xu and I will mainly train you. In addition to… instructing you on the problems and skills in the 17 battles, more of them will let you get familiar with each other. Strength and natural skills can be used for better cooperation and cooperation.”

After speaking, after a pause, Zhao Hanshan continued: “Jiang Xiaobai.”


Hearing Zhao Hanshan’s words, Jiang Xiaobai walked out slowly, looking weak.

Without paying attention to Jiang Xiaobai’s lazy appearance, Zhao Hanshan said, “From now on until the end of the national competition in the future, Jiang Xiaobai will be the captain of Jiangnan University’s participating students during this process.

If Mr. Xu and I are no longer there, Jiang Xiaobai will do everything for you.”

The content of the global competition is changing every year.

No one knows how this time will change from the last national competition.

And once you enter the dimensional space, the leading teachers of each school cannot enter with them.

Naturally, among these students, there must also be a place where everyone can live, so that the whole team will not fall apart.

Regarding this matter, Yuan Xiaoning and Jiang Xiaoxin had already known about this matter yesterday, so there was no surprise.

But the other dozen students were shocked when they heard what Zhao Hanshan said.

Immediately, a tall, thin, thin boy with earrings who looked a little bit sunny here already stepped forward and said: “Mr. Zhao, handing over the position of captain to a freshman, it’s a bit of a disagreement. Right?”

In yesterday’s self-introduction, Jiang Xiaobai also knew the identity of this boy.

In the senior year, He Weihua, the student who is recognized as the third most powerful in the whole grade.

Its level has entered the sixth galaxy, and in the mission in the school, one person will deal with three enemies of the same level and kill them.

No accident, He Weihua stood up and opposed.

Zhao Hanshan just looked at other people and asked, “Do you guys feel the same way?”

Although the other students did not speak, their attitude was obviously the same as He Weihua thought.

In their opinion, it doesn’t matter…

It is Jiang Xiaobai, who is not a freshman in terms of strength level, mentality, etc.

With a few things just after enrolling, Jiang Xiaobai’s reputation naturally spread in Jiangnan University.

Therefore, the students in the other grades in the room naturally also have a little understanding of Jiang Xiaobai.

Although it is said that because of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, they will not take the initiative to find Jiang Xiaobai’s troubles, but it does not mean that Jiang Xiaobai can ride on their heads.

“In that case, if you are not convinced, you can challenge Jiang Xiaobai as much as you can. If anyone can beat him, the captain will naturally belong to whom.”

Listening to Zhao Hanshan’s words, Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and Yuan Yang all have a feeling of deja vu.

It seems that Xu Yan also responded in this way when she was in Yucheng Middle School.

Co-author, Xu Yan learned all this from Jiangnan University.

Hearing Zhao Hanshan’s words, the other students’ eyes were half-squinted.

Obviously, what Zhao Hanshan wanted to express in this sentence could not be clearer.

Jiang Xiaobai’s strength is the strongest in the field.

For a while, these students couldn’t help turning their heads to look at Jiang Xiaobai, their expressions full of surprise.

Naturally, they would not doubt the truthfulness of the words of a seven-star tutor.

Since Zhao Hanshan dared to say this, he naturally had a certain degree of confidence.

But thinking that Jiang Xiaobai was only a freshman, these students immediately became suspicious again.

After a while, He Weihua, who had spoken before, already said, “Okay, I have to see what you can do to make Teacher Zhao praise you so much.”

After glancing at He Weihua, Jiang Xiaobai sighed and said: “Mr. Zhao, they are all classmates. It would be too hurt to fight and kill. I am a civilized person. Or else the captain will let others take care of it.”

Regarding the position of the team leader, Jiang Xiaobai really doesn’t have much interest.

After all, these people have no relatives and no reason.If you become a team leader, you have to worry about it.With this time, Jiang Xiaobai might as well play on the phone and read novels at ease.

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Yuan Yang and Zhou Jia on one side just…can’t help but roll their eyes.

Regarding Jiang Xiaobai’s previous actions, he was ashamed to say that he was a civilized person.

“I feel that Xiao Bai is even more shameless now.”

Standing on the side, Zhou Jia couldn’t help but whispered a word next to Yuan Yang, shook his head and said: “This is not shameless, this is a thick face, and his face will not change even when he speaks these words.”

The voices of the two of them came into their ears, causing Jiang Xiaobai to look back at the two of them.

Looking at this picture of Jiang Xiaobai, Zhao Hanshan hasn’t spoken yet. He Weihua over there already snorted coldly, with disdain in his eyes, and said coldly, “I think you have self-knowledge.”

When these words were spoken, Yuan Xiaoning, Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and others all frowned.

And Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows lightly, “Yo he still rubs his nose and face”

“Xiaobai, come on, clean up his meal:, it’s so arrogant.”

Zhou Jia, who was next to Jiang Xiaobai, already spoke in anger.

Yuan Yang also followed suit.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai sighed, originally he was thinking of making money with harmony, but now the other party is reluctant.

What if the child is disobedient, just have a fight.

Think about it! Jiang Xiaobai is already a few steps forward slowly.


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