Chapter 353 Either you don’t do it, you just kneel when you do it (4/5)

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai and Xu Yan’s words, He Weihua was dumbfounded, and the other students around were also dumbfounded.

He knew that Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills made people kneel down.

But they guessed the beginning but didn’t guess this at all.

The ghost can think of this guy…the talent skill that makes people kneel down has a passive effect.

After that, the eyes of these students looking at Jiang Xiaobai were speechless.

If according to what Jiang Xiaobai said before, there is such a talent skill, how can other people fight or not, when they do it, they just… kneel down, this is completely useless! Just stand still and wait for death.

At the same time, He Weihua obviously thought of this.

For a time, He Weihua’s face was green and white.

To be honest, when faced with such a hot potato, He Weihua’s wisest choice now is… to give up directly.

Otherwise, Jiang Xiaobai had already knelt down to Jiang Xiaobai twice in front of other people without doing anything.

If it continues, Bao can’t kneel down how many times.

But the problem is that He Weihua has already kneeled to Jiang Xiaobai twice in front of other people.

Not to mention what happened today, when the people at the school knew that a senior who had entered the Galaxy Realm, how would others laugh at themselves after kneeling down to Jiang Xiaobai, a guy in the Stardust Realm.

With this breath alone, He Weihua couldn’t swallow anything.

Therefore, staring at Jiang Xiaobai in front of him, He Weihua turned quickly in his mind.

After a while, He Weihua turned his head and said: “Teacher Zhao, this is unfair. After saying that everyone will not use talent skills, but his situation is completely unfair.”

“Hey, shameless, and don’t look at your own level, but I am embarrassed to say that it is unfair.”

Zhou Jia, who was next to him, curled his lips in disdain at the moment.

Yuan Yang nodded, and glanced at He Weihua with disdain.

Being ridiculed by the two, He Weihua clenched his fists, but didn’t care about it, just looked at Zhao Hanshan.

“Jiang Xiaobai, what do you think”

Zhao Hanshan looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

“I do whatever”

Jiang Xiaobai looked indifferent.

Zhao Hanshan nodded and said: “Well, you can all use your talent skills to compete.”

With himself watching by the side, Zhao Hanshan is not worried about what will happen in the middle.

Seeing this, He Weihua was overjoyed and turned around to look at Jiang Xiaobai and said: “Huh, the surname is Jiang, I see what you do next.”

Facing He Weihua’s provocation, Jiang Xiaobai swept He Weihua and asked, “I said, can you stand up and speak, is it not uncomfortable for you to hold your head and neck like this? Until this time, He Weihua should come over. Kneeling on the ground, his face turned black immediately.

Zhou Jia and Yuan Yang on one side already laughed out loud, even Jiang Xiaoxin raised the corners of her mouth slightly and smiled.

Taking a deep breath, He Weihua has already slowly stood up.

It’s just that in this process, He Weihua’s movements are very slow.

And thinking of what Jiang Xiaobai said before, He Weihua will continue to suppress the hostility towards Jiang Xiaobai in his heart.

He Weihua only breathed a sigh of relief when he stood up again and his figure diverged.

Later, when he raised his head to look at Jiang Xiaobai again, when He Weihua’s body was filled with star power, He Weihua’s hand was already flashing with electricity.

After waiting for almost two seconds, as He Weihua gave a soft drink and waved his hand, lightning with the thickness of an adult’s arm rushed directly towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai’s body turned slightly, and he quickly staggered his body when he tapped his toes, and walked away in a state of missing a thousand miles.

This lightning struck the training ground directly…On the alloy wall, there was actually a scorched black.

If he was hit directly, I’m afraid it was at least the result of a serious injury.

Perceiving this, Jiang Xiaobai’s face is dark, and the original feeling of looseness is slightly reduced, and there is already a slight coldness in his eyes.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai directly dodge this move, He Weihua snorted, his body was already moving quickly in the field.

As he sets off again, in the process, every time He Weihua shakes, he will split into a clone that is exactly the same as He Weihua.

In just one second, there were already six figures, including He Weihua himself, rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai in the interlacing, which made people dazzled.

After a quick feeling, Jiang Xiaoxin and the others were shocked to find that there were star power fluctuations on the six figures.

“This is He Weihua’s talent skill, the phantom clone.”

Yuan Xiaoning on one side looked at the situation in the field and quickly explained it.

Different from those clones…that can only confuse people’s sight, He Weihua’s…every clone possesses an entity.

And it still has half of its own strength, but these…Once the clone receives a powerful attack, it will quickly dissipate.

It’s…it’s a bit of a ninjutsu named Shadow Clone from an anime in the Eastern Kingdom hundreds of years ago.

When facing an enemy, once it is used, it seems to be more enemies than less.

Being able to rank among the top among thousands of senior students, in addition to… his own talent and strength, He Weihua’s talent skills are also extremely powerful.

Just like the one shown by He Weihua before…the talent ability to release the Thunder and the current one, if used properly, they are both very powerful talent skills.

With the previous events, everyone can be sure that He Weihua is afraid to take the initiative to rush to Jiang Xiaobai.

And now, He Weihua’s purpose for separating these clones couldn’t be more obvious.

Obviously, I want to pass these…The clone with strength in a short time drags Jiang Xiaobai, and then creates opportunities for himself.

Almost at the moment when everyone’s thoughts fell, the avatars all turned around, and then rushed straight towards Jiang Xiaobai.

And He Weihua himself is in the hand, once the arc is filled.

Glancing at the avatars that quickly rushed towards him, Jiang Xiaobai chuckled lightly.

After that, my heart moved.

In the next second, as part of the star power in the body dissipated, the avatars of He Weihua who rushed towards him quickly all issued “Boom”.


After that, it was as if the sound of a balloon leaking.These…the movements of the avatar were all stiffened for a while, and then immediately dissipated.

“Hmm inflatable”

Listening to the sound echoing in his ears, Jiang Xiaobai paused slightly.

But after looking at He Weihua over there, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but sighed.

“It’s a pity that such a talented skill! If they are replaced by Yuan Xiaoning or Jiang Xiaoxin and they awaken this talented skill, then they will be blessed in the future.”


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