Chapter 343 Kind to kill me? (4/5)

At this moment, in the field, Yuan Xiaoning on one side was constantly fighting with several green steel tigers.

On the other side about three meters apart, Jiang Xiaobai was sitting on a small stool, and in front of Jiang Xiaobai, there were seven green steel tiger elites kneeling, all of them shivering and looking at Jiang Xiaobai.

In addition to… the corpse of a Qingsteel Tiger whose flesh was obviously cut off, there are also several heads of the Qingsteel Tiger whose heads were blasted away.

Even with that, the few green steel tigers fighting on Yuan Xiaoning’s side were a little cautious, looking at Jiang Xiaobai who was sitting firmly on the small stool over there from time to time.

Until the two entered this meta-space for almost three hours.

After once again beheading several opponents in front of him, Yuan Xiaoning could no longer hold up and slumped on the ground.

For more than three hours in a row, except for the two breaks in the middle, Yuan Xiaoning was almost always fighting one after another.

In the process, Yuan Xiaoning’s spirit, star power, and physical strength were greatly consumed.

In this process of constant consumption and fighting, even if it was just over three hours, Yuan Xiaoning could feel that his physique had increased significantly.

Feeling 817 received the changes in her body, Yuan Xiaoning’s mouth couldn’t help but provoke a curve.

But when Jiang Xiaobai swept to the side was realized, Yuan Xiaoning’s mouth couldn’t help but froze, and his expression became a little weird.

After Jiang Xiaobai used his skills to cure Yuan Xiaoning’s injuries, and after beckoning to the few green steel tiger elites over there, it was one hand that blocked Yuan Xiaoning’s waist and supported the whole body. Yuan Xiaoning left slowly.

And those… the Green Steel Tiger elites who were kneeling on the ground watched eagerly as Jiang Xiaobai completely disappeared from the field of vision. Run away quickly in the direction of the position.

Run desperately with longing for freedom and hope.

“Boy, did you train Yuan Yang and the others like this before?”

While walking, Yuan Xiaoning asked weakly.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded lightly and said, “Almost! How does the senior sister feel like this?”

Hearing this, Yuan Xiaoning thought of the previous continuous battles and couldn’t help but smile. “The method is very good, but there is no strong person like you guarding it. Even if you can think of this method, I am afraid I dare not try it.”

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and did not object.

Afterwards, while supporting Yuan Xiaoning to walk towards the position of the dimensional space gate, Jiang Xiaobai told Yuan Xiaoning the specific content of the next training.

However, at this moment, the Awakeners of a five-person and five-member team suddenly came from the other side.

Several people have traces of battles on their bodies, and they look a little embarrassed.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai with his arms around Yuan Xiaoning, one of the five people was a little tall and thin, with a slightly sallow complexion, which swept Jiang Xiaobai’s body slightly and placed it on Yuan Xiaoning’s body.

At this moment, Yuan Xiaoning had experienced the previous battles, all of which was dripping with sweat, all on her cheeks.

The slightly pale face made the original deserted and immortal, but at the moment it was a little more pitiful.

Therefore, after seeing Yuan Xiaoning, one of the members of this awakened squad just…blew a whistle, and then the awakened squad dared to face Bai and Yuan Xiaoning directly in front of him while his body flashed.

Looking at Yuan Xiaoning up close, one of them couldn’t help but gestured to a man holding an axe in the middle of the station.

“Brother Hao, look at the figure and appearance of this little girl. If you get it on the bed, you won’t be upset.”

“Yes, it’s so beautiful, it’s really rare. It looks like I’m lucky!”

…While speaking, the eyes of these people were all on Yuan Xiaoning’s body.

Facing the sight of these people, Yuan Xiaoning just… swept over with cold eyes.

Seeing Yuan Xiaoning’s reaction, the awakened person with a sallow complexion is… “Hey”

With a smile: “Oh, the chick looks pretty spicy, I like it.”

After speaking, after a pause, the sallow-faced awakener continued: “You can feel the joy of a woman if you don’t want a little girl to go with your brother.”

After being blocked by a few people, and still utterly rude, Jiang Xiaobai already snorted softly.

After glancing at a few people, he whispered: “I said, if the dog’s eyes and dog’s mouth can’t control it, I don’t mind helping you take care of it.”

It’s just that Jiang Xiaobai’s words fell, and the Daha on Jiang Xiaobai’s shoulder suddenly yelled.

His voice was faintly aggrieved and dissatisfied.

Glancing at Daha’s appearance, Jiang Xiaobai said in a huff: “Silly dog, I’m not talking about you, but about them.”

While talking, Jiang Xiaobai’s hand also pointed at the guys on the opposite side.

At the end, Jiang Xiaobai sighed again: “Well, I shouldn’t insult the dog.”

The implication is that the people on the opposite side are completely inferior to dogs.

I saw the awakened people who were still smiling on their faces facing Jiang Xiaobai’s words. The smiles on their faces had disappeared unconsciously, and when they looked at Jiang Xiaobai, they were full of eyes. Bad.

“Heh, Xiao Bailian, I’m so courageous… It’s pretty big! Dare to be so arrogant in front of us.”

The awakened person holding the axe among the people on the opposite side said solemnly to Jiang Xiaobai.

The axe, which was originally still on the shoulder, was placed on the enemy during the talk, making a “bang”

There was a dull sound.

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai gave a chuckle, put a hand on his face and patted gently, and said with an arrogant expression: “I’m arrogant, how come there is something: kill me”


In the face of Jiang Xiaobai’s blatant provocation, the five people on the opposite side all scolded one after another.

And the awakened man with the axe already yelled, “Look at that little white face and limbs for a while and feed those……… beasts, women, leave a few brothers and wait: enjoy it.”

The sound fell, and the awakened one had already stepped on the ground, and at the same time the axe in his hand was quickly raised in the air.


However, just when the awakened one had just stepped on the ground and was about to rush to Jiang Xiaobai with the power of this foot, as the sole of the foot touched the ground, he twisted abruptly.

At the same time, at the moment when the body was slightly out of balance, the awakened person suddenly felt that he could not feel the presence of his legs.

Then, while the body was unbalanced and kneeling on the ground, the axe waved in the hand of the awakened person also involuntarily lost its original control and tilted to the other side.


In the next second, a screaming scream was already echoing in the sky above the forest, miserable and magnificent.


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