Chapter 342 Touching the scene to be emotional, can’t bear to look directly (3/5)

Having said that, Jiang Xiaobai still turned his head and looked at the misty Green Steel Tiger elite in his eyes.

His eyes stopped for a moment on the face of this green steel tiger elite.

Although Jiang Xiaobai used less than half of his strength before, but after dozens of slaps, the face of this green steel tiger was alive.

It was as if she suddenly became blessed.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Xiaobai felt that although he was just playing, but at any rate he couldn’t be too much, and he whispered softly: “For the sake of the slap just now, I will grill a piece of meat for you.”

While talking, Jiang Xiaobai tilted his body slightly.

It was blocked by Jiang Xiaobai’s body before, so this green steel tiger elite did not see it.Now when Jiang Xiaobai is sideways, this green steel tiger looks at Jiang Xiaobai’s room, and also sees the one on the ground that has been opened to the ground. Dead body.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai cut a large piece of meat on his own kind and put it on the grill, while turning the room while putting various spices, this green steel tiger elite is still unclear. The human in front of him ate it before. what.

After understanding what the meat on the grill is, this green steel tiger elite listened to the “zizi” that popped up in the barbecue room.

The voice and the fragrance that began to emanate, the expression in his eyes has gradually changed.

When the limbs were supporting him to stand up, one of the green steel tiger elites could not help but step back slightly, and his gaze turned to Jiang Xiaobai.

But when he just stepped back and looked at Jiang Xiaobai, this green steel tiger elite happened to see Jiang Xiaobai who raised his head and smiled at himself.

Seeing the smile on Jiang Xiaobai’s face, the body of this green steel tiger elite trembled fiercely.

After groaning for a while, both forelegs bend slightly, and then kneel down again.


Seeing the reaction of this green steel tiger elite, Jiang Xiaobai was slightly startled.

The reason is very simple.As the green steel tiger elite knelt down this time, Jiang Xiaobai did not receive the notification sound from the system to obtain achievement points.

In other words, it was not because of Jiang Xiaobai’s skills that this green steel tiger was kneeling at this moment.

Instead, he took the initiative to kneel.

This is kind of interesting.

Subsequently, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to be interested.

Leaning on the meat while glancing at Yuan Xiaoning’s situation over there.

After the meat in his hand was roasted, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and delivered the roasted meat to the mouth of the green steel tiger elite.

“Come, eat”

The moment before, I was still excited, and hated to gobble up this tempting aroma of barbecue.

But now, even if the meat is delivered to his mouth, this green steel tiger desperately leaned his head back.

Originally, this green steel tiger elite was kneeling on the ground with his front legs, but now his head kept leaning back, almost leaning on his hips.

Taking advantage of this green steel tiger elite is not.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly spread a little tomato sauce on the barbecue.

When the green steel tiger elite raised his head and regained his fear of Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai bit on the barbecue in front of the green steel tiger elite’s sight.

In a moment, the corners of the mouth were bright red.

At the same time, while chewing the meat in his mouth, Jiang Xiaobai still looked at the body of the green steel tiger elite in front of him, as if he was choosing.

Seeing this scene, this green steel tiger elite was really terrified.

Without even thinking about it, pulling his legs just… ran to the side.

But he hadn’t waited for the green steel tiger elite to run far away, under a flying knife.

In the next moment, this green steel tiger elite had already returned to the original place, just watching Jiang Xiaobai bite the barbecue in the second bite, and the juice splashed.

“Oh, oh, oh…”

At this point, this green steel tiger elite was really frightened.

Originally a tiger, but it was alive and cried out like Daha, “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”

The voice was horrified.

An originally fierce man-eating monster, now in front of Jiang Xiaobai, has a pitiful, weak and helpless appearance.

The Daha next to him looked at the reaction of the green steel tiger elite who was kneeling in front of Jiang Xiaobai at this moment, and the original picture could not help but appear in his mind.

In this scene, how did you know each other.

It seems that I once had the same experience as this Qingsteel Tiger elite.

For a moment, the scene in the field was seen in his eyes, Daha couldn’t help turning his head, one paw covered his eyes, as if he was in love with the scene, and couldn’t bear to watch.

Not to mention, even if Jiang Xiaobai watched the reaction of this green steel tiger elite at this moment, he couldn’t help but glance at Daha next to him.

It seemed that he had noticed Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze, Daha turned his head, and when he looked at Jiang Xiaobai’s slightly smiling gaze, Daha quickly put down his paws to please Jiang Xiaobai and let out a few sighs.

In this way, while the user’s skills kept the green steel tiger kneeling in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai ate the roasted meat that was covered with tomato sauce and looked blood-red.

The Qingsteel Tiger elite in front of him couldn’t help but screamed with fear.

The voice here also attracted Yuan Xiaoning’s attention.

Especially the three green steel tigers who were fighting with Yuan Xiaoning glanced at the green steel tiger elite who was kneeling in front of Jiang Xiaobai and frightened out of their bodies.The eyes of these three green steel tigers were a little confused.



I don’t know if there is too much movement here, or the aroma of the barbecue has spread.

After a low growl sounded, another Green Steel Tiger from the eighth floor of the Stardust Realm appeared in the field. After moving his nose, his eyes swept straight towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Well, when this new friend saw the shivering green steel tiger elite kneeling in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and felt the power from this green steel tiger elite body, this one Qinggang Tiger couldn’t help being stunned.

He glanced at the newly-appearing Green Steel Tiger, and then looked at the Green Steel Tiger elite kneeling on the ground in front of him.

After a slight pause, Jiang Xiaobai raised the corner of his mouth, then raised one hand, beckoning to the green steel tiger.

And Daha looked at Jiang Xiaobai’s action, and couldn’t help but cast a sympathetic and silent gaze at the newly-appearing Green Steel Tiger.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai with a smile on his face, he looked at the Green Steel Tiger elite who was kneeling over there.A few seconds later, the newly appeared Green Steel Tiger turned around and wanted to leave.

But in the next second, after Jiang Xiaobai slowly threw a flying knife, Jiang Xiaobai had another little friend with a bewildered look in front of him.

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