Chapter 344 Sweet midrange, accurate treble, heavy bass (5/5)

The other four people who were on the opposite side were all focusing on Jiang Xiaobai’s body at this moment, and they all looked like they were ready to do something.

Therefore, when the awakened person holding the axe appeared abnormal, the reactions of several people were slow.

When he lowered his head, he just saw the sharp blade of the axe radiating cold light directly from the ankle of another shirtless awakener.

In a short time, the body of the awakened person whose two feet were directly cut off fell directly to the ground, and blood quickly poured out along the two broken calves.

In just a few seconds, the dirt under him was already dyed dark red.

According to this amount of blood loss, it will definitely take less than three minutes to lose too much blood and die directly.

And this awakened person also screamed for a few seconds, his body stiffened, and then he passed out in pain.

Seeing the miserable situation here, the awakened person holding the axe and even the remaining three people were stunned.

There is no psychological preparation for this unexpected scene.

But ten seconds later, the awakened person holding the axe had already recovered, gritted his teeth and said: “Don’t worry about it…

It’s him, it’s important to deal with that… guy.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows slightly, and then took a serious look at the four awakened people opposite, with a thoughtful look on his face.

After that, the four people 4 here have already rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Facing the actions of these four people, Jiang Xiaobai still stood in place with one arm around Yuan Xiaoning’s waist.

It was also when the four awakened people rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai quickly, and they had already rushed in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and they had already raised the weapons in their hands. All three of them had their bodies, and then their bodies suddenly knelt on the ground. .

Seeing the behavior of these three companions, the awakened man who had originally held the axe was left with an agitated spirit, and he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground subconsciously.

In an instant, the surrounding air seemed to freeze, and the scene fell into inexplicable tranquility.

Afterwards, the four people kneeling in front of Jiang Xiaobai 4 look at me, and I look at you.

“Why are you kneeling?”

“My legs are soft”

“It’s a coincidence, me too”

After three of them 3 quickly said a word, their eyes all turned to the awakened person holding the axe.

Being stared at by three people 3 like this, the face of the awakened person holding the axe couldn’t help showing a bit of embarrassment, and the real reason could not be said.

After pondering for a while, he couldn’t help but smiled and responded, “I have soft legs too.”

After a quick conversation, the four awakened people reacted violently, and their eyes quickly turned to Jiang Xiaobai, their expressions full of alert.

As if worried that Jiang Xiaobai would take the opportunity to suddenly start his hands, they tightened the weapons they held in their hands.

At this moment, Yuan Xiaoning, who was hugged by Jiang Xiaobai, looked at the few guys who were looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s guard, and it was strange how they looked at the screen.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the people in front of him, and after a slight pause, Jiang Xiaobai still didn’t hold back the impulse in his heart.

Then, while the mind was floating, a cluster of stars had already disappeared from the body, and the skill of a shot had already enveloped several people.

“Puff, puff, puff, puff”

In the next instant, several dull voices emerged, and parts of these four people suddenly exploded and shot out a blood arrow.


The strong local pain caused the four people’s expressions to change, and they couldn’t help but exhale in pain.

The voices of the four people 4 have their own characteristics, and listening to these screams, people can feel that these four people are definitely involved in the musical aspect.

The midrange is sweet, the treble is accurate, the bass is deep…In short, it is…transparent…If it is not for the rhythm, it is absolutely impossible to be like this in the screams A sense of precision.

In this intense pain, the other three people were affected by Jiang Xiaobai’s skills.

But the awakened person holding the axe picked up from the ground like a nerve reflex, tightening the muscles around the local area, and couldn’t help but stand on his toes and move a few times.

Such actions also attracted the attention of the three people 3 in succession.

Perceiving the sight of the three companions kneeling, the awakened person holding the axe paused in his heart, feeling that something was faintly exposed.

Then, from the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, who was standing still, no matter what…

Local pain, once again raised the axe in his hand and waved it at Jiang Xiaobai.

But at this moment, a stream of light suddenly rushed out of Jiang Xiaobai’s body and plunged directly into the body of the awakened person holding the axe.

After the body trembled lightly, the awakened person holding the axe originally looked at Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes and quickly receded.

After watching Jiang Xiaobai for a few seconds, the awakened man holding the axe couldn’t help putting down the axe in his hand, and shouted to Jiang Xiaobai with tears flowing: “Dad!”

Listening to the words of the awakened man with the axe, Jiang Xiaobai coldly snorted, “Kneel me down.”

…The sound fell, and the awakened person holding the axe in front of him was agitated, and then in front of other people, he actually knelt on the ground like this.

And while kneeling down, the man still cried and said, “Dad, I was wrong. It’s all my fault. Please punish me!”

Yuan Xiaoning: “”

Kneeling three people 3: “”

Looking at the awakened person with tears and nose running in front of him at this moment, except for…

I don’t know what’s good. When the picture turns, it’s… from a fight between the two sides to a father educating his son “Well, it’s a hypnotic talent.

But at the scene, all the awakened ones of the Stardust Realm, and the people on the opposite side are all the ninth floor of the Stardust Realm. Why can’t you guess what is going on? Suddenly, one of them is already speaking loudly. : “Brother Hao, wake up, that kid is not your father.”

But the trio of 3 yelled several times, and the awakened with the axe did not respond at all, and they still looked at Jiang Xiaobai with tears.

Seeing this, the three of them couldn’t help cursing secretly, feeling the legs that had regained consciousness, and they all stood up quickly.

But just three people 3 just stood up, and a few streamers appeared one after another.

In the next instant, the three awakened persons who had just stood up were already kneeling on the ground again.

Kneeling three people 3: “…”


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