Chapter 341 I’m used to the fan, I’m a little comfortable accidentally (2/5)

When he saw Jiang Xiaobai in the field and Yuan Xiaoning on the other side fighting, the green steel tiger still paused slightly.

When he noticed Daha’s movement, the green steel tiger already leaped towards Jiang Xiaobai with a low growl and pounced.

But before this green steel tiger could react, Jiang Xiaobai had already rushed in front of it.

After interrupting one of the back legs of the green steel tiger, Jiang Xiaobai kicked the guy directly to Yuan Xiaoning.

At this moment, it took a few minutes, and only just found the rhythm in the battle. Yuan Xiaoning, who was preparing to counterattack and killing the green steel tiger in front of him, had just found the rhythm slightly slowed down. Facing the two green steel tigers, Yuan Xiaoning once again entered a difficult resistance.

Glancing at the battle on Yuan Xiaoning’s side, looking at the downwind, but relying on the awareness and experience of the battle to temporarily stalemate.

Two hours later, Yuan Xiaoning 15, who was now in the middle of the battle, felt the fragrance of digging into his nostrils, and couldn’t help but turn his eyes to Jiang Xiaobai frequently.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai was sitting on a small stool with a portable grill in front of him, skewering the ones that Yuan Xiaoning had killed before…The meat of the Qinggang Tiger was slowly roasting.

He was fighting cautiously here, but Jiang Xiaobai was grilling beside him.

This difference made Yuan Xiaoning couldn’t help but have an urge to beat others at this moment.

And this impulse continues to increase as the fragrance floating around becomes stronger and stronger.


At this moment, perhaps because of the smell of barbecue scent drifting from here, a low roar suddenly came from not far away.

Ten seconds later, in the grass ten meters away, there was already a green steel tiger elite who had reached the ninth level of the Stardust Realm and slowly walked out of the grass.

A pair of fierce eyes stared at those in front of me at this moment…the pieces of roast meat on the fork.

Afterwards, staring at Jiang Xiaobai, this green steel tiger elite gave a threatening roar at Jiang Xiaobai.

But when the voice fell, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t even lift his head.

Seeing this, this green steel tiger elite is… after a moment when the body is slightly arched, it suddenly pounces towards Jiang Xiaobai like a spring.

While the body was still in the air, this green steel tiger was already swiping straight with a little blue fluorescence on its paws.

Even Jiang Xiaobai was included in the siege.

However, just when this green steel tiger was about to pounce on Jiang Xiaobai, and his claws were about to tear Jiang Xiaobai, a strong pressure suddenly appeared.

At the next moment, this green steel tiger was already falling straight down and kneeling on the ground.


The sudden change caused this Qingsteel Tiger elite to scream like a big time, and his tone was full of doubts.

“Zi, Zi…”

But don’t wait: this Qinggang Tiger thought a lot, and suddenly there was that kind of sound…

And smelling the extremely strong scent, this green steel tiger elite couldn’t help turning his head and looking at the barbecue on the grill next to him, his saliva could not stop overflowing.

The gesture is already opening his mouth and biting into the roasted meat on it.

But when he opened his mouth to bite into the piece of meat, Jiang Xiaobai had already picked up the string of meat on the grill and put it in his mouth to bite.


Seeing that the flesh of the mouth ran to Jiang Xiaobai’s side, this green steel tiger elite had already yelled at Jiang Xiaobai, his eyes full of anger and killing intent.


Originally, Jiang Xiaobai was fanning the wind because the barbecue in his mouth was too hot. Hearing the cry of the green steel tiger elite, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t even think about it… a backhand slammed the green steel tiger’s face directly. superior.

Although it didn’t use much…strength, this slap still hummed the head of this green steel tiger fan.

For a moment.


Slapped in the slap by Jiang Xiaobai, looking at Jiang Xiaobai who was eating meat, the violent aura in the eyes of this green steel tiger elite became more intense and roared again 707, and the voice was full of threats.


But in response, Jiang Xiaobai slapped the forehand.





……In this way, in the next time, every time this Qingsteel Tiger elite makes a sound, it will attract…


For almost two or three minutes, this situation was repeated dozens of times.As Jiang Xiaobai slapped out again, the call of this Qingsteel Tiger elite finally changed.

From the violent and threatening cry just now, it became the same as the cry of aggrieved people.

But waited until the voice came out: I don’t know if it was a smooth slap, Jiang Xiaobai waited until he slapped the slap again before realizing that the voice was a little wrong.

Immediately, he gave a light cough, and said: “Then what, I’m used to the fan, I feel a little smooth by accident.”


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