Chapter 340 Slap to death (1/5)

In comparison, Jiang Xiaobai actually prefers the feeling of beautiful scenery like the dimensional space where the bloodthirsty wolf and the current green steel tiger are located.

Rather than the places where the environment was weird before.

Although strictly speaking, there is not much difference, the scenery is a lot better.

The Qinggang Tiger Dimensional Space is relatively simple.

The two people were introduced into a dense forest at this moment.

After walking for less than three minutes, I saw the green steel tiger burying his head on the corpse of an unknown dimensional creature.

According to the information Jiang Xiaobai learned last night, in this Qingsteel Tiger Dimensional Space, the ordinary Qingsteel Tiger’s level is between the seventh and ninth floors.

But to be able to enter the third trial field, these…………Qingganghu’s strength is “three, five, zero” compared to the same realm.

Dimensional creatures are stronger.

As the name suggests, this green steel tiger is blue all over, and his knees are like hard green steel.

The talent skills of the ordinary awakeners hit this green steel tiger, and they may not be able to wound the green steel tiger.

Even the Green Steel Tiger on the seventh floor of the Stardust Realm, even the awakened ones on the ninth floor of the Stardust Realm, are somewhat difficult to deal with.

Among them, there is also the King of Green Steel Tiger.Although he is also at the ninth level of the Stardust Realm, he has the strength of the third level of the Star Sea Realm.

It seems to have heard the sound of two people stepping on the grass.

The Green Steel Tiger, who was tearing the flesh and blood of the corpse in front of him, turned his head abruptly.

After a slight pause, the green steel tiger quickly flew towards Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning.

The speed of the dimensional creatures of the cat family is originally the fastest.

What’s more, the fluctuation of the star power from the body of the green steel tiger at this moment is enough to prove that this green steel tiger is clearly a green steel tiger elite who has reached the ninth level of the Stardust Realm.

Naturally, from the time the green steel tiger left to rush to Yuan Xiaoning and Jiang Xiaobai, the whole process was so fast that Yuan Xiaoning could only vaguely see a shadow, almost too fast to react.


It was also when this green steel tiger elite was already in the air and pounced towards Yuan Xiaoning, and when he saw that he was about to pounce directly on Yuan Xiaoning, a hand was suddenly handed out from the side.

Then, Yuan Xiaoning was stunned, slapped the green steel tiger’s head with a slap.

In the next second, the Green Steel Tiger, who was still staring at it, and with a strong and fierce aura, was directly slapped on the ground by Jiang Xiaobai’s slap.

When the body collapsed slightly into the green ground, there was a clear cyan head that was completely sunken in.

After shaking for a few times, it was… stiffened, and it seemed to be out of breath.

And Daha on Jiang Xiaobai’s shoulders slipped straight down Jiang Xiaobai.

The little paw returned his hand and took a few times, and his nails ripped off the abdomen of the green steel tiger, and then took out a star bead.

In the end, he still rubbed the two claws and the blood star bead on the fur of Qinggang Tiger, and then returned to Jiang Xiaobai’s shoulder with the star bead after the rub was clean.

A set of movements are smooth and flowing, and it should not be too smooth.

At first glance… I knew it would definitely not be the first time.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai’s light and fluttering voice rang.

“This guy is from the ninth floor of the Stardust Realm. It is temporarily not suitable for Senior Sister to practice hands now. Let’s continue.”

Yuan Xiaoning: “…”

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s casual tone, Yuan Xiaoning’s heart was… speechless.

Although Yuan Xiaoning knew that Jiang Xiaobai was very strong before, Yuan Xiaoning did not expect to be so strong.

Jiang Xiaobai slapped a Qingsteel tiger that was comparable to ordinary second-tier awakeners in the Galaxy Realm and slapped it to death.

Such behavior, even the rookie king in Yuan Xiaoning’s sophomore year would never be able to understate it like Jiang Xiaobai.

After pondering for a while, Yuan Xiaoning couldn’t help but ask, “What is your strength now?”

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said: “I don’t know the specifics, but the guys on the fifth and sixth floors of the Galaxy Realm should be able to solve it easily!”

Yuan Xiaoning couldn’t help but his eyelids twitched when he heard this. For the first time in so many years, he had the urge to explode…Jiang Xiaobai is only at the fifth level of the Stardust Realm, and his strength can solve the awakening of the fifth and sixth floors of the Stardust Realm. However, this is completely across a whole large level.

After this spread, I don’t know how many people will be scared.

For a moment, Yuan Xiaoning suddenly understood why Zhang Xunkun valued Jiang Xiaobai so much.

Regarding Jiang Xiaobai’s current strength, looking at the entire freshman year of the country, I am afraid that there is no one who can be as scary as Jiang Xiaobai.

I don’t know if the luck is a little bit bad, or because the teleportation site established by Jiangnan University in this dimensional space is too deep.

In the next period of time, a dozen Qingsteel Tigers were encountered along the way, all of which belonged to the ninth level of the Stardust Realm.

It was not until half an hour later that I met the first green steel tiger on the seventh floor of the Stardust Realm.

Take out a chair from the space prop, then take out drinks and snacks.

While looking at Yuan Xiaoning who was fighting over there, Jiang Xiaobai opened the snack bag in his hand.

Then he ate with Erlang’s legs in a leisurely manner.

During the battle, I took a moment to catch a glimpse of Jiang Xiaobai, who was enjoying snacks here. Yuan Xiaoning, who encountered this situation for the first time, couldn’t help but stiffen.

Watching the battle in the field, watching Yuan Xiaoning have become accustomed to the battle with the green steel tiger in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai kicked one side 5.

The 4 big brother said: “Silly dog, go find someone who is unlucky.”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s voice, Daha understood it immediately.

Change into the blood wolf king form and run away.

Almost two minutes later, Daha was already wailing…wheezing… and rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai while yelling.

Behind him, there is another Qingsteel Tiger equivalent to the eighth floor of the Stardust Realm, chasing behind this silly dog, and the distance is rapidly shortening.

As the distance between the two sides was less than three meters, Daha finally brought the green steel tiger to Jiang Xiaobai’s side and hid directly behind Jiang Xiaobai.

When standing behind Jiang Xiaobai, the face of the big pug, who was still a little flustered, was already full of triumph, and even provocatively raised a paw to attack the opposite green steel tiger.

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