Chapter 339 Can let them know what it means to go without return (5/5)

Almost all students at the top universities have been attacked, and this is obviously already being targeted.

In China, the energy behind every top university cannot be underestimated.

Not to mention covering almost all top universities at once.

Such a target can be said to be a big deal.

“Are there any directions to consider”

After pondering for a while, Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Zhang Xunkun over there said after being silent for a while: “There is no concrete evidence, but now it is only about two months before the global competition.”

Although the following words are not specifically finished, they are completely short-lived, but the meaning inside can not be more obvious.

In the eyes of Zhang Xunkun or all the top universities, the problem this time is likely to be the target of the hostile country in the global competition two months later.

But at this point, Jiang Xiaobai is…not too surprised.

After all, the importance of this game is not trivial.

Some people have moved other thoughts, and it is normal to do something before the national competition.

“Could it be that the state has no prevention against this…”

Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Zhang Xunkun sighed and said: “How can this prevent too many people from entering and leaving China every year?The number of overseas Chinese awakeners who settle in China every year and even foreign awakeners is as many as hundreds of thousands.

Even if it is monitored on weekdays, it is still impossible to monitor in the dimensional space. Such a method can be said to be a common occurrence in previous global competitions.”

This is true.

Even a school like Jiangnan University, even if it has mastered hundreds of dimensional spaces.

But it is impossible to completely take the dimensional space as one’s own.

Otherwise, the dimensional space around the magic capital is all framed by Jiangnan University and the magic capital military area academy, and what other awakeners do not care about…

It is impossible for the country or the awakened in the magic city to agree.

It’s just these…The income in the dimensional space is entirely attributable to Jiangnan University.

Excluding the school side, there are also several bases in the magic capital area that have been established similar to the school’s trial field to provide those hunters and awakeners into the dimensional space.

If you want to prevent it, you can’t prevent it at all.

“So Principal Zhang, you called here alone because you want me to check it out by the way.”

After thinking for a while, Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Zhang Xunkun replied: “Yes, I still thought about how to solve this problem, but I didn’t expect you to choose to enter the dimension with the sophomore girl at this time. With your kid’s strength and talent skills, I am afraid who is in the silver dimension space. You can’t please in front of you.

So, what I think is that if you encounter some suspicious guys in the dimensional space, you should cross-examine as much as possible to see if you can get some useful information.”

Jiang Xiaobai questioned: “Since these…It’s the third day, how can you be sure that those people will do it instead of accepting it when you see it right?”

“I don’t know, gamble on luck! If you don’t know anything, continue to let this situation be unresolved.

In the next two months, I am afraid that many schools dare not let those seed students in the school enter the dimensional space for training and improvement.”

After confirming the reason why Zhang Xunkun called himself this time, Jiang Xiaobai already smiled and said, “That…”

However, Jiang Xiaobai has just said two words. Zhang Xunkun on the opposite side has already said decisively: “Stop, brat, can you let me slow down, I don’t have any rewards in kind this time, but if it’s you Can figure it out.

I call the shots. As long as the little girlfriend you know can reach Stardust Level 8 before the national competition, I can give her a place to qualify for the global competition two months after the sophomore year.”

“whispering sound.”

Facing Zhang Xunkun’s reward, Jiang Xiaobai smiled disdainfully.

With his own presence, Yuan Xiaoning’s strength has skyrocketed in the past two months, and there is no problem even directly becoming the strongest in the sophomore year.

Naturally, Zhang Xunkun’s current reward is completely… tasteless to Jiang Xiaobai and even Yuan Xiaoning, and it is useless at all.

However, the points and things in Jiang Xiaobai’s hands are still enough for two to three months for the time being.

In addition, considering Zhang Xunkun’s feelings, Jiang Xiaobai is not in a hurry to continue to stalk the wool from Zhang Xunkun’s side, and wait for a long time.

“Hum” to deal with immediately

After two agrees, he hung up the phone.

“what’s up”

After Jiang Xiaobai hung up the phone, Yuan Xiaoning, who had been waiting next to him, asked.

Hearing that, after Jiang Xiaobai looked at the other students around him, he waved his hand to Yuan Xiaoning and said: “Let’s go in and talk about it.”

It was also after the two of them had just crossed the dimensional space door, beside the door, a staff member who was cleaning the environment glanced at the dimensional space that had already entered the dimensional space, and already put away the tools and walked to the test. Outside the refinery.

…After walking for nearly a hundred meters and entering a small road, I saw that there was no one else around, and this was when I took out my mobile phone.

…At the same time, as a top-heavy feeling emerged in front of them, Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning had lost control and entered the dimensional space.

But there is no one around the dimensional space gate.

Obviously, the dimensional space gate at the entrance of Jiangnan University and those outside…the transfer point of the dimensional space gate is different.

After entering the dimensional space, Jiang Xiaobai told Yuan Xiaoning what had happened before.

After listening, Yuan Xiaoning frowned and asked: “Then what should I do to delay training and finish what the principal gave me?”

In Yuan Xiaoning’s view, since Zhang Xukun had already called Jiang Xiaobai alone to talk about this matter, it was obvious that the matter was already very serious.

In comparison, even if the training on my own side is postponed for a few days, it has no effect.

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and said, “No, we can continue our business. If those guys don’t come, then forget it. If they come, we can let them know what it means to go or not.”

Since Jiang Xiaobai has already said this, Yuan Xiaoning naturally has no opinion.

After nodding slightly as a sign, he didn’t say five more.


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