Chapter 338 Malicious attack (4/5)

For ordinary people, taking a body quenching potion is to experience an unbearable torture.

But in Jiang Xiaobai’s place, with a shot of the skill, the pain will be eliminated directly, and the whole process will be happy.

It is simply a double enjoyment of spirit and perception.

Therefore, in addition to…I just experienced a little pain at the beginning, the next Yuan Xiaoning was sinking into the feeling created by Jiang Xiaobai.

When this feeling subsided, the intense pain caused by the body tempering potion had already disappeared.

And he didn’t know when Jiang Xiaobai put him on the bed.

If it is facing a situation like Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin, Jiang Xiaobai is afraid that there will be no way afterwards.

After all, the fruit is not ripe, and eating it is also frightening and conscientious.

It’s different when Yuan Xiaoning is, it’s completely ripe.

Therefore, in the next ten minutes or so, as the situation on Yuan Xiaoning’s body has calmed down, Jiang Xiaobai is just… a shameless action.

This time, with the foresight, Jiang Xiaobai specifically looked for the kind of…anti-creation when choosing a hotel.

Therefore, today there is no situation where the bed was tossed and collapsed like the previous time.

But the result of this is that Jiang Xiaobai’s legs were a little weak.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly thought of a question 170.

Although it is said that after becoming an awakened person, physical strength has long been extraordinary.

But the target of Jiang Xiaobai’s battle is also the Awakener.

According to this logic, even if facing a field, Jiang Xiaobai felt that he would be tired enough, let alone the day of the day.If there were no accidents, Jiang Xiaobai would definitely have two more fields.

Calculating in this way, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly discovered that it seems that the two-pronged or three-fold sunshine requirements for him seem to be a bit high.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt a bit painful.

With this kind of expectation and worry, Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning went to the school’s No. 3 trial field.

Now Yuan Xiaoning has just finished using the body tempering potion. After all, it takes a lot of high-intensity battle and training to quickly absorb these……The energy hidden in the body makes the body stronger. Enhanced.

And last night, Jiang Xiaobai had already made preparations, so after entering the trial field, he directly determined the dimensional space that he would enter this time.

But when they knew the dimensional space selected by Jiang Xiaobai, the staff in the trial field couldn’t help but be taken aback.

Afterwards, his eyes were swept over Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning’s school uniforms, and he hesitated and said, “You, make sure you want two people to enter this dimensional space.”

“Any questions”

Jiang Xiao.

Hearing this, the staff member’s expression went dark.

“The problem, the problem is gone.”

The trial field in Jiangnan University is divided into nine 9.

The first to third trial grounds are in other dimensional spaces.

It’s just that the dimensional space in it is different according to the different test sites.

On the other hand, Proving Ground No. 3 had the highest level in the dimensional space, and it was also the most dangerous.

In this trial field, the silver dimensional space with the lowest level is the seventh-level silver dimensional space.

In other words, these…There are still seven-level silver dimensional creatures in the dimensional space.

The white school uniform on Jiang Xiaobai looks like…a freshman in the freshman year, and the blue school uniform on Yuan Xiaoning also shows that Yuan Xiaoning is a sophomore student.

It happened that the two people chose the dimensional space called Qinggang Tiger Silver Nineth Level.

In other words, in this meta-space, the lowest are the dimensional creatures on the seventh level of the Stardust Realm, and there are many dimensional creatures on the ninth level of the Stardust Realm.

It can be said to be one of the most dangerous dimensional spaces in Proving Ground No. 3.

If it is a normal five-person, five-year-old and second-year team, it would be nothing to enter this third trial field and choose to enter the dimensional space.

But Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning are freshmen and sophomores. This is obviously a death, and now they still ask themselves what questions they have.

However, he was speechless, but the staff member still patiently counseled: “I suggest that if you two, it is better to go to Proving Ground No. 1 or Proving Ground No. 2 or Proving Ground No. 3. It’s too dangerous, I don’t recommend that you two enter.”

Regarding the staff’s persuasion, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, “It’s okay, we are not afraid.”

Staff:…Is this a problem that the head iron doesn’t worry about? Keep your sense of responsibility, this staff still didn’t agree with Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning’s choice.

In the end, Jiang Xiaobai could only sacrifice the banner of Zhang Xukun.

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai said that Zhang Xunkun agreed, the staff obviously didn’t believe it, but with Jiang Xiaobai’s repeated assurances, he called to confirm.

After waiting for a minute, the staff member returned, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a strange expression.

Just before, the staff member contacted Zhang Xun by phone.

And the response is that as long as it is Jiang Xiaobai, you don’t need to worry about choosing that… Silver Dimensional Space.

Zhang Xukun has said so, what else can the staff say to do so.

Therefore, a few minutes later, the Silver Dimensional Space Gate where the Green Steel Tiger was located already appeared in the machine in the trial field.

However, when Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning were about to step into the dimensional space gate, Jiang Xiaobai’s mobile phone suddenly rang.

Taking out his mobile phone and looking at it, Jiang Xiaobai found that it was Zhang Xukun who had previously stated that he did not want to communicate too much with him.

After answering the phone with a little doubt, Zhang Xunkun’s voice was already heard from the other side.

“You wait: be careful when you enter. Recently, many students have been maliciously attacked and seriously injured or even killed in various dimensional spaces.”

“Um malicious attack, what do you mean?”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but stunned.

Zhang Xukun said in a huff: “Literally.”

After speaking, after a pause, Zhang Xunkun continued: “This situation has already occurred three days ago.

It is not only our Jiangnan University, but even Hanhai Academy and the Magic Capital Military Region Academy…The top universities in China are like this.

It is said that in Jincheng University, a genius student in the school was killed after entering the dimension space yesterday, along with the entire team. The body was found by the students of his school two hours ago. The wound was man-made.”

“Heh, this is a bit interesting.”

Jiang Xiaobai tilted his head and chuckled.

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