Chapter 337 One testis bold (3/5)

: I stopped the electricity for a few hours before, and now I continue to rush to work! After leaving the school, Jiang Xiaobai went directly to the school gate, and Yuan Xiaoning, who was slender and cold, was already waiting here.

After approaching, Jiang Xiaobai spoke directly: “Sorry, there was a second person who stopped me just now, so I was late.”

Upon hearing this, Yuan Xiaoning cast a suspicious look at Jiang Xiaobai.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai roughly said the previous thing.

But when Fang Hanfei’s name was mentioned, Yuan Xiaoning was a little surprised: “Why is that Fang Hanfei looking for you?”

“Why, you know him”

Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Yuan Xiaoning nodded and said: “I know, in the whole sophomore year, in terms of strength, he is ranked tenth.”

“Well, it’s only ranked tenth”

Jiang Xiaobai was a little surprised.

Although in the previous process, the process of Fang Hanfei’s hands-on was very short, but the speed at which Fang Hanfei broke out, Jiang Xiaobai could definitely be above the ninth level of the Stardust Realm.

And this is still the case when the opponent did not use the talent skills.

If you use talented skills to fight, Jiang Xiaobai estimates that the strength is only comparable to the Awakeners on the first or even second floor of the ordinary Galaxy.

And such a person, in the sophomore year, was only ranked tenth, which made Jiang Xiaobai suddenly interested.

Immediately asked: “How strong is the number one person?”

Yuan Xiaoning said: “The number one ranked first is Wei Wen, who is also our rookie king in this class. He is extremely talented and has very powerful talent skills. Although it is only the ninth level of the Stardust Realm, it is said that he was once in an outside mission. The Awakeners on the fourth floor of the Galaxy Realm have been killed.”

Next, Yuan Xiaoning recounted the information of the top ten students in the second and middle grades.

And each of them has the strength that can be compared with the Star River Realm Awakener.

It’s no wonder that Yuan Xiaoning is so unsure about whether he can be successfully selected for the next national competition student union.

Noting Yuan Xiaoning’s frowning brows, Jiang Xiaobai patted Yuan Xiaoning and said: “Senior sister, don’t worry, I am here to ensure that she can be selected as one of the sophomore competition students. Regarding the general method of the next training, Yuan Xiaoning has already learned from Jiang Xiaobai. I know it here.

Therefore, Yuan Xiaoning still couldn’t help asking: “Xiaobai! Would it be too risky if I did this, or I would call a few friends over.”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, “Don’t worry! I am bold. With me, there is nothing to worry about.”

Although Jiang Xiaobai’s words sounded nothing.

But I don’t know if it’s Yuan Xiaoning’s illusion, I feel that Jiang Xiaobai has just been “courageous.”

When it was a few words, the tone seemed a bit heavy, as if it had some special charm.

It’s still pure after all.

If it is not Yuan Xiaoning but Zhou Jia who hears this at this moment, I am afraid that it will be realized in a few seconds that Jiang Xiaobai is still racing.

Half an hour later, Jiang Xiaobai at this moment has taken him to today’s first destination again.

Another good star hotel in the surrounding area.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai who was pouring some intermediate nutrient solution into the bathtub filled with water at the moment, Yuan Xiaoning couldn’t help asking, “Will this nutrient solution be too much?”

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said: “Sister, you are now at the sixth level of the Stardust Realm, and the star power in your body has not been completely stabilized, so after taking the body tempering potion, the reaction will be even stronger. It is no less than taking two grades of body tempering potions at the same time.

Once the initial reaction of the body quenching agent has passed, it will inevitably fall into a large amount of consumption. It is very likely that just one or two nutrient solutions will not be enough…”

For the ordinary awakened person, the improvement of strength can only be done one step at a time, and there is no shortcut at all.

Even medicines, to some extent, need to be accompanied by some dangers.

It is like a body tempering potion.At the beginning of taking it, as the effect of the medicine is exerted, the body will be burned in flames.

This feeling is still from the inside out, no less than the torture of fire torture.

And as the level of the medicine is higher, this kind of pain will come more intense.

Even in the school, most of those students use grade body quenching potions to slowly improve instead of choosing grade.

Just because this kind of pain is too torturous, basically no one has the courage to endure it a second time.

Moreover, in the initial body tempering, due to the enhancement of physical fitness, a large amount of energy will be consumed.

If the star power in the body is not enough… or the supplement is not timely, it will cause huge damage to the body.

After the entire tank of water turned red like juice, Jiang Xiaobai gestured to Yuan Xiaoning.

Seeing this, Yuan Xiaoning took a breath, then took off her clothes, took a grade body tempering potion, and then lay in the bathtub, only exposing her head.

After the water in the water tank began to calm down, after a few seconds of silence, as the effect of the potion began to appear, Yuan Xiaoning’s expression could not help but change.

At the same time, those in the water tank…the water also began to have bubbles and began to emerge.

Noting the reaction on Yuan Xiaoning’s face, Jiang Xiaobai was already prepared and snapped his fingers softly.

As the golden light rushed into Yuan Xiaoning’s body, under the effect of the skill, the pain that had been covering all parts of the body instantly disappeared.

What emerged in Yuan Xiaoning’s body instead was Zhao Lezhao’s…familiar and fascinating feeling.

Under this voice, Yuan Xiaoning couldn’t help groaning.

The sound that emerged made Jiang Xiaobai’s body tremble slightly, and he couldn’t help cursing inwardly.”



What kind of person is the most tempting man.

It’s not those…women who are extraordinarily charming in themselves.

But those… women who were originally cold and arrogant.

When the… Nine Heavens Fairy fell into the mortal world and unreservedly showed everything in front of her, that… picture accompanied by a strong sense of accomplishment. For men, the impact is the greatest.

It’s like Yuan Xiaoning.

When I first saw it, it was like Jiang Xiaoxin, full of arrogance and indifference, with a feeling that no one would enter.

At this moment, although it was not the first time I saw it, Jiang Xiaobai still couldn’t hide the slight excitement in his heart.


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