Chapter 310 Can you be an individual? (4/5)

Leaving from Zhang Xunkun’s office and entering the canteen.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai exchanged contact information with several female freshmen, not to mention that Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia almost turned into hurtful eyes, Yuan Yang on one side was also speechless.

“Xiaobai, don’t you really worry about getting those girls who know the truth later and collectively write down their names and beat the villain with slippers?”

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and said, “What are you afraid of, anyway…I didn’t say a word about my weakness during the whole process. It is just a subjective misconception of everyone, and I can’t blame it.”

Although this is the case, Jiang Xiaobai has not mentioned his own strength before.

But those…the words that are full of incitement are clearly that…a hole is dug and people jump into it.

Afterwards, he glanced at his surroundings and confirmed that there were no other people around, Jiang Xiaobai “one three, three”

He lowered his voice and said, “Tomorrow is the freshman assessment of the school, what do you think?”

“Whatever you look at, just check it out normally. Could there be any other problems?”

Zhou Jia, who swallowed the food in his mouth, asked puzzledly.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but sighed after hesitated for a while. He glanced at Zhou Jiayou, who was eating at the moment and said: “Your IQ is the same as the oxygen in the Himalayas.”

“Oxygen in the Himalayas”

Zhou Jia was shocked for a moment, but immediately realized that Jiang Xiaobai was saying that she had a poor IQ.

Immediately, Zhou Jia’s gaze was already on Jiang Xiaobai’s neck, shoulders, and arms.

Just kidding, let’s not say that now in the public, if only Zhou Jia’s mouthful of oil hits himself, Jiang Xiaobai still doesn’t bother to go back and change his clothes.

Before Zhou Jia was about to move, Jiang Xiaobai was already pressing Zhou Jia’s head with one hand.

“Xiao Bai, what do you want to do?”

In the end, it was Jiang Xiaoxin who interrupted the two people who were fighting here and asked.

After releasing the hand on Zhou Jia’s head, Jiang Xiaobai lowered his voice slightly and said, “Do you want to earn another wave of points?”

Upon hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, Yuan Yang and Zhou Jia’s eyes suddenly brightened.

Even Jiang Xiaoxin couldn’t help but look slightly.

Obviously, seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s appearance, it is not clear where the three of them3 Jiang Xiaobai has another idea.

“Tell me!”

At this moment, Zhou Jia couldn’t care about being buried by Jiang Xiaobai before and immediately asked with interest.

Jiang Xiaobai whispered: “Those in the previous office………the materials of the freshmen from the Magic Capital Military Region Academy, do you still remember?”

Several people nodded.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai whispered: “In this way, Yuan Yang, you will go to the Internet to find some navy forces, and then Jiangnan University and the Magic Capital Military District Academy will also assess and compete on the Internet, but do not mention the abyss dimension. Space matter.”

After speaking, Jiang Xiaobai immediately.

Turning his head to exhort Yuan Yang.

Immediately after that, Bai will specifically talk about some details later in the next time.

After writing down what Jiang Xiaobai said, Yuan Yang was puzzled: “You have said so much, what do you want to dare?”

Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but gave the opposite Yuan Yang one and attracted people to come over and bet.”

As soon as these words came out, the three people’s hearts turned, and they instantly understood Jiang Xiaobai’s meaning.

“I’m going, it turns out that you hit this attention”

After reacting, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but whispered, his expression full of surprise.

“Otherwise, it’s difficult to encounter such a good thing as soon as I enter the school. If I don’t do something, wouldn’t it be a waste of this opportunity to make a fortune and become rich?”

Jiang Xiaobai responded in an angry voice.

“I said, it’s no wonder that before Principal Zhang, you would come down so simply. It turns out that you have planned for this a long time ago.”

After understanding it, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but shook his head and realized afterwards.

Based on Yuan Yang’s understanding of Jiang Xiaobai, it is definitely one of those who have also plucked hair.

So generally speaking, if you want to take advantage, it will never be over as simple as today.

I’m afraid that Jiang Xiaobai’s final reward will be at least doubled.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly and said, “Well, someone is also a principal. If you are really a deputy, you don’t want to lose face! You can’t stare at a wool and squeeze hard, anyway… the future will be long, a little bit, and you can always squeeze it.”

After simply taking the matter of Zhang Xunkun over, Jiang Xiaobai continued: “In addition, Zhou Jia, you and Xiaoxin will go to the official website of Jiangnan University to post those information to everyone. Remember, you must The level of the person is clearly described as 0…Yuan Yang, when you accept the gambling, remember to operate it in the dark, put Xu Miaomiao’s ranking first, and make Xu Miaomiao’s odds lower. , To describe me a little bit worse, and then lower my odds.”

After Jiang Xiaobai said these things a little bit, at the end, Jiang Xiaobai still said, “In addition, Jiangnan University only accepts points, but if someone from the Magic City Academy places a bet, they can directly accept items with the equivalent value of points. , The goal is to put the old students as much as possible, the new students are not too oily.”

Yuan Yang twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, “You want to kill the people from the two schools at once!”

And Zhou Jia couldn’t help asking, “Aren’t you worried about being beaten to death like this?”

Jiang Xiaobai hummed softly: “I am willing to bet and lose. I didn’t force them to buy it. Moreover, when there is a market, there will be demand for buying and selling this thing. It is fair and voluntary.”

When Jiang Xiaoxin and the three of them looked at each other, they all noticed the speechlessness in the other’s eyes.

Fair and willing to be a ghost! Others don’t know where they might not know Jiang Xiaobai’s strength, this time in the assessment, they can completely walk sideways, the first is already a certainty.

Jiang Xiaobai did this entirely by digging a pit and putting some treasures in it, tempting the students at the school 5.

0 voluntarily jump down.

Where did the three of them think that Jiang Xiaobai dug a hole in the exchange station for fresh and old students in the afternoon.

Now that the sophomore students have not slowed down, Jiang Xiaobai has been digging the second pit non-stop.

And this time, the target of the pit has changed from the original two-year students to the students of two schools.

Can you be a person? Jiang Xiaobai slightly raised the corner of his mouth and said: “Either don’t do it. To do it naturally is to become bigger and stronger, and strive for a one-time drill.”

“Remember, all this looks like carelessness, don’t be too deliberate, don’t be stared at by someone with a heart.”

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai, who was eagerly shining, the three of Jiang Xiaoxin couldn’t help sighing, and began to feel distressed for the students in the two schools.

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