Chapter 311 What the hell is this? (5/5)

Although Jiang Xiaoxin’s three people3 all feel sympathy for the students of Jiangnan University and the Magic City Military District Academy.

But then the three people who were excited and attentive 3 showed what is really incense.

Under the guidance of Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaoxin 3, it took less than two hours, and the sky hadn’t completely darkened.The entire Jiangnan University and even the students of the Magic City Military District Academy knew about this.

Then, a gambling game also quietly surged under the undercurrent.

Similarly, at the gate of the Magic City Military Region Academy, the people belonging to the Magic City Military Region Academy also had a figure surrounded by a group of people, busy and full of enthusiasm.

As the stars flooded and night fell, a Jiangnan University staff member was in Zhang Xunkun’s office.

After knowing that Jiang Xiaobai and others were trading, and then enrolling the students of the two colleges for a gambling game, the corner of Zhang Xunkun’s mouth was…

And Jiang Xiaobai’s gambling is still divided into two types.

One is to bet that the student from the two schools in the assessment tomorrow will succeed in winning the first place.

The second is to bet that the two schools in the assessment tomorrow will overpower the other side…

The first type is pure luck.It is estimated that the first type will be bought.Although 08 will not be less, it will not be more.

And the second is… cruel.

It is completely pinching the disagreement between Jiangnan University and the Magic City Military Academy.

It is estimated that as long as the students who know this game will bet to buy their own school to win.

If it is said, Zhang Xunkun in the daytime still feels faintly that he may have found a scourge for Jiangnan University.

So, now, Zhang Xunkun can be sure that Jiang Xiaobai is…a real scourge.

And it’s the kind of…

What kind of thing is this in the daytime? I pitted the freshman and sophomore students in the day, and now they are playing such a trick again.

This is simply because Jiangnan University has been too peaceful these years.

And several times the brain hurts recently because of Jiang Xiaobai.

Seeing Zhang Xunkun pressing his eyebrows with a headache, the staff member next to him carefully asked, “Principal, should I go to warn that… Jiang Xiaobai, and let him dissolve this bet.”

The words just fell, Zhang Xunkun just… asked with a puzzled look: “Why disband?”

staff member””

Originally, the staff member looked at Zhang Xun’s headache and thought Zhang Xunkun was dissatisfied with Jiang Xiaobai’s behavior.

Don’t say they are Jiangnan University, even those… ordinary fears will not promote the unhealthy trend of gambling.

You can see Zhang Xunkun’s reaction now, which is blocking the idea.

Glancing at the staff’s stupefaction, Zhang Xunkun said quietly: “Don’t forget, we are cultivating awakened people, not ordinary people.

As the awakened, it doesn’t matter…

You have to accept any decision you have made.It has happened that the atmosphere in Jiangnan University has been a bit too comfortable over the past few years.

It just happens that the direction of the wind in the school changes, so that the students understand the dangers of the world earlier, so that they don’t even know how to die afterwards.”

With that said, it seemed as if he had thought of something, Zhang Xunkun said to the staff member: “By the way, what is the odds for that kid Jiang Xiaobai?”

Hearing Zhang Xun’s question, the staff member quickly checked the information in his hand and said: “I didn’t know what happened in the school before, and suddenly announced that Jiang Xiaobai won the first place in the exchange station for freshmen and sophomores in the afternoon. It’s completely lucky, and the strength is not very strong at all.

So the odds that ended 20 minutes ago only lost 1.3.


, Most of them are some female students in the freshman year, and the points bet are very few, and they add up to 100 points.

In addition, the odds for Jiangnan University to win is one to 0.5.


, And the odds for the Magic City Academy to win is one to two. Under this odds, even in our school, many people secretly bet to buy the Magic City Academy to win.”

Zhang Xunkun can be sure that the news was definitely made by Jiang Xiaobai himself without even thinking about it.

The goal is naturally to prevent someone from betting heavily on Jiang Xiaobai’s side.

“Hey, this little fox is abacus…very good, go, quietly help me also buy 50,000 points to buy Jiang Xiaobai to win.”

While talking, Zhang Xunkun still cursed secretly: “That stinky boy, I almost emptied my old bottom a few times, just take advantage of this time to make up for it.”

At this time, Zhang Xunkun suddenly felt that it might be beneficial to recruit Jiang Xiaobai into his school.

At least, it’s like now, obviously…a chance to make a fortune in silence.

…The news about the gambling game was originally a radiant proliferation.

After almost one student knows it, several or more students will know it.

Under this kind of floating, even those who were not interested in this gambling game originally, under the instigation of some friends nearby, it is estimated that they will bet to buy some.

Therefore, after counting at 10:10 a.m. the next day, the bet amount has reached almost 230,000 points.

And there are other pawns equivalent to 160,000 points.

And these…the pawns are basically bets placed on the Internet by people from the 157 district academy of the Demon Capital Army.

If it weren’t for Jiang Xiaobai’s four-person 4 all have space props, I’m afraid they can’t hold so many things.

After this time is over, even those behind…After deducting the budget for the winning of Jiangnan University, then the pawns from the Magic Capital Military District Academy will be directly exchanged in the school’s points hall. After earning points, they can also have points equivalent to almost two hundred and thirty thousand.

Thinking of this, Yuan Yang’s eyes were… little stars appeared.

And Zhou Jia laughed completely from ear to ear.

“Well, no, Xiaobai, someone bought 30,000 points and you win.”

However, at this moment, Jiang Xiaoxin suddenly spoke as if she had noticed something.

This voice also attracted the attention of Zhou Jia and Yuan Yang.

Looking at the statistics, when Jiang Xiaobai’s points for winning the first place suddenly increased by 50,000, Yuan Yang stared, “I’m going, who is this! It is so ruthless, every time you buy it is… 50,000 points”

Without waiting for the two to react, Jiang Xiaobai’s points in this column were picked once again in the line of sight, from the original 50,120 to the current 60,120.

At the next moment, Jiang Xiaobai’s phone was already vibrating.

Looking at the short messages received on the phone, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but blacken his forehead.


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