Chapter 309 Your kid used to be a MLM, right? (3/5)

Although faintly guessed that Jiang Xiaobai is very likely to give himself a negotiation.

But Zhang Xunkun did not expect Jiang Xiaobai to open his mouth and say “how to buy me?”

This made it, instead, it seemed that Zhang Xunkun had a faint feeling of asking Jiang Xiaobai to help.

But this thought emerged, and Zhang Xunkun suddenly reacted.

It seems that this time I really need Jiang Xiaobai’s help.

Thinking of this, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a firm look, Zhang Xunkun’s heart is…the impulse to curse.

In front of Zhang Xunkun, he changed other students, and they were all pinched by Zhang Xunkun.

But on Jiang Xiaobai’s side, Zhang Xunkun feels that his identity is completely useless, and he needs benefits to be able to speak Jiang Xiaobai.

“This kid really shows his profit-only character to the fullest.”

After this thought came into his mind, Zhang Xunkun sighed and turned to Jiang Xiaobai: “As long as you can win the assessment tomorrow to win the ownership of this abyssal dimension, I will be the master and give out three thousand points. Give you.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai snorted softly and then said without hesitation: “Four level awakened potions, each of us has 10,000 points.”

Hearing this, Zhang Xunkun just… feels like he wants to explode.

But before Zhang Xunkun had a reaction, Xu Yan on one side pondered for a while and suddenly added “five, I also want points.”

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Xunkun couldn’t help turning their heads to look at Xu Yan, as if they didn’t expect Xu Yan to come.

Facing the sight of a few people, Xu Yan said quietly: “I am Xiaobai and their mentor. If you want to buy them, naturally you have to buy them with me.”

In the end, Xu Yan seemed to want to prove that she was not relying on the identity of the principal’s granddaughter to squeeze the resources of Jiangnan University, and she added a sentence “legitimate income, as it should be.”

After all, I stayed with Jiang Xiaobai: After such a long time, Xu Yan has also begun to have a faintly changing trend towards the dark heart without knowing it.

After Xu Yan said this, Zhang Xunkun had already exploded.

“I, Cao, you are taking advantage of the fire to rob, four level awakened potions, each of you has 10,000 points, why don’t you say that each person has 100,000 points?”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: “Don’t worry! You think, you said just now, this time the far-reaching space has just arrived at the silver level, and the dimensional creatures inside are on the fourth floor of the Stardust Realm to the Stardust Realm. Seven floors.

Once this dimensional space is taken down to belong to Jiangnan University, even if it is just the value that the current silver level can produce every day, it is equivalent to hundreds of points, not to mention that this dimensional space level will be promoted in the future.

Over the years, what we want is just a drop in the bucket, not to mention, this time is not only related to this abyssal dimension, but also related to the honor of Jiangnan University.

For a top ten university in the country, reputation is so important. We just want this reward. If it is not good, it is said that it is less.”

Jiang Xiaobai knows the value of an abyssal dimension.

Strictly speaking, Jiang Xiaobai actually lowered this dimensional space.

And Jiang Xiaobai also told the truth later.

This time, the assessment and the battle already involved the competition between Jiangnan University and the schools of the Magic City Military Region.

Once you lose, that’s a shame.

But if Zhang Xunkun is able to achieve his current position, how could it be that Jiang Xiaobai immediately smiled coldly and said: “Your kid used to be a MLM, so you can fool you. Come on, I’ll listen.”

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and did not speak.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai smiled and did not speak, Zhang Xunkun immediately said: “The potion for the first-level awakened is okay, but the points can be up to 5,000 per person. Don’t think about it if you have more.”

“make a deal.”

Zhang Xunkun’s condition just said: Jiang Xiaobai didn’t even think about it but… nodded and agreed.

What Jiang Xiaobai promised was so happy, Zhang Xunkun was shocked.

But after reacting to it, Zhang Xunkun still didn’t know where he was.


Suddenly, after Zhang Xunkun held his mouth for a while, he still didn’t hold back the words that popped out to express his feelings in his heart.

It’s too much, anyway, I’m the principal, so I don’t want to lose face like this, Zhang Xunkun suddenly felt a little brain pain.

At any rate, he was an old fox, but he couldn’t resist Jiang Xiaobai’s indefensible routine.

Every time, I changed the pattern, and I still got stuck in a key place, so I had to accept it.

0 Although an agreement was reached at this moment, Zhang Xunkun did not have the slightest joy.

On the contrary, I felt that there was a gas in my throat that could not go up and down, and I felt so depressed that I wanted to hit someone.

After reaching an opinion and having the appearance fee, Jiang Xiaobai directly said: “Let’s talk about it! How to play half of it or clear light”

This sentence was arrogant and overbearing, as if what I was about to face tomorrow was just some small fishes and shrimps that could be killed by flipping hands.

But everyone present knows that with Jiang Xiaobai’s strength, he is completely qualified and confident to say such a thing.

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s determined words, Zhang Xunkun also felt better.

Although this kid is a bit irritating, and even unprofitable, he is still from Jiangnan University.

0…In comparison, the guys at the Magic Capital Military District Academy tomorrow will be truly unlucky.

After thinking about it for a moment, Zhang Xunkun said, “It’s not too good to look down and not to see you, so let’s it! Other people get out of the game, if they can’t kill, they won’t kill, but these three guys are going to die for me. alley.”

When saying this, Zhang Xunkun still drew three lists from the table.

A few people looked at it, and they suddenly discovered that the three people Zhang Xunkun asked to die were the three who had been specially recruited by Jiangnan University before, but in the end they turned back.

“Uh, Principal Zhang, you have a lot of grudges!”

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Xiaobai said this.

Those who can reach the level of Zhang Xunkun, there may be thousands of times of soft personality, the corpses of the primitive creatures are piled up.

The three freshmen dared to suddenly show Zhang Xunkun.

Although Zhang Xunkun took into account his own identity and did it himself, it does not mean that Zhang Xunkun would forget it.

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Zhang Xunkun glanced at Jiang Xiaobai and said unhurriedly: “Each each other.”

Then, looking at the two foxes, one old and one young, Jiang Xiaoxin and several people and even Xu Yan had a kind of “It’s not that a family doesn’t enter a family.”

a feeling of.

Afterwards, they took a closer look at the appearance of the two, and they really found that Zhang Xunkun and Jiang Xiaobai at this moment were inexplicably similar.

They all have the same ill-intentioned smile, which makes people feel bad for a long time.


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