Chapter 308 Change, how are you going to buy me (2/5)

This year’s sophomore and freshman exchanges and defeats have spread throughout Jiangnan University in less than half a day.

Compared to the smiles of freshmen, the sophomore students are sad.

The one hundred sophomores who had participated in the battle before were completely targeted, and faced the other classmates who…

When Jiang Xiaobai, Zhou Jia and others were about to go directly to the cafeteria to solve the dinner problem first, Jiang Xiaobai’s mobile phone received a call from Xu Yan.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Xiaobai said to Jiang Xiaoxin, “Principal Zhang asked us to go.”

“what’s up”

Jiang Xiaoxin asked.

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and said, “I didn’t say it on the phone, but I guess it’s because of tomorrow’s school assessment.”

With that said, while walking, Jiang Xiaobai also recounted the assessment things that Zhang Xunkun had previously told him.

After telling everything, several people have already arrived at the office where Zhang Xukun is.

Knocked on the opened door and gestured. Xu Yan and Zhang Xunkun in the office raised their heads and glanced at Jiang Xiaobai and others standing at the door. Zhang Xunkun said in a huff: “Come in!”

Later, after Jiang Xiaobai came forward, Zhang Xunkun shook his head and said: “I said you, you are restless, and you ruined the 290 friendly match between freshmen and sophomores. Those who participated before ………Sophomore, I’m afraid that the next few months will suffer from the cold eyes of the surrounding students.”

Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly: “No way, who told you to treat it differently”

“Doesn’t it matter if you treat it differently? Just your strength, how else can other students play?”

Zhang Xunkun looked at Jiang Xiaobai, with an expression that you can’t compare to what you look like.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai spread his hands and said, “I am the one who is strong.”

…How can Zhang Xunkun accept this?

It is not the first time that Zhang Xunkun has met Jiang Xiaobai in such an act of directly talking about the topic.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly said: “By the way, President Zhang, did you say that there are some good students in this freshman year? Why didn’t you meet in the previous battle?”

In the past, even Xu Miaomiao, the strongest among the freshmen, was even worse than Jiang Xiaoxin in terms of strength.

It doesn’t look like Zhang Xunkun’s description of those talents and strengths are extremely high new students.

It seemed that there was no accident Jiang Xiaobai asked this question, and Zhang Xun’s face was full of anger.

Afterwards, his face turned black and handed some documents on the table to Jiang Xiaobai.

On these documents, there are some people who are almost ten awakened.

What made Jiang Xiaobai more eye-catching was that among the awakened, there were seven people with 7 ranks, all of whom had reached the sixth level of the Stardust Realm.

It is a little taller than Jiang Xiaobai.

After reading the information of these people in the information, Jiang Hu slightly raised his eyebrows and asked: “People from the military”

Zhang Xunkun nodded, but still did not speak, the expression on his face was still a little gloomy.

Glancing at Zhang Xunkun’s reaction, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to have thought of something, and his face was a little weird.

He obviously took the initiative to say a word, but Jiang Xiaobai could guess what was going on instantly after seeing the information and his own reaction.

This also made Zhang Xunkun couldn’t help but glance at Jiang Xiaobai in surprise.

But after thinking about Jiang Xiaobai’s behavior before, Zhang Xunkun felt relieved again.

After all, if someone is a little stupid, even with Jiang Xiaobai’s strength, I am afraid that it is impossible for him, the vice president of Jiangnan University, to be tricked in several times.

It is said that it is the military, but in fact, it does not refer to the military government army.

It’s the Magic City Military District Academy in the Magic City, a strength and status that is not below the top ten universities in the country, but there is an exceptionally special university.

The reason why this military district school is special is that it does not appear in the college entrance examination volunteers every time the magic capital military district school recruits students.

More often, he selects students from the affiliated schools under the various military districts, and only a few highly talented ones will be exceptionally admitted.

In other words, this military area college can basically be regarded as a military university.

And Jiangnan University and the Magic City Military District College are also located in Magic City.For hundreds of years, the friction between the two schools has been constant, and almost all things encountered are suffocating the strength to step on the other side.

Now, the Magic City Military District Academy, which was originally the opponent, has snatched some of the talented and capable top students specially recruited by Jiangnan University.It is no wonder that Zhang Xunkun’s face will be so stinky.

After taking a gentle breath, Zhang Xunkun said slowly: “You already knew about tomorrow’s assessment. Except for the independent ranking of Jiangnan University, it is also about the latest appearance in the magic city. Ownership of a nearby Abyss Dimensional Space.

Therefore, this assessment is not the same as before, but a joint assessment between Jiangnan University and the Magic City Military District Academy.

Originally, my plan was for tomorrow’s assessment to stop you from revealing your own strength for the time being, and to hide you temporarily, as a killer, until the global competition in two months will be a blockbuster.

Instead, Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia, Yuan Yang, and these few students selected by me were the main struggles for the ownership of the abyss dimension space this time.

But just now I learned that the people at the Magic City Military District Academy were so shameless, and they came up with such a trick to draw salaries from the bottom of the pan, disrupting my plan.

Therefore, in the battle tomorrow, you still need to be pushed out.”

In the end, Zhang Xunkun already had a sense of indignation on his face, as if he was dissatisfied with the other party’s shameless behavior.

While Zhang Xunkun was speaking, Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze was still swept back and forth over the data of these people in his hands.

After a while, Jiang Xiaobai scanned the documents in his hand again, and his gaze returned to Zhang Xunkun’s body, revealing two rows of neat and white teeth.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s sincere smile, Zhang Xunkun suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, almost at the moment when Zhang Xunkun’s idea just emerged, Jiang Xiaobai was already facing Zhang Xunkun and said, “How are you going to buy me?”

Zhang Xunkun: “……..”

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