Chapter 305 Is it enough? (4/5)

At this moment, almost everyone’s attention in the field was focused on Jiang Xiaoxin and other new students with more outstanding strength. Before seeing the two sophomores rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai, everyone’s attention was already. They were transferred to Jiang Xiaobai’s side one after another.

But when the others turned their eyes, they saw the two sophomore students kicked into the air.

What happened in the middle distance was hardly noticed by the surroundings.

“Why did that kid suddenly become so fast”

“It’s…, I almost didn’t see the kid’s move just now.”

“It’s also normal. Before I saw it, the kid had been walking around, but the main battle was other people. Obviously, the consumption is low. When one trades and the other grows, he has an advantage.”

……… “Seven Four Zero”

“You said, that guy, will he always pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?”

Suddenly, a sophomore student couldn’t help but make such a statement.

At the exit of this sentence, the other sophomore students suddenly fell silent.

It’s not that they couldn’t think of it.

After all, few who can step into Jiangnan University and successfully progress to the sophomore year are not stupid.

Those stupid…have already been expelled from Jiangnan University before or died somewhere in the process.

But the reason why this is not mentioned is that a group of students feel that this is unlikely.

Two 2, that is… they don’t want to think about it at all.

If it is true that Jiang Xiaobai is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, it is tantamount to saying that Jiang Xiaobai has not only pitted the entire freshman student.

Even with them… the sophomore students were also fooled.

This is no longer a question of strength, but of pros and cons in terms of IQ.

Therefore, this idea was directly eliminated by these…sophomore students.

In the field, with Jiang Xiaoxin’s freshman’s strategy taking effect, the situation on the sophomore side has become more severe.

Two consecutive sophomore students were solved by Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaoxin and other freshmen quickly solved several sophomore students again.

There are only three students left in the sophomore year. 3.

Together with Jiang Xiaobai and other freshmen in the field at this moment, it happens to be ten people 10.

But at this moment, the sophomore students are not happy at all.

Even the remaining three sophomores in the field.

Just because the battle has reached this point, the situation and results have basically been decided.

In their sophomore year, they became the first batch of Jiangnan University to be defeated by freshmen for the first time.

This shame is a bit big.

From then on, I am afraid that their students in this class will faintly look up in the face of freshmen.

And their hundred students who represented the war were the first to bear the brunt.

Thinking of this, these…The sophomore students are like funeral exams.

Feelings languished.

Soon, as the last four sophomores were swept aside by a few people, all the freshmen in the freshman year cheered.

Jiang Xiaoxin and others also had a smile on their faces at this moment, and they breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

After waiting for almost half a minute, the three remaining freshmen standing in the field looked at each other at this moment. One of the freshmen who looked a little cold said: “Okay, we are the only ones left.”

Hearing that, the rest of the people in the field looked at each other one after another.

Finally, with the exception of Jiang Xiaoxin and a few others, the sights of the other three people3 turned their attention to Jiang Xiaobai’s body.

Obviously, in the eyes of these people, only Jiang Xiaobai’s strength is the worst in the field.

Naturally, Jiang Xiaobai should be the first to be kicked out.

In response, the cold freshman said slowly: “You can go out first, the next battle is not for you.”

Domineering and full of commands: Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and Yuan Yang are here… slightly frowning.

Jiang Xiaobai frowned even more.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Xiaobai asked: “Why?”

The cold freshman said quietly: “It’s very simple, you are the worst among us based on your strength.”

“Oh but I don’t think so!”

Jiang Xiaobai spread his hand.

Seeing this, the cold freshman continued: “It is good luck to be able to get the seventh position with your strength, but if you see it, you will receive 0…giving you three seconds and 3 to go down by yourself. , Otherwise, wait: I was the one who got you down.”

With that said, no matter…

Jiang Xiaobai responded that the freshman had already counted on his own.

Listening to this freshman’s words, let’s not talk about the surrounding girls…The girls who had a good impression of Jiang Xiaobai before, even the freshmen on the side frowned at this moment, thinking that this freshman is a bit too much. Too arrogant.

“I know this guy, his name is Xu Miaomiao, he is very strong, he is already at the second level of the Stardust Realm at the age of seventeen, and he is a talented freshman specially recruited by Jiangnan University.”

“I’m going, no wonder it’s so arrogant, it turns out that I have reached the second floor of the Stardust Realm.”

“Hey! Now that… Jiang Xiaobai may be out of luck.”

…Among the low talks of the freshmen on the side, Xu Miaomiao has already counted three times.

But watching Jiang Xiaobai still standing in the field, Xu Miaomiao already snorted coldly.

However, Xu Miaomiao quickly passed through the air, and instantly rushed to Jiang Xiaobai across a distance of nearly five meters, seeing a slap lifted and waved towards Jiang Xiaobai.

But the next second, it was already only half a meter away from Jiang Xiaobai, Xu Miaomiao suddenly felt an indescribable soreness in his legs.

In this situation where the legs are out of control 5.

Under 3, Xu Miaomiao’s legs suddenly softened.

Then, facing the sight of thousands of people, it was just like “puffing”

Kneeled in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Not only that, because of the sudden kneeling, Xu Miaomiao’s original motion to shoot Jiang Xiaobai also changed.

The hand that was originally waving in the air has stopped in the air, and the palm of the hand has been turned over.

Seeing Xu Miaomiao who was kneeling in front of him at this moment with a dazed expression and stretched out a hand, Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while and put his hand in his trouser pocket.

In front of everyone, he picked it up in his hand, then took a one-dollar bill and placed it in Xu Miaomiao’s hand.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai’s voice still rang slowly “enough enough”

Xu Miaomiao: “”


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