Chapter 306 The expression is fierce and vivid (5/5)

Not to mention that Xu Miaomiao was already stupid in place at this moment.

At this moment, the other students around the scene watched Jiang Xiaobai’s move of taking out a dollar and putting it in Xu Miaomiao’s hand, all of them twitching at the corners of their mouths.

Under this sudden change of painting style, some people around after a moment of stagnation, there are already some people who can’t help laughing.

At this moment, Xu Miaomiao was kneeling on the ground, and he looked up at Jiang Xiaobai and the hand that stretched out in front of Jiang Xiaobai and the dollar in Xu Miaomiao’s hand.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like the kind of beggar…

Even Zhang Xunkun, who was on the audience stage at this moment, couldn’t help but shook his head.

Xu Yan couldn’t help but sighed secretly in her heart: “This guy, you can think of this method. Anyway, you will be a classmate in the future, can’t you just relax?”

At this moment, under the laughter of…

Looking at the crumpled paper money in her hand, the stunnedness on Xu Miaomiao’s face quickly dissipated, and she was covered in sullen anger.

In this world, there is never a shortage of jealous people who can’t see others better than yourself.

0 Originally, I saw Jiang Xiaobai showing up and Xu Miaomiao was…somewhat disliked Jiang Xiaobai in his heart.

Seeing again… those…the new female students who kept cheering for Jiang Xiaobai, Xu Miaomiao was even more jealous.

At this moment, in front of so many people, he suddenly knelt in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaobai lost a dollar in his hand like a beggar. Xu Miaomiao’s anger can be imagined.

“you wanna die!”

After directly throwing the paper money in his hand on the ground, he almost gritted his teeth and squeezed out these three words one by one from between his teeth.

Under the anger, Xu Miaomiao’s body was already filled with star power.

Obviously, he was dazzled by anger, completely forgetting that this time the match was limited to the use of star power.

Regarding Xu Miaomiao’s situation, Jiang Xiaobai’s expression remained unchanged, but he tore off the daha from his original shoulder and threw it to the ground.

In the confusion of the surrounding people, the little milk dog thrown on the ground by Jiang Xiaobai instantly turned into a two-meter-high giant wolf that looked fierce and majestic.

It’s hard to die, after Daha turned into the blood wolf king form, when he lowered his head slightly, the slightly opened wolf mouth was already half of Xu Miaomiao’s head.

The sharp teeth even touched Xu Miaomiao’s head.

Feeling the sharp teeth on the top of his head, Xu Miaomiao has no doubt that he only needs to close the wolf’s mouth with a little force, and Xu Miaomiao’s head will be bitten off in an instant.

Suddenly, the kind of…death is to fill Xu Miaomiao’s heart like a tide.

The anger that had originally been in Xu Miaomiao’s heart was squeezed away, and the blood faded quickly.

“Well, it turned out to be a dimensional student.

Is this Jiang Xiaobai still awakening the talent skills of animal training?”

“I’ll go, but I was curious about how the little milky dog ​​like Daha is bloody, I didn’t expect it to be a dimensional creature.”

“What kind of dimensional creature is capable of transforming body”

…Looking at the sudden changes in the field, the surrounding students were startled for a moment, and they were already talking, looking at Da Hajun in front of Jiang Xiaobai with a surprised expression.

At the same time, staring at Xu Miaomiao, who was wrapped in Daha’s wolf mouth from his forehead to the back of his forehead.

After a short pause, Jiang Xiaobai squatted slightly, resting one hand on his chin, and looking at Xu Miaomiao with a smile on his face and asked, “Classmate, I didn’t understand what you just said, or you can say it again.”

Jiang Xiaobai’s abusive smile on Xu Miaomiao’s heart as if it was a spike, making Xu Miaomiao want to directly raise his hand to smash the face that is more handsome in front of him.

He could feel the threat from the blood-red giant wolf in front of him.Xu Miaomiao felt that even if he put it in his daily life, he might not be able to deal with the giant wolf.

Not to mention that half of his head is now in this wolf’s mouth.

Therefore, even if he was unwilling in every possible way, under the threat of a small life, Xu Miaomiao could only suppress the anger in his heart, and his voice was a little anxious: “Principal Zhang, this guy directly released the dimensional creatures. This is not a violation of the rules. ”

At the moment before, Xu Miaomiao was already using the Star Power during his hands. At that time, he had managed to manage the talisman not conforming to the regulations. Now he noticed that it was wrong and took the initiative to make a small report. Such behavior naturally caused the surrounding students to look a little bit. Disdain.

At the same time, Zhang Xunkun, who was on the audience stage at the moment, said lightly: “You have already violated the rules and used the star power first. Jiang Xiaobai is naturally not a violation of the rules.”

After speaking, after a slight pause, Zhang Xunkun continued: “In addition, Xu Miaomiao, don’t think that you are the son of Vice Principal Xu, so you can act recklessly at school. If you violate the regulations, I also have the right to kick you out.”

The surrounding students listened to Zhang Xunkun’s words and couldn’t help but looked at Xu Miaomiao in surprise, seeming to be a little surprised at Xu Miaomiao’s identity.

And when the fluttering words were uploaded from the high platform, Xu Miaomiao’s face couldn’t help becoming more gloomy.

Seeing this, after a slight pause, Xu Miaomiao said in a gloomy voice: “Okay, this time, I will admit it.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai snapped his fingers lightly, and Daha who was standing in front of Jiang Xiaobai raised his head 963 and slowly walked to Jiang Xiaobai’s side.

When the two blood-red eyes stared at Xu Miaomiao in front of him, they were filled with disdain.

After taking a deep look at Jiang Xiaobai and the Daha next to Jiang Xiaobai, Xu Miaomiao took a deep breath and said, “Very well, I have taken note of today’s affairs, right? Jiang Xiaobai! I hope you can do it next time. As proud as today.”

Listening to the unabashed threat in Xu Miaomiao’s words, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly said: “It looks like you are very unhappy with me now!”


Although Xu Miaomiao did not answer.

But the meaning of this cold snort and the expression of anger in his eyes couldn’t be more clear.

In Xu Miaomiao’s view, relying on Jiang Xiaobai’s strength, it is not his opponent at all if he puts it in the day.

This time, it was entirely because I had just knelt down on the ground, which gave Jiang Xiaobai and the blood-red giant wolf a chance.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai grinned and said: “Very well, I like your way of looking like you can’t get used to me and can’t kill me. Come on, your expression is a little bit more fierce and vivid, maybe I will be afraid.”

“Knock you!”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Xu Miaomiao was obviously choked, and couldn’t help cursing in his heart.

After giving Jiang Xiaobai a fierce look, he walked to the side with a gloomy expression.

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