Chapter 304 This is a bit different from the script you thought of before! (3/5)

This scuffle between freshman and sophomore students lasted for almost half an hour.

Up to now, there are only a few dozen students remaining in the field who are still fighting.

Among them, more than half are those… old sophomores.

The freshmen in the freshman year have persisted until now, and there are only eight people8.

By now, basically these…The remaining freshman and even sophomore students are sweating profusely, and their movements are slightly slower than at the beginning.

After all, this kind of battle that doesn’t rely on talent skills and weapons is about… the previous fighting skills and physical quality of each other.

The long-term consumption is definitely not small.

Although persisting until now, even Jiang Xiaoxin and other people are exhausted to the extreme.

If it weren’t for Jiang Xiaobai’s previous…crazy training, a few people are afraid that their physical strength would have been exhausted at this moment.

“That won’t work! If this continues to be besieged by so many people, I’m afraid we won’t be able to hold it any longer.”

At this moment, watching the alternate approach, it was almost a sophomore who didn’t let them have the slightest breathing time, Jiang Xiaoxin couldn’t help but frown and said.

The other freshmen around him were also slightly solemn when they heard the words.

Obviously, it is also clear that what Jiang Xiaoxin said is indeed the truth.

By now, in the tight battle before, they are already at the limit at this moment.

According to this situation, it will not last long.

“I think of a way to drag the three 3s to relieve the pressure for you, so you can quickly get rid of the other people together.”

It was also after Jiang Xiaoxin’s words fell, one of the few people was petite, who looked only about 1.5 meters, and looked like a female freshman who looked like a junior high school student.

Afterwards, regardless of the reactions of the other people, the female freshman had already jumped out one step, and then, as she said, forcibly dragged the three sophomores.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaoxin directly shouted “Concentrated attack.”

Listening to Jiang Xiaoxin giving orders, the other freshmen couldn’t help frowning, but according to Jiang Xiaoxin’s words, the attacks of several people were also concentrated.

After pinching this process, in just one minute, Jiang Xiaoxin quickly eliminated the two sophomore teams of five-person and five-person teams one after another.

In an instant, the pressure on the freshman side suddenly dropped.

At the same time, the surrounding…the sophomore students who were already out of the game were also speechless in their hearts.

“Are these guys all monsters, they just just enrolled in school, they are so strong and they are about the same as us.”

“Yeah! Could it be that you didn’t notice that basically everyone on our side was killed by the freshmen in the field.”

“Hey! I thought I was in my sophomore year.

I was able to squat in front of those freshmen, but I didn’t expect that there were still these few guys in this new year.”

…The sophomores who were on the side…the sophomores who were already cleared out staring at Jiang Xiaoxin and others who were constantly fighting in the field couldn’t help but shook their heads.

As they spoke, the eyes of these students were also full of surprise.

At this point, almost these…the old sophomores have no such thing to despise these…the freshmen’s thoughts, even looking at them. The battle in the field was still faintly tense.

“Come on, defeat those… old sophomores.”

“Must not lose”

The freshmen of the freshman year looked at Jiang Xiaoxin and the others, who were more and more brave in the war, and couldn’t help but cheer Jiang Xiaoxin and others.

However, what makes Yuan Yang absolutely speechless is that compared with other students, there are quite a few girls shouting “Come on, classmate Jiang.”

Turning his head and glanced, Yuan Yang found these…The girls who cheered Jiang Xiaobai were all those who were rescued by Jiang Xiaobai before… .

Not to mention Yuan Yang, even Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia paused when they heard the crisp girls cheering, and two dissatisfied eyes swept towards Jiang Xiaobai.

But don’t wait: the two women hesitated too much, and the aftermath of the battle already made the two women have to continue to focus on these enemies on the opposite side.

Earlier, when there were only a hundred players left in the field, Jiang Xiaobai had not continued to use skills to interfere.

After all, there were many people before, and there were many people with mixed eyes.

However, as more and more students are around to act as spectators, and fewer students are fighting in the field, if Jiang Xiaobai continues to use his skills, I am afraid it will be easy to be noticed by others.

0 And, in front of the eyes of the crowd, Jiang Xiaobai can’t continue to release the water now.

Seeing that two of the sophomores turned and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai’s words and deeds made these sophomores feel good about Jiang Xiaobai.

So under normal circumstances, for: Jiang Xiaobai, these students are more willing to leave Jiang Xiaobai at the end.

But the situation is grim now, so they can only find a way to solve Jiang Xiaobai, who seems to be the weakest.

Now the battle has reached the final stage of heating up, if the sophomore student loses if he keeps his hands.

I am afraid that this group of people will be reduced to the group of sophomores who lost for the first time since the founding of Jiangnan University.

………..”School brother, sorry”

Therefore, after the two apologized in their hearts, they rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai unabated.

Originally, Jiang Xiaoxin, Yuan Yang and Zhou Jia were next to Jiang Xiaobai.

Therefore, the two sophomore students also put Jiang Xiaoxin on the whole process, for fear that they would help Jiang Xiaobai.

However, when the two sophomores were surprised, as they quickly rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai, in the process, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia next to him were completely ignored after a glance, and continued to deal with other enemies. .

Especially Yuan Yang yelled “Come on” to the two of them.

With this cheer, these two sophomore students were both suspicious and could not figure out what was going on. However, when the two of them had already rushed to Jiang Xiaobai, they had not waited for the two students. After reacting, I felt that my body suddenly felt a top-heavy emptiness.

Immediately afterwards, both of them felt pain in their abdomen.

Waiting until they were kicked a few meters away, the two sophomores had already buzzed their heads.

Who am I and what am I going to do? The two of them couldn’t understand at all, why Jiang Xiaobai, who seemed weak before, suddenly became so strong. The two of them couldn’t even see the traces of how Jiang Xiaobai shot.

This is a little different from the script that I thought before, ah Xi!

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