Chapter 277 Empathy (1/5)

If Jiang Xiaobai is here at this moment, he must be able to recognize at a glance that these Daoists are the same team of Awakeners who were at the gate of Dimensional Space.

“You said, I haven’t found that kid for so long. Could that kid have been killed by those…Dark demon elves and then dragged the corpse away. After all, that kid is only at the first level of the Stardust Realm. That’s it.”

“It shouldn’t be possible to be able to step into the Stardust Realm at this age, and also have the martial arts of the advanced awakener, and he can’t be a stupid person. If you want to come, the strength of that kid should not be too bad.”

“Who is right, are there few geniuses who die in the dimension?”

……..While walking, a few people are talking each other.

“It’s just conquered by you” “cut off all retreats”

“My mood is firm”

“My decision is confused”

…However, just at this moment, a faint singing sound spread from a distance, and hearing the sound, an awakened person in this group couldn’t help but pause slightly.

But when the awakened person stopped and turned his ears to listen to it, his voice was cut off again.

As if all this is just the illusion of this awakened one.

“Well, why does it seem to hear someone playing music.”

Under this kind of doubt, the awakened person couldn’t help turning his head to ask.

Hearing that, the other awakened people in the team also stopped one after another.

But after a moment of intently perceiving it, I found that there was only that kind of…the rustling sound of the leaves being blown.

Almost ten seconds later, the awakened person who didn’t notice the slightest strangeness looked at it and made a sound, and the person couldn’t help but make a sound.

“I said, you won’t be a hallucination, right? Where is the sound of music playing”

“That’s…, playing music in this dimensional space, do you think you can’t die fast enough”

…The awakened person who spoke at the beginning listened again, and found that the surroundings were indeed quiet and not a little strange, and this was just a whisper.

While several people were talking in low voices, an awakened person walking in the front suddenly turned his head and frowned and said.

“Okay, don’t talk about it, just look for it. It’s just the grade weapon on that kid. The value is equivalent to the results of our hard work in two or three years, let alone that Xiaoneng has other valuable things. thing…”

Others heard the man speak and did not continue to argue.

However, the highest of this team of Awakeners is only the fifth floor of the Stardust Realm.

In this meta-space, the visible range is nearly 20 meters.

Therefore, these few people also did not notice that between the conversation, at a distance of almost 80 meters, a fiery red figure and a group of people were so staggered.

Riding on Daha’s back, Jiang Xiaobai’s phone is still ringing with music.

Waiting until Daha ran a distance of almost 100 meters again, Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand.

I looked up and looked at the one who was tied up with his hands and feet a few meters away and then dragged it with a rope for almost a kilometer: the dark demon elf commander.

While Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, a star force had already burst out, directly cutting the rope in the hand of the dark demon elf leader.

Then, after regaining the ability to act, the leader of the dark demon elves stood still and motionless.

He stared at Jiang Xiaobai, who was sitting on the back of the wolf, and his eyes were full of horror and horror.

Glancing at the leader of the dark demons standing there, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help nodding.

Then he waved to the leader of the Dark Demon Elf.

Noting Jiang Xiaobai’s movements, the Dark Demon Elf leader trembled, but he slowly approached Jiang Xiaobai.

It’s just that the speed is called a slow one, it takes a step almost every one or two seconds, and the distance between the steps is definitely not more than twenty centimeters, which is completely…the distance of a foot.

Moreover, every step I took, seeing myself and the demon getting closer and closer, the face of this dark demon elf was… with a sad look.

In this way, after waiting for ten seconds, watching for so long before shortening the distance of one or two meters, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes were half-squinted and gently “Yeah”

There was a sound.

It seems that he has sensed Jiang Xiaobai’s dissatisfaction, and the opposite dark demon elf commanded his body stiff.

After that, the speed suddenly increased, and he rushed to Jiang Xiaobai almost instantly and bowed his head obediently.

And when Jiang Xiaobai put his hand on the head of the dark demon elf leader, the dark demon elf leader felt the temperature of Jiang Xiaobai’s palm above his head, and couldn’t help his legs trembling constantly, and was frightened. And he choked out in a panic, “嘤嘤嘤……”

Turning his head and glancing at the way the Dark Demon Elf was in charge at this moment, a look of remembrance suddenly appeared on the face of the big wolf.

Once upon a time, like the leader of this Dark Demon Elf, he was once trapped in the fear of being killed by Jiang Xiaobai.

Therefore, Daha who feels the same is very clear, at this moment, being led by Jiang Xiaobai with a hand on his head, he is terrified and desperate in his heart.

After simply issuing some instructions, after confirming that the leader of the dark demon in front of him was relatively well-behaved, Jiang Xiaobai beckoned to Daha.

Then after giving a gesture, Daha directly raised one hind leg in the doubt of the leader of the dark demon elf.

“Suddenly, like a small water spray gun, it directly peeed on the face of this dark demon elf.

The leader of the dark demon elves who was sprayed all over saw that he was pissed and wanted to roar, but looked at Jiang Xiaobai in front of him, but he didn’t dare to speak at all, and could only bear it down.

After finishing the marking and confirming that the next time he came, after he could quickly find the leader of the dark demon elf that had been successfully trained by himself, Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and sat on Daha and left.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai and Daha quickly leave and dissipate in sight, they just slumped on the ground, and they couldn’t help but say “嘤嘤嘤” in their mouths.

The voice seems to be crying.

After waiting for several minutes, the leader of the Dark Demon Elf stood up, with a strong color on his face, opened his mouth and roared.

But just as this roar spread, not even a minute had passed before, suddenly, a faint footstep suddenly came from one side.

Turning his head to look around, he saw that in his line of sight, there were already several figures slowly approaching Nong from one side.

Surprisingly, it was the group of Awakeners who were searching everywhere for Jiang Xiaobai.


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