Chapter 278 No one will help you even if you break your throat (2/5)

Appearing around at this moment, it was the awakened squad that had searched Jiang Xiaobai everywhere to no avail, and then heard the roar of the dark demon elf commander.

While the dark demon leader saw these people, these awakened ones also saw the dark demon leader paralyzed on the ground.

I saw that the cloth on this dark demon elf was all tattered at this moment, and a gray hair was scattered, because of the invigorating and dripping urine of Daha before, these… ..The gray hair still sticks to the face of the dark demon elf.

Looking at the leader of the dark demon elf who was paralyzed on the ground ten meters away, all of them had doubts on their faces.

“What’s the matter, why is there a lonely dark demon elf”

“I don’t know, and this guy looks a bit miserable, as if he has just been insulted, is it possible that he was driven out by other dark demon elves before”

“Follow him, anyway… I didn’t find that kid, I just happened to run into a single one, so I just killed him.”

…While a few people are talking about each other, looking at the leader of the dark demon elves who is still sitting on the ground at this moment, he has killing intent in his eyes.

“Roar, roar, roar…”

However, just when a few people had already raised 493 weapons and were preparing to take action against the leader of the dark demon elf, bursts of low roars suddenly came from a distance.

And in less than three seconds3, the slightly inaudible voice has become clearer and clearer.

Waiting until about ten seconds1: Black shadows have already swept from the surroundings, and they quickly surrounded this awakened squad as they fell.

When looking at the surrounding dark demons and elves, the number of which has leaped beyond fifty, the face of this awakened squad has already changed.

Then, amidst the consternation of these awakened people, the dark demon elf that was paralyzed on the ground had already slowly stood up.

At the same time, some dark demon elves with a golden mark between their eyebrows quickly stepped forward and knelt on one knee.

Looking at those…the golden marks between the eyebrows of the dark demon elves who are kneeling on the ground, these awakened ones don’t know where, at this moment, all the dark demon elves who are half kneeling on the ground belong to The elite dark demon elves whose strength has reached the fourth level of the Stardust Realm.

And the elite dark demons and elves are all kneeling on the ground…Suddenly, these awakened people couldn’t help taking a breath, and a message could not help appearing in their minds.

“It turned out to be the leader of the Dark Demon Elf.”

Seeing that the dark demon elf leader stood up and looked towards them, the hearts of these awakened people suddenly paused, and an inexplicable cold air appeared on the back of the spine.

With the strength of a few of them, facing these…Dark demon elves can deal with more than a dozen at most.

But now the number is as many as five, and there are nearly ten elite dark demon elves and a dark demon elf leader who has reached the sixth level of the Stardust Realm.

Once they are matched, there is no chance of them winning at all.

Therefore, after looking at each other, these awakened people all stared in their eyes and waved their weapons together.After opening a gap by using the talent skill collection, they were already leaving quickly.


Staring at the awakened people who ran away quickly, this dark demon roared, and several black lights rushed out quickly.

After that, Heiguang directly turned the four people 4 on the opposite side into a black cage and trapped the four people 4 in the same place.

At the same time, there are already five elite dark demon elves around them who set off together to chase the remaining awakened one who has failed.

After waiting for almost two minutes, the awakened one who had just escaped was also arrested at this moment.

The five people returned neatly and were controlled.

After the five people 5 are all controlled, thinking about being ravaged by Jiang Xiaobai in every possible way, no matter how he ordered, his hands dared not move, the leader of this dark demon spirit is… These elite dark demon elves fist each other.

Have been playing these elite dark demons and elves “嘤嘤嘤”

After screaming and begging for mercy, this is the stop.

After cleaning up these subordinates, the eyes of the leader of the dark demon elf suddenly changed, looking at the five awakened people who were imprisoned over there.

After a low growl, the surrounding dark demon elves quickly stepped forward.

In the horror and consternation of these awakened people, these…The dark demon elves directly raised their hands into the cage, and then controlled all their hands and feet.

Glancing at this scene, for some reason, these awakened people have a bad premonition in their hearts.

After all these people were under control, the leader of the Dark Demon Elf waved away the…black cages and slowly approached.

Glancing at the awakened people in front of him, after a moment of indulgence, he walked slowly behind these awakened ones.

In the horror of these awakened people, the roar of this dark demon elf came from behind.

As this roar emerged, amidst the confusion and horror of the few people, they were already lifted into the air by the dark demon elves who had been controlled by the surroundings.

Afterwards, looking at the horrified expressions of the five people in front of him, after the leader of the dark demon elf hesitated for a while, it seemed that it was…difficult to utter a few words.

“Broken five, broken five, throat, roar, throat.”

Seeing the dimensional creature in front of him uttering words, these awakened ones were all stunned for a while.

Although it is said that some advanced dimensional creatures are extremely savvy, they can speak out.

But these… Dimensional creatures do not include the Dark Demon Elf! But soon, these awakened people are even more puzzled that the leader of this Dark Demon Elf said “Broken Throat ”

They don’t know what these three words mean. When Jiang Xiaobai trained this dark demon leader, Jiang Xiaobai said, “Even if you call the throat broken, there will be no one. Help you.”

But this sentence is too long, the leader of the dark demon elves just remembered “Broken Throat”

The pronunciation of the three words.

It is possible for dimensional creatures like the Dark Demon Elf to memorize the human pronunciation, even if it is only three words, it is enough to prove this sentence or Jiang Xiaobai’s deep impression on the commander of the Dark Demon Elf.

Although I don’t understand what it means, it does not prevent the leader of this dark demon spirit from sending these words back to the humans in front of them.

At the same time, after selecting a target, glancing at one of the awakened ones who will face him partially, the leader of the dark demon elves already gave a low roar again.

Afterwards, the sharpened wooden stick in the hands of the leader of the Dark Demon Elf… directly passed through the air.

Just hear “pouch”

One cry.

A second later, among these awakened people, I felt the sensation that the stuffed in my part had been pained into the soul, and a scream full of pain and sorrow was suddenly exited, and it spread quickly. Come.

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