Chapter 276 A moment of heaven, a moment of hell (5/5)

If other awakened people watch Jiang Xiaobai threatening a silver dimensional creature and stop it, I am afraid they will think Jiang Xiaobai is crazy.

However, I don’t know if I understood Jiang Xiaobai’s words or whether Jiang Xiaobai’s actions represent the intention and threatening meaning at this moment.

Then he lowered his head slightly and glanced at the dagger facing his small nail, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai next to him.

After groaning slightly, the leader of the dark demon elves blinked, and then whispered softly, “嘤嘤嘤”

Although the language still cannot communicate at all.

But the horror in the opponent’s eyes and the look on his face clearly showed the meaning of the voice of the leader of the dark demon elves.

“Please let it go.”


Originally threatened the leader of the Dark Demon Elf at this moment, but Jiang Xiaobai was on a whim.

Then, not knowing what he was thinking of, Jiang Xiaobai put the weapon in his hand back into the 07 space ring, and his figure flashed directly beside Daha.

After turning his hands between the lightning and flintstones to destroy a few dark demon elves who had rushed to the cage, he glanced at the black cage that trapped Daha.

Slowly touched the black ball cage.

I found that the star power on the cage was shining, and it turned out to be a little numb like an electric current.

“It’s interesting!”

Feeling the slight numbness coming from his hand, Jiang Xiaobai tilted his head, and quickly swung his fist directly on the black cage.

Under Jiang Xiaobai’s punch, the entire black ball cage shuddered, suddenly turned into star power and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing his boss is like a little chicken being pinched by Jiang Xiaobai, the rest of the surrounding…Dark demon spirit look at me, I look at you, no one dares to continue on forward.

After scanning the surrounding…some fearful dark elf, Jiang Xiaobai already released the dark elf in front of him with one hand.

When Jiang Xiaobai just released it…, the leader of the Dark Demon Elf who had restored his free movement ability already roared.

It seems to be a little annoyed by this roar.

After Jiang Xiaobai frowned slightly, two skills were already sent out one after another.


The next moment, as both knees fell on the ground, a burst of blood spilled locally, and the leader of the dark demon elf already cried out in pain.

Facing the cry of the leader of the dark demon, he did not hold back, and once again gave this goods “growth pain”

After all, it is a dimensional creature of the command level, and the body is injured, and the fierceness of this dark demon commander is completely.

A pair of eyes stared at Jiang Xiaobai slightly red, and everything was fierce.

After a roar, standing up from the ground, the leader of the dark demon spirit had already raised the weapon in his hand and stabbed Jiang Xiaobai.

But the next moment, before Jiang Xiaobai, the weapon in the hand of the Dark Demon Elf leader, rushed over.

This time Jiang Xiaobai was originally to test the strength of the dimensional creatures in this dimensional space.

Therefore, looking at the actions of the dark demon leader, Jiang Xiaobai not only did not use the talent skills, but actively waited for the attack from the dark demon leader.

Afterwards, under the gaze of a crowd of dark demon elves and Daha, Jiang Xiaobai stood in place for the next minute, touching Da Ha’s head next to him with one hand, and dealing with the dark with the other hand. The attack of the demon elves.

I have to say that it is a dimensional creature on the sixth floor of the Stardust Realm.

To be honest, even if Daha faces this dark demon elf commander, even if the opponent does not use talent skills, even if Daha is a mutant dimensional creature, he can only be rubbed on the ground.

In Daha’s situation, when dealing with dimensional creatures, it can cross three or four 34 small levels at most, and no matter how many, it is beyond the limit that Daha can bear.

This is true even for Daha, not to mention Jiang Xiaoxin and others, who are now much worse than Daha.

Therefore, after pondering for a while, he glanced at the leader of the Dark Demon Elf in front of him.After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai felt that it was necessary to adjust it first.

Immediately, facing the opponent’s attack, Jiang Xiaobai had no plans to continue to play around.

At the same time, the part of this dark demon elf’s command has been exploded again.

In this way, whenever the dark demon leader wants to do something, Jiang Xiaobai is… two consecutive shots of skills let the dark demon leader understand the deep pain of what is called.

After doing this three times in a row, it seemed that something was faintly felt.

Suddenly, the few dark demon elves who had been standing by the side and dared not to step forward were already rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai.

But when the dark demon elf who rushed to Jiang Xiaobai first was caught by Jiang Xiaobai like a puppet, one arm was rotated in the air and hit the ground, and the whole body was plunged into the ground. Those who fell… the dark demon elves shook their bodies, and they all quickly returned to their original positions.

Subsequently, the training continued.

As he kneeled on the ground at the moment and got the command of the Dark Demon Elf, he understood for the first time what life is better than death.

In order to ensure that the leader of the Dark Demon Elf can continue to withstand his own training, Jiang Xiaobai was almost at the moment when the leader of the Dark Demon Elf had just partially exploded 493, a healing skill was already lost.

The wound that had just soared blood was healed almost instantly under this healing skill.

It can be imagined that in that kind of sinking to the extreme, it suddenly bursts partially, and the pain that pierces and makes the whole body tremble is like pulling people directly from heaven to hell.

But before people can react from this extreme contrast, they will soon be sent to heaven again.

Therefore, for the next full hour, the leader of this dark demon elf almost always wandered on the edge of heaven and hell.

It can be described as a moment of heaven and a moment of hell.

After a series of kneeling, partial explosions, and repeated repetitions of the three healing skills on his body, when the leader of the dark demon looked at the human in front of him, his eyes were already full of extreme panic, as if it were. Seeing the devil.

Watching the situation under the leadership of the dark demon elves, Daha, who is also a dimensional creature, could not help turning his head a long time ago, and could not bear to continue watching.

The only thing in his heart was the silent tribute to the leader of this dark demon elf.

At the same time, in this dark forest, there are several figures walking slowly through the forest.

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