Chapter 258 Touch, touch porcelain? (2/5)

It seemed that it felt wrong.When he went to the cashier to prepare to pay, Yuan Xiaoning suddenly turned his head.

Looking at the dim place behind him, he frowned again, and then retracted his gaze.

After the two left with their front feet, less than 30 seconds apart, a handsome looking man in the corner also paid and left.

However, the moment he opened the door, the man’s clothes and appearance changed drastically.

From a young man who looked a little handsome a while ago, she became a seventy-year-old woman with white hair.

If Yuan Xiaoning saw this scene, he would definitely be able to confirm it in the first place.The one with the heel behind them was…Fang Xiuwei, the fugitive that Yuan Xiaoning had been pursuing in the past few days.

While walking, Fang Xiuwei’s eyes were placed on Yuan Xiaoning’s back from time to time.If it were the past, Fang Xiuwei would be very excited when he saw a beautiful person like Yuan Xiaoning.

But at this moment, with one hand underneath, feeling the faint pain, Fang Xiuwei’s eyes filled with killing intent.

In the previous battle with Yuan Xiaoning, Fang Xiuwei was kicked directly in the crotch position by Yuan Xiaoning during the process.After escaping afterwards, although Fang Xiuwei promptly recovered his injury through the recovery potion.

But the broken things couldn’t heal anymore, and Fang Xiuwei now has become a one-inch male 493.

In the past few days, several women were robbed again.After the violence, Fang Xiuwei found that no matter how hard he tried, he could only scratch at the door and couldn’t enter deeper.

The angry Fang Xiuwei directly tortured and killed those women.

Then, when he thought that the place he was proud of before turned out to be what he is now, Fang Xiuwei was incapable of…Yuan Xiaoning’s killing intent…

But Fang Xiuwei’s awakened three 3 talent skills are not very powerful, and one of them is a camouflage talent skill.

After seeing Yuan Xiaoning’s strength before, even if his level was two lower than Yuan Xiaoning, Fang Xiuwei naturally did not dare to confront Yuan Xiaoning head-on.

But after a few days, what made Fang Xiuwei depressed was Yuan Xiaoning’s usual vigilance, which prevented Fang Xiuwei from having a chance to start.

But just last night, Fang Xiuwei, who was constantly changing his appearance along the way and following Yuan Xiaoning, suddenly heard Yuan Xiaoning’s appointment with Jiang Xiaobai.

At that moment, Fang Xiuwei knew that his opportunity had come.

Thinking of the coffee that Yuan Xiaoning had just drunk…the coffee that was drugged by herself, the killing intent in Fang Xiuwei’s eyes was constantly intertwined with excitement.

“When you get to a place with few people, kill that kid, and then take you bitch away.”

Originally, Fang Xiuwei was worried that Yuan Xiaoning’s appointment today was a friend of similar strength to her.

But now looking at the immature face of Jiang Xiaobai in front, there is no reason to worry because Yuan Xiaoning has become like this, Fang Xiuwei’s hatred for…Yuan Xiaoning can be imagined.

At this moment, I decided to pay attention to let this damn woman die after experiencing endless torture and humiliation, in order to vent her hatred.

Thinking about it, Fang Xiuwei’s gaze kept flowing over Jiang Xiaobai’s body.


However, just at this moment, while walking, the Daha in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms suddenly yelled, and the hair on his body also burst.

Jiang He, who was chatting with Yuan Xiaoning constantly while walking, couldn’t help but frown at Daha’s situation in his arms.

Then he raised his head and looked at a mirror in a shop on the side.

Looking at the sight in the mirror, Jiang Xiaobai swept it, and in less than a second, he noticed that she and Yuan Xiaoning were about ten meters behind her: an old woman staring at both of them.

Nothing else, just because this old woman, on such a hot day, is still wearing a red sweater, which is completely unreasonable.

His eyes rolled slightly, thinking of what Yuan Xiaoning had said to himself in the coffee shop before, Jiang Xiaobai moved in his heart, and after pacifying Daha, one hand was already raised and wrapped around Yuan Xiaoning’s slender waist. And leaned against herself with Yuan Xiaoning’s body.

Being directly wrapped around the waist by Jiang Xiaobai, and the two were completely close together, Yuan Xiaoning’s body became stiff, and she couldn’t help panicking in her heart.

But before Yuan Xiaoning could react, Jiang Xiaobai’s slightly lowered voice sounded.

“Senior sister, don’t move, be normal. If you don’t guess, the old woman behind may be…the fugitive Fang Xiuwei that the senior sister said before.”

Upon hearing this, Yuan Xiaoning’s expression changed.

Just like Jiang Xiaobai, he swept aside those… glass windows with the same expression as Jiang Xiaobai, observing Fang Xiuwei who was already dressed as an old woman behind him.

“How did you know”

Yuan Xiaoning asked while walking quietly.

“Senior sister forgot that this silly dog ​​is a dimensional creature. She is the most sensitive to killing intent.”

Jiang Xiaobai responded.

Yuan Xiaoning glanced at the Daha in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms and asked, “What should I do next?”

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the old woman in the front mirror, and said with a frivolous mouth: “It just happened to be delivered to the door, so have a lot of fun.”

Yuan Xiaoning doesn’t know much about Jiang Xiaobai.

If it is Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia or Yuan Yang who is next to Jiang Xiaobai at this moment, looking at the smile provoked by Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth at this moment, I definitely know that Jiang Xiaobai must be holding back something bad.

Regarding the previous dialogue between Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning, Fang Xiuwei, who was so far away, was naturally unclear.

But watching Jiang Xiaobai put one hand around Yuan Xiaoning, and the two close together, Fang Xiuwei’s expression has completely sunk.

In Fang Xiuwei’s view, Yuan Xiaoning is already a prey in his fancy, but now he is as close as Jiang Xiaobai. How could Fang Xiuwei stand his eyes on Jiang Xiaobai and the hand that hugged Yuan Xiaoning’s waist and rubbed up and down, Fang Xiuwei’s eyes It is already killing intent.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +30.

But just as Fang Xiuwei stared at Jiang Xiaobai while thinking about waiting: how to stamp that hand and kill Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai’s brain suddenly sounded a system prompt.

At the same time, originally on the road less than five meters apart from Fang Xiuwei, a small electric stove for food delivery suddenly lost control, and then turned around and hit Fang Xiuwei directly.

The car suddenly went out of control, and the small electric stove suddenly went out of control.This takeaway boy seemed to be confused by this sudden situation.

Noting the movement behind him, Fang Xiuwei’s expression changed, and he was about to get out of the way.

I don’t know why, just when Fang Xiuwei was about to dodge, his legs suddenly numb and he didn’t listen to Fang Xiuwei’s command.

After that, this small electric stove… directly slammed into Fang Xiuwei’s back.

Suddenly, Fang Xiuwei was hit by this collision, and his body swished… evil and evil flew out, and then rolled on the ground for a few laps, and after slightly flying past Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning in the air, he just kneeled like this. On the ground one meter apart in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Now it was on the pedestrian street, and there was originally a middle-aged man on the phone in front of Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning.

Inexplicably, an old woman fell from the sky just to kneel on the ground.The middle-aged man was so frightened that the mobile phone did not catch and fell to the ground.

Staring at Fang Xiuwei who was kneeling in front of him, he couldn’t help but panic and said: “Touch, touch porcelain”

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