Chapter 257 Sister, you don’t have any special hobbies, right? (1/5)

Jiang Xiaobai wondered about the situation on the man’s side and didn’t care.

After waiting for a few seconds, with “one shot into the soul”

The effect of’s passed, and after the…unspeakable feeling in his body dissipated, Yuan Xiaoning slowly raised his head.

However, unlike before, Yuan Xiaoning’s face is already blushing at this moment, and there is also a faint feeling of haziness in his eyes.

After these few seconds, the faint pain that still existed in Yuan Xiaoning’s previous wound has disappeared.

Obviously, after Jiang Xiaobai’s healing talent, Yuan Xiaoning’s injuries have completely recovered.

Feeling the strange feeling in her pants and the…unspeakable feeling just now, Yuan Xiaoning finally understood what the sentence Jiang Xiaobai reminded before using the talent skills to feel strong means.

Originally, Yuan Xiaoning thought that there would be some severe pain under the treatment of Jiang Xiaobai’s healing talent.

Where can I think of it, it turned out to be that…like the tide, with a feeling that people can’t help but indulge.

Immediately, Yuan Xiaoning couldn’t help gritting his teeth and said: “Boy, will you have this feeling every time you use this talent skill effect?”

It seems that he knew what Yuan Xiaoning was referring to, Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head.Although he did not answer, the meaning could not be more obvious.

Seeing this, Yuan Xiaoning was speechless for a while.

There are also some students in Jiangnan University who have also awakened similar talents for healing.

But as far as Yuan Xiaoning knows, where can someone’s talent skills be like this, with such a weird feeling in the process.

“By the way, how could Senior Sister get hurt”

However, after not struggling with this issue for long, Jiang Xiaobai has already changed the subject and asked.

After hearing this, Yuan Xiaoning responded with a strange feeling that was still reverberating in his heart at this moment.

The reason why Yuan Xiaoning was injured was entirely because of the task that Yuan Xiaoning had just said…temporary acceptance.

Almost on the eve of the start of this college game, Yuan Xiaoning received a mission to intercept and kill fugitives in the magic city through Jiangnan University’s internal network.

And Yuan Xiaoning’s injuries were also left during the fighting a few days ago.

“Well, there are such arrest missions in the school…”

Jiang Xiaobai was a little surprised. Yuan Xiaoning nodded and said: “Yes, the arrest task is also another way for students to earn points in the school! Almost every university will cooperate with the local Awakened Coordination Bureau and the police. , But it’s only for awakening, ordinary people we don’t care about it.”

“That’s it! But the elder sister’s strength can’t handle that.”

Jiang Xiaobai asked.

In the past, Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning’s reception of Yuan Xiaoning was not like that kind of impulsive person.Since they have accepted the task, they naturally have confidence to do it.

Yuan Xiaoning sighed and said: “The target once was only the awakened person on the third floor of the Stardust Realm, but he did not expect that the message was wrong. That guy didn’t know how to return to the fifth floor of the Stardust Realm, so the previous capture failed. NS.”

“Then you haven’t found that… fugitive yet”

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and asked.

Yuan Xiaoning shook his head, “Not yet, one of the talented skills that the guy has awakened can change its shape at will, so once he escapes, it is difficult to be arrested.”

“Isn’t that there is no way”

Jiang Xiaobai was surprised.

Yuan Xiaoning shook her head and said: “No, that guy is very vengeful. Although the previous arrests made him escape, but he was kicked to death by me, so I definitely won’t let it go.”

“Again, it’s another killer kick”

Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes twitched.

If I remember correctly, in the last battle between Jiang Xiaobai and Zhu Huanchun, Zhu Huanchun’s younger brother Xiaoding was also abolished.

This time again.

Therefore, after pondering for a while, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but weakly asked, “Sister, you don’t have any special hobbies!”

Yuan Xiaoning first glanced at Jiang Xiaobai strangely, and then as if reacting to it, he was unhappy and said: “The reason why that guy became a fugitive was because he killed more than a dozen women. ”

“I see”

Jiang Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief.

Later, Yuan Xiaoning continued: “I also noticed his murderous intent the night before yesterday, but he escaped by chance, but after the last time, I can be sure that the guy is now looking at me.”

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes.

Just kidding, you all did that, and being a man must hate you to death.

“Yuan Xiaoning responded: “I contacted the Coordinating Bureau and eased the police to check it before, but none of the hospitals have met it. It is estimated that the guy is likely to have recovery medicine on his body, otherwise it is impossible to want to do it on me again the day before yesterday. ”

Disguised talent skills are indeed a bit troublesome.

Not to mention, as long as there is a delay of a few seconds, I am afraid that the other party will completely change his face and put it in a crowded place.

Afterwards, it became more difficult to hunt down the farmer.

It seems to be about… this tricky task and some headaches, I didn’t continue to talk about this issue.

Then he asked: “The younger brother helped Yucheng Middle School win the championship this time. I don’t know which university I want to go to in the future.”

“Jiangnan University, the school where the senior sister is.

Manno is good”

Jiang Xiaobai replied.

Hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, Yuan Xiaoning’s eyes lit up.

Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills have already been seen by Yuan Xiaoning in the colorful spider dimensional space around Yucheng.

The effect that can be exerted in the dimensional space is definitely unimaginable by people who have never seen it.

Not to mention that Jiang Xiaobai has awakened his healing talent skills.Once Jiang Xiaobai enters Jiangnan University and becomes his junior, Yuan Xiaoning is also fully confident that he can break into many dimensional spaces that were originally tricky.

After waiting for two hours, Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning slowly got up and walked outside.

However, no matter…

It was Jiang Xiaobai or Yuan Xiaoning, who didn’t notice at this moment.In a corner of this coffee shop, a pair of eyes glanced at the two of them and then locked onto Yuan Xiaoning’s body.


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