Chapter 259 The kind that Ladu can’t hold back (3/5)

“I am an awakened one, touching your paralyzed porcelain.”

Hearing what the middle-aged man in front of him said, Fang Xiuwei couldn’t help but curse in his heart.

I took a look at the place where I stood before, and found that I just hit my takeaway boy who drove the little eDonkey to deliver food.At this moment, he looked at himself blankly, and then after shaking his body, he controlled the little eDonkey to turn around. , A gesture of escaping when seeing the situation is wrong.


Seeing this, Fang Xiuwei couldn’t help but curse in secret.

At the same time, Fang Xiuwei was also puzzled in his heart, how he lost control of his two legs, and then one hand severely pinched his calf.


I was sure it was my own leg.

But when he wanted to stand up, Fang Xiuwei felt that his legs were weak, obviously because he hadn’t slowed down after kneeling just now.

Immediately, after taking a few breaths, Fang Xiuwei forced a smile and said to the middle-aged man in front of him: “Young man, can you help me get up? My legs are a little numb.”

Hearing this, the middle-aged man on the opposite side just said nothing. He shook his head and said: “Don’t think about pitting me, I was…I have been fooled by the porcelain, it is exactly the same as you are now. .”

Originally there was such a thing, and when he knelt down in front of the people around him, Fang Xiuwei’s heart was… anger was rising.

Now hearing the middle-aged man touch porcelain one by one, Fang Xiuwei couldn’t help cursing again in his heart.

But after a bit of relaxation, Fang Xiuwei still said: “Why is it touching porcelain? I don’t know how to do that. There are so many people around watching, what are you afraid of?”

The previous movement is not small, and a dozen pedestrians around are surrounded at this moment.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man hesitated for a while and felt that under the eyes of everyone, the old man in front of him should not be able to corrupt himself.

Immediately after gritting his teeth, he stepped forward to help Fang Xiuwei with one hand.

During this time, Fang Xiuwei’s legs also recovered their perception, which made Fang Xiuwei’s heart relieved.

However, with the idea of ​​doing a full set of dramas, Fang Xiuwei still patted the middle-aged man who helped him up with a kind face. “Young man, thank you!”

Some people, after encountering something that goes wrong, subconsciously push the problem off to others.

Fang Xiuwei is a typical representative of this kind of person.

In Fang Xiuwei’s view, if it weren’t for Jiang Xiaobai’s previous actions, with his own strength, he would definitely be able to react more quickly to the little eDonkey that hit him before.

You won’t be knocked out inexplicably. At this moment, you are still kneeling on the ground so embarrassing and encountering such an innocent disaster.Therefore, when Fang Xiuwei glanced at Jiang Xiaobai from the corner of his eyes, the killing intent in his heart continued to increase.

Thinking of this, Fang Xiuwei glanced at Fang Xiuwei.

But sometimes, there is a big gap between looking at and not looking at it.

When Fang Xiuwei looked at Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang looked at Fang Xiuwei, and at the same time a cluster of star power in his body dissipated.

When the two eyes met and Fang Xiuwei’s faintly flooded gaze fell on Jiang Xiaobai, Fang Xiuwei had a feeling.

I have confirmed that my eyes are someone who wants to kneel.

After that, Fang Xiuwei’s legs softened and knelt down again after he had just stood up and hadn’t touched the concrete floor for more than two seconds.

You know, at this moment, this middle-aged man has just helped Fang Xiuwei up, and both hands are still supporting Fang Xiuwei’s hand.

Perceiving Fang Xiuwei’s movement, the middle-aged man subconsciously tried to pull Fang Xiuwei with both hands.

But what shocked this middle-aged man was that he was a man of 1.8 meters, 180 kilograms, and he couldn’t hold the seventy-year-old lady in front of him at all.

Therefore, after exerting force, I found that I couldn’t hold this thin-looking seventy-year-old lady at all. In the heart of this middle-aged man… couldn’t help but think, “My old lady is so powerful.”

And as soon as this thought fell, another thought emerged immediately.

“No, I was fooled.”

I could see Fang Xiuwei kneeling on the ground again.

If there are no other plans, ask who will kneel again and again.

And it still can’t help it.

If the middle-aged man just suspected that the seventy-year-old lady in front of him wanted to touch porcelain, then now, it is certain that this old lady really wants to pit himself.

For a time, the middle-aged man’s face changed again and again.

0 Almost the moment these thoughts fell, Fang Xiuwei was already kneeling on the ground again with a dazed expression.

But unlike the last time, kneeling is simply kneeling.



This time, as Fang Xiuwei knelt on the ground, a sound already rang from under Fang Xiuwei’s body.

In the sight of the middle-aged man and the crowd of pedestrians who just surrounded him, Fang Xiuwei heard the sound of…cloth tearing.

At the same time, a piece of blood suddenly rushed out of Fang Xiuwei’s part and hit the ground like a water gun, staining a small piece of red.

And Fang Xiuwei opened his mouth under the irritating pain in the local area, and after groaning for a second or two, he already screamed.

“Ah, it gradually changed from one to four tones—”

…Looking at Fang Xiuwei’s painful expression and this painful cry, his body was also trembling slightly because of the strong local pain.

The people around didn’t even notice Fang Xiuwei’s voice full of pain and sorrow.

“I’m going, bleeding!”

“Yeah! Don’t call 120 for an ambulance!”

“Hey, what’s the matter? Why is this aunt kneeling on the ground and I’m Cao, what’s the matter with the blood”

…I have to say that Fang Xiuwei’s current situation looks a little scary at this moment.

It was just kneeling on the ground and not talking.

In addition to the appearance of the old lady who is now disguised by Xiuwei above, the pedestrians who surrounded them were shocked when they first saw it.

Hearing the voices of the pedestrians around him, the middle-aged man’s heart tightened, and he quickly raised his hands and said: “Well, everyone testifies to me, regardless of my business! This aunt suddenly kneeled in front of me just now, After she helped her up, she knelt on the ground again without saying a word. It’s really none of my business!”

The movement here also attracted more pedestrians.

Seeing the increasing number of newcomers around, Fang Xiuwei couldn’t help but yelled at B in his heart.


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