Chapter 239 May there be no Jiang Xiaobai in heaven (3/5)

Noting Tao Long’s gaze turning to his side, Jiang Xiaobai’s face bloomed with a shyness, as if a little embarrassed.

Afterwards, while being shy, Jiang Xiaobai threw out the throwing knife in his hand.

In an instant, Tao Long’s line of sight was… he was deeply attracted by the flying knife that pierced the sky.

When looking at the flying knife, Tao Long’s heart was inexplicably wrapped in a sense of emptiness.

Both hands faintly itchy, and it feels as if they are catching something.

Under this indescribable feeling and impulse, Tao Long couldn’t…




As the body vacated, his hands folded, and after catching the flying knife, the sound of clapping hands, the sound of the blade entering the body, and Tao Long’s muffled sound almost sounded at the same time.

After successfully catching the White Blade with his bare hands, Tao Long’s previous sense of emptiness that filled his heart instantly disappeared without a trace.

Suffering from the shock of the students from Yucheng Middle School and Shangling Middle School who were surprised, Tao Long turned his head and glanced at Jiang Xiaobai over there.

By now, Tao Long was already certain that he couldn’t help but pick up the blade empty-handed while blocking the knife for Yucheng Middle School. It was all because of Jiang Xiaobai.

Combining the effect of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills is to make people kneel down, plus the movement of half kneeling at the moment.

Tao Long estimated that this may also be the effect of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills.

For a while, Tao Long looked at Jiang Xiaobai over there, just wanting to ask, “What are you in the end? Why are the effects of awakening talents and skills so disgusting”

At this moment, Tao Long is not someone else who helps block the knife with Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, it is Yuan Yang.

Looking at Tao Long who was still standing in front of him after he was stabbed in the back, he looked at the flying knife in Tao Long’s hand and the sadness on his face.

After hesitated, Yuan Yang, who understood it, couldn’t help but sighed: “Brother, it’s hard for you.”

Once upon a time, when Yuan Yang and Jiang Xiaobai entered the dimensional space many times, they had seen how Jiang Xiaobai played with those… dimensional creatures to death, Yuan Yang once thought that he would no longer have any pity. Love it.

But when Jiang Xiaobai’s object was changed to a human being who was also the awakened, looking at the sad color on Tao Long’s face at this moment, I have to say that Yuan Yang could not help but comfort.

Hearing Yuan Yang’s comfort, Tao Long couldn’t help turning his head to look at Yuan Yang, who looked at him sympathetically.

If someone dared to look at him with such a look before this game, Tao Long would definitely tear Yuan Yang in half alive.

But at this moment, after experiencing the things before, when Tao Long now heard this sentence again, he didn’t know why, and suddenly felt mixed.


Tao Long reminded himself that he wanted to strengthen, and he was a little bit sore after inhaling: The feeling of grievance and uncomfortable feeling in his heart is more obvious if he wants to control his neck.

“He cried”

After a few seconds, he looked at Tao Long in front of him.

Yuan Yang was already able to clearly see the rapid water mist in Tao Long’s eyes.

But after a while, Yuan Yang also shook his head and said, “Cry! Maybe this will make my heart feel better.”

Listening to Yuan Yang’s words, Tao Long stubbornly raised his head and opened his mouth.

Then, “swish”

With a bang, Tao Long in front of Yuan Yang was gone.


In the next second, a strange noise appeared again, and his sight was easy, Yuan Yang had already seen Tao Long who was being stabbed once again while he was half a meter high from the ground, keeping one knee bent and empty-handed.

After pondering for a few seconds, Yuan Yang raised his head, “Inflict evil!”

After nearly two minutes of performance, Tao Long personally used his body to show everyone what is meant by “where the knife is, where I am.”

Whenever the participating students of Yucheng Middle School are about to be attacked, Tao Long will directly use his body as an umbrella to help the students of Yucheng Middle School block the attack.

After the people at Hou Yucheng Middle School blocked the attack by Tao Long, apart from anything else, they attacked the students who were…

This made the students at Shangling Middle School couldn’t help cursing secretly.

But several times in a row, many people have already seen that the reason why Tao Long will be like this is entirely because of Jiang Xiaobai.

0 Under Jiang Xiaobai’s flying knife, the knife is entirely in the human presence.

Until four times in a row, Tao Long was stabbed into the chest by a student from Shangling Middle School.

Seeing Tao Long who fell helplessly on the ground, all the participating students at Shangling Middle School stayed where they were.

Especially the Shangling Middle School student who stabbed Tao Long to death with a sword. After pulling out the long sword in his hand, he staggered a few steps and sat on the ground weakly. Dragon.

At this time, Tao Long’s face was as pale as tin foil, and there were wounds and blood all over his body.

As he fell softly to the ground, his hands were released.

Turning his head hard to look at Jiang Xiaobai over there, Tao Long struggled and raised his head slightly, then slowly spit out a few words.



Seeing Tao Long who even scolded himself to death, Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows… he wanted to send a skill to Tao Long.

But thinking that Tao Long had helped the people in Yucheng Middle School with so many knives before, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, and compassionately dispelled the idea of ​​letting Tao Long guard the pain of growth before he died.

Glancing at Tao Long whose blood spread and left the ring and finally fell to the ground, Yuan Yang shook his head and sighed in his heart.

“Brother, see if you helped me with a knife before you, and go all the way, I hope there will be no Jiang Xiaobai in heaven.”

Tao Long died, and he still died directly in the hands of the participating students in Shangling Middle School.In this scene, Zhu Huanchun, as the teacher of Shangling Middle School, was already angry.

Moreover, Tao Long is dead. With the current situation of Shangling Middle School, let alone competing for the top ten.

I’m afraid that there will be no chance of winning in any match.

Thinking of this, Zhu Huanchun clenched his fists, a pair of Danfeng eyes staring at Jiang Xiaobai above the ring, his eyes full of sorrow.

Perceiving the cold gaze behind him, Jiang Xiaobai on the stage turned his head, just to see Zhu Huanchun below.

Noting the killing intent brewing in Zhu Huanchun’s eyes, Jiang Xiaobai grinned, brilliant and bright, which attracted the eyes of the female students competing in the surrounding schools.


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