Chapter 240 Successive abstentions (5/5)

Even if Zhu Huanchun hates Jiang Xiaobai to his bones now, but in front of so many people, what Zhu Huanchun can do to take a deep breath, forcefully press it down, and rush forward directly to Jiang Xiaobai’s bones. Hui’s impulse, solemnly said: “We Shangling Middle School gave up in this game.”

Hearing Zhu Huanchun’s words, the participating students in Shangling Middle School on the ring were all relieved.

Afterwards, he couldn’t help but glance at Jiang Xiaobai, who had barely moved his hands and feet from beginning to end, and quickly lifted Tao Long’s body and quickly walked off the ring.

After Jiang Xiaobai and others on the ring rested for almost five minutes, as the broadcast informed the start of the second round of Yucheng Middle School’s defense, on that big screen, it was once again randomly selected for the next Yu The opponent of the city middle school “four nine three”

Looking at the beating school name on the big screen, all around me… all the school leaders in the first echelon and all the participating students are praying in their hearts.

But unlike before, all the students in these schools were very enthusiastic, and they were very motivated to face the enemy directly.

At this moment, the students of these schools expect that the next choice is not their own school.

Just kidding, didn’t you see the situation of Tao Long and the other students in Shangling Middle School. After taking the stage, other people didn’t say it, just… Jiang Xiaobai was alone, and asked who would dare to risk: watching tens of thousands of people There is also the danger of kneeling down and hands-on… as if the talented skills that can control people, directly can be cruel enough to turn an enemy into a doll to shield his teammates.

Such a person, just ask who dares to provoke and who can afford to provoke.After almost ten seconds 1, this time the school selected to play against Yucheng Middle School has been set.

It is located in the magic capital, a famous university in the top 30 in the country, the magic capital attached to a middle school.

In an instant, the complexions of all the students in Modu Fuyi Middle School changed, and they couldn’t help but glance at Jiang Xiaobai on the stage.

After a while, the leader of the Demon Capital No. 1 Middle School represented the school helplessly stood up and smiled bitterly: “In this game, our Demon No. 1 Middle School gave up.”

As soon as he said this, the surrounding audiences were all in a daze.

Faced with this situation, the leader teacher of Modu Fuyi Middle School shook his head helplessly.

Looking at the students behind…with loose faces, the leader teacher couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

If they can, naturally they don’t want to just admit defeat.

After all, it was too embarrassing to admit defeat without even fighting.

After all, it is the place where it is held now.

They can also be said to be local snakes.

But the participating students and the team leader are not blind.

That Tao Long’s strength, these…The teachers of the participating student teams can feel it.

Even if it is placed in the crowd of participating students in the field, it is definitely an existence that can be ranked in the top ten.

But such a powerful genius was played to death by Jiang Xiaobai in the last game.

And he still died in the hands of his schoolmates.

Therefore, after seeing the performance in the previous battle, the other students in Yucheng Middle School are…Fortunately, the difference between the level of the students in the first year and the second year of high school is not particularly large.

Only at the moment on the ring… Jiang Xiaobai who is teasing the dog.

The skills are simply cruel and without friends, they can’t afford to provoke them at all.

You can see the reactions of the participating students just by looking at the reactions of the students in the Modu attached No. 1 Middle School at the moment.

Even if I wait: I’m on the stage, I’m afraid I’m afraid of my hands and feet, and I can’t show my strength at all.

What’s more, if later in the game, as before, Jiang Xiaobai killed a few of the main participating students, I am afraid that the next game will not be played.

Therefore, the leader teacher of Modu Fuyi Middle School could only turn a blind eye to the reactions of those around him…the audience.

After seeing Modu Attached No.1 Middle School directly admit defeat, Jiang Xiaoxin and others were surprised, but they felt reasonable.

Then, after waiting for a few seconds again, as the next randomly selected school once again stood out, just like the previous Modu Attached High School, this school also resigned decisively.

At this point, one win, and the two opponents are directly complete, and the Yucheng Middle School where Jiang Xiaobai is located directly defended 0…This also means that the Yucheng Middle School where Jiang Xiaobai is located will directly gain entry. To the final top ten contested places.

In other words, at this moment, this time Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaoxin represent the participating students of Yucheng Middle School this time, no matter…

The subsequent wins and losses are already able to obtain the qualifications to directly advance to the top ten universities in the country.

Although during these times, after getting along with Jiang Xiaobai, after learning about Jiang Xiaobai’s completely unreasonable talent skills and terrifying strength, for this moment, several people are already prepared.

But when you really get to this point, even those with a calm temperament such as Jiang Xiaoxin who used to be indifferent to emotions and anger, can’t help but feel a little unreal at this time.

After a while, Jiang Xiaoxin couldn’t help turning her eyes to Jiang Xiaobai, and the smile in her eyes gradually increased.

Everyone knows that the reason why they can play so smoothly in this national college competition is entirely because of Jiang Xiaobai.

You’re welcome, don’t say that this time Yucheng Middle School participated in the competition, even if it was changed from those in the school… Ordinary students, as long as Jiang Xiaobai is there, I’m afraid this time. The result will not change the slightest.

For a time, Wei Zidong and others all cast grateful eyes on Jiang Xiaobai.

The ten top universities in the country, to be honest, apart from…Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia, Wei Zidong and others used to think about 1.

1 Don’t dare to think that I can enter such a school.

Not to mention, being able to graduate from ten top universities in the country, even if Wei Zidong and others choose to return to the lives of ordinary people in the future, the treatment they receive is by no means comparable to that of ordinary awakened people.

Watched by Wei Zidong and others with this line of sight, Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes, then waved his hand, and walked off the ring with some interest.

And on the seat where Zhang Xukun and others were in the back, looking at Jiang Xiaobai, who was holding the dog and had not even a drop of sweat after a battle, turned his head to look at the leaders of several other top universities.

Sure enough, in the eyes of these people, Zhang Xunkun saw the luster of a hungry wolf seeing flesh.

Seeing this, Zhang Xunkun couldn’t help but smiled bitterly, “This time, it’s a bit troublesome.”

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