Chapter 238 Are you sick! Protect the enemy from the knife? (2/5)

With anger in his heart, Tao Long directly turned the scimitar in his hand at Jiang Xiaobai as a hidden weapon and threw it at Jiang Xiaobai.

At the moment when Jiang Xiaobai dodged slightly sideways, he recovered to…Tao Long, who sensed with his legs, rose again.

Originally, the distance between Jiang Xiaobai and Tao Long at this moment was only a short distance of less than one meter.

Tao Long can be sure that in such a short period of time, Jiang Xiaobai will never have time to use his talent skills to make himself kneel down again.

I have to say that generally people who don’t give up are not too bad luck.

It was like the current Tao Long.After doing it again, he was lucky and didn’t trigger the passive effect of Jiang Xiaobai’s skills, and rushed straight to Jiang Xiaobai.

However, for other participating students, Tao Long’s speed at this moment can be said to be too fast to increase, even if they can only see a faint shadow, it is enough to see how fast Tao Long is at this moment.

But in Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes, Tao Long’s speed is like a feather floating in the air, and the trajectory of every move is so slow.

Seeing that 493 Tao Long’s fist was already banging against Jiang Xiaobai’s head, Jiang Xiaobai’s free hand lifted lightly and instantly pressed it on Tao Long’s head.

With a slight force, Tao Long suddenly felt that there was a mountain on his head kneeling on the ground again.

But this time, Tao Long’s face was pale, and he didn’t dare to have the slightest anger at all, and some were just shocked and panicked.

“If you can’t hold it, you will die.”

Not only that, but feeling the power from the hand on his head, Tao Long also felt a strong heart palpitations.

Tao Long felt the feeling of death in the hands that belonged to Jiang Xiaobai alone.

Therefore, at this moment, being directly pressed by Jiang Xiaobai’s head, Tao Long did not dare to move, looking at Jiang Xiaobai timidly.

Although Tao Long was bloodthirsty and cruel, it was for others, not himself.

When death came and it felt like Jiang Xiaobai could easily kill himself, Tao Long was scared.

At this moment, Tao Long knelt on the ground and lowered his head slightly, with a little fear in his eyes, while Jiang Xiaobai put a palm on Tao Long’s head, still with that kind of… kind smile on his face.

At this moment, the picture is a little off.

Off the court.

Originally knew that Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills turned out to make people kneel down, and Tao Long could not get close at all, Zhu Huanchun was already a gloomy and scary face.

Seeing this picture now, Zhu Huanchun’s mood can be imagined, his teeth are already clenched tightly.

Turning her head, she glanced at Xu Yan, whose face was full of pride and smile, Zhu Huanchun cursed “crap” in her heart.

Up to now, it is still unclear where Zhu Huanchun is, Jiang Xiaobai is here, and it is impossible for the participating students of Shangling Middle School to win Yucheng Middle School.

From morning to now, Shangling Middle School has taken over several battles, and Tao Long can be said to deal with more, almost every time with fewer enemies.

Every time I fight, I naturally sweat less, so the hair that I washed before going out this morning is already a little oily.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai put one hand on Tao Long’s head, and the palm position felt oily. Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help frowning, and then slapped Tao Long’s bag with his backhand like an old father hitting a cub.

“It’s sloppy, and the hair is so oily.”


After being slapped in the slap by Jiang Xiaobai, Tao Long couldn’t help cursing in his heart.

But even so, Tao Long can only endure what he can say.

“Xiaojia, be careful”

Just when Jiang Xiaobai was about to continue teasing Tao Long to find some fun to pass the time, Jiang Xiaoxin’s anxious cry suddenly came.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and looked.In his line of sight, I don’t know when, the remaining student on the first Stardust Realm level in Shangling Middle School had already circled behind Zhou Jia.

The long knife in his hand quickly stabbed Zhou Jia’s back waist.

As for the movement behind him, Zhou Jia was completely unaware of it.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai was subconsciously preparing to use his talent skills, but when he glanced at the corner of his eyes, the Tao Long who bowed his head without saying a word and clenched his fists to hide his anger in his heart, a cold arc suddenly came from Jiang Xiaobai’s. The corners of the mouth are provoked.

At the same time, on Zhou Jia’s side, when he heard Jiang Xiaoxin’s prompt, Zhou Jia also turned her head hastily.

In his line of sight, the long knife in the hands of the student on the first floor of the Stardust Realm in Shangling Middle School was already swiftly swinging at him.

At this moment, even if Zhou Jia was aware of it, it was completely too late to deal with it.

However, at this moment, a faint breaking sound came from one side silently.


The next moment, the unique sound of… the body was cut by a weapon also rang in the field.

As this voice emerged, Zhou Jia’s heart jumped.

But after a while, Zhou Jia discovered that there was no strangeness or pain in her body.

Then Zhou Jia suddenly discovered that behind her, Tao Long, who was supposed to be Jiang Xiaobai’s side, didn’t know when she rushed behind her, knelt on one knee, with a flying knife in both palms.

But the blade that should have been slashed on his body just now fell on Tao Long’s shoulder.

Suddenly, Zhou Jia felt clear for a while, and couldn’t help but glance at Jiang Xiaobai.

Although Zhou Jia knew it clearly in her heart, this student from Shangling Middle School was stunned.

Looking at Tao Long, who was half kneeling in front of him at this moment, his hands folded, the student from Shangling Middle School couldn’t help but scream.

“Tao Long, you and he are sick! Help the enemy to block the knife”

After yelling angrily, she glanced at Jiang Xiaoxin who was already rushing towards her.The student from Shangling Middle School had no time to study and hurriedly raised his weapon to respond.

Feeling the intense pain on his shoulder and the teammates in front of him, Tao Long’s face turned black and his mind was also confused.

Tao Long clearly remembered that he was on Jiang Xiaobai’s side well before, and I don’t know how to see a flying knife flying towards this side… it gave birth to a strong possessiveness.

Immediately afterwards, his body rushed to this side completely uncontrollably, and inexplicably helped Zhou Jia take such a knife.

Thinking of this, Tao Long couldn’t help turning his head to look at Jiang Xiaobai.

But just when Tao Long’s sight was placed on Jiang Xiaobai, he happened to see a hand that Jiang Xiaobai slowly raised and a flying knife in that hand.

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