Chapter 237 Be strong and don’t cry (1/5)

: The last chapter has to wait for the website review. It has not been released for the time being. It will be fine in the afternoon. Sometimes the chapter involves some sensitive words that need to be reviewed by the website, but basically the review is over.

Although he knows this way of braking, to be honest, this is the first time Jiang Xiaobai has seen it with his own eyes.

Looking at the traces that came along the way, as well as the pale face and constantly trembling body of the student in Shangling Middle School in front of him, and the place where he couldn’t help holding it, Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth twitched slightly.

In this way, just by seeing it, you can imagine how deep the pain was in the previous process.

The battle on the arena will also be broadcast to several big screens in the stadium with cameras around the arena and in the sky.

Naturally, the situation of the participating student in Shangling Middle School was also seen by everyone in the stadium.

Through the big screen, I looked at the ice crystal with traces and the worn-out trousers of this Shangling Middle School student’s crotch.


For a while, most of the men in the field couldn’t help but take a breath, and subconsciously raised their hands to protect their nails.

An inexplicable feeling of sadness and chills couldn’t help echoing in the hearts of these men.

Afterwards, looking at the students of Shangling Middle School who were kneeling in front of Jiang Xiaobai at that moment, the surrounding audience showed their deep sympathy, the kind of heartfelt…

Glancing at the unstoppable trembling Shangling Middle School student in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai had already faintly lifted and kicked the foot against this guy and had already retracted it.

After a light sigh, Jiang Xiaobai put a hand on the head of the student in Shangling Middle School.

He groaned slightly and said slowly: “Be strong, don’t cry, tens of thousands of viewers are looking at you!”

It’s okay not to say Jiang Xiaobai.

After saying that, the body of the Shangling Middle School suddenly stiffened in place.

He raised his head in amazement and first looked at the surrounding…

Then I turned my head and looked at the stunned self on the 108 high-definition large screen, especially the red color playing with the elephant’s crayon Xiaoxin pattern, bright red dazzling.

Seeing this, after the Shangling Middle School, the Shangling Middle School student stood up without a word, then hunched over and walked straight to the ring.

At the moment when the student from Shangling Middle School turned around, Jiang Xiaobai and the people around could clearly see that there was already water mist in the eyes of the student.

Originally, the student from Shangling Middle School could bear it anyway, but when he got to the back, tears were already welling up, and he ran away quickly with sobbing.

The look was aggrieved like a little daughter-in-law who was underwhelmed.

Originally, the most powerful person in Shangling Middle School was nothing more than…the Awakener of the High Grade Dragon Named Stardust Realm.

Now Tao Long is controlled and ghosts are on the side of the white, and another star student also gave up the game because of his mentality collapsed.

This time, in terms of number and overall strength, Yucheng Middle School has the upper hand.

Then, just as Jiang Xiaobai’s sight was about to take back from the participating students who had run out of the gymnasium, a sound of breaking through the air was already heard from one side.

Glancing at the weapon that was swiping at him quickly, Jiang Xiaobai swiped his right hand lightly.

Suddenly, he just stood up and took advantage of Jiang Xiaobai’s attention aside Tao Long’s sight, he saw two arrows in the space rushing towards him.

Subconsciously, Tao Long just…want to get out and dodge.

But when Tao Long had just left, the two arrows gathered by the star power had already violently hit his leg.

Suddenly, Tao Long couldn’t help but cocked his calves, and knelt on the ground again under the pressure of… like a mountain on his back.


Kneeling on the ground again, Tao Long couldn’t help but explode.

Slowly turning his head and looking at Tao Long, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but shook his head and said: “Since you just guessed that my talent skills make people kneel down, why do I have to be addicted to kneeling? ”


Tao Long responded angrily.

Except for…the ones who are born to be cheap, there are…the ones who like to kneel and still kneel in front of tens of thousands of people.

To be honest, general psychology is distorted, and to some extent, as long as it doesn’t touch what you care about, it’s psychological and endurance is much stronger than ordinary people.

It’s like now, if you change someone else, the game will start for a few minutes, but he has kneeled to Jiang Xiaobai a dozen times in front of tens of thousands of people. Stop playing on the ground.

But Tao Long can still persist until now, even Jiang Xiaobai was somewhat surprised.

At the same time, no matter…

Is it the surrounding audience or those below…The participating students all heard what Jiang Xiaobai said through the big screen at this moment.

For a while, Jiang Xiaobai was surrounded by a gentle smile on his face.

“I’ll go, wait: I hope I don’t confront the people in Yucheng Middle School, otherwise it will be troublesome.”

“That’s right! People kneel down, can still have this kind of ghost talent skills, just kidding, how else to play this”

“Kneel in front of tens of thousands of people, I guess if I really kneel, I might want to die.”

……..Especially those below………the participating students, after taking a look at Jiang Xiaobai, then looking at the tens of thousands of spectators around them, thinking that if they were later, they would be the same. Now Tao Long is showing Jiang Xiaobai kneeling directly in front of tens of thousands of people.They are just… a chill, feeling like to die.

And maybe, the video of this game will be posted online afterwards.

Mano will be seen by people all over the country when it is good, I am afraid that it will not have the face to see people in the future.

Thinking of this, these…The participating students suddenly thought of the fierce man with the prostate brake before coming and Tao Long who is still kneeling on the ground under the control of Jiang Xiaobai, both of them pity. Eyes Shennong.

On the ring, looking at Tao Long, who was roaring red-eared at him in front of him, while steadily kneeling in front of him.

Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while and then said quietly: “You look like a dog being led!”

As soon as these words came out, Tao Long in front of Jiang Xiaobai stopped.

But after waiting for a few breaths, Tao Long was already staring at Jiang Xiaobai with red eyes, gasping for breath.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the testimonials and nodded and said, “This is more like this.”


Under Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Tao Long couldn’t stand it at all.


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