Chapter 227 What’s the meaning of doggedness? This is called a dog fight (1/5)

Things similar to this dimensional creature that just got back into the red vortex without saying a word also appeared on other dimensional creatures.

Almost all of the dimensional creatures are compliant with the weak and the strong, and just after entering the dimensional space, I saw Jiang Xiaobai killing his companion as a baby chicken.

And the picture is so bloody and violent, even a bronze-level dimensional creature like Daha can know that it is soft.

Not to mention this…It is already a dimensional creature that has reached the ninth level of the Stardust Realm.

Suddenly, the scene suddenly became a little weird.

Obviously there are dozens of dimensional creatures around, but looking at Jiang Xiaobai in the field, none of these…

The scene suddenly quieted down.

The roar of dimensional creatures continued to sound in the distance, but within a range of hundreds of meters around Jiang Xiaobai, all dimensional creatures were quiet like quails.


At this moment, two roars containing fierceness and dissatisfaction suddenly came from one side, turned his head to look, but in a red vortex, a dimensional creature that had stepped out was pouting his ass and wanted to go back to the red. In the whirlpool.

But the head went in, but the body couldn’t get in at all.

Just now the roar came from this red vortex.

In a few seconds, in the eyes of Jiang Xiaobai and the crowd, the body of the dimensional creature that wanted to get back into the red vortex staggered and then was pushed out.

Afterwards, two new dimensional creatures squeezed out of this red vortex.

Obviously, it was… these two new dimensional creatures just stepped out of the red vortex, so the dimensional creature that was scared by Jiang Xiaobai did not squeeze back.

After squeezing out of the red vortex, these two dimensional creatures roared at the dimensional creature that was stepped back a few steps, as if to say “squeeze you paralyzed, when Laozi is on the way…”

After being yelled by these two of the same kind, this dimensional creature didn’t respond either, just glanced cautiously at Jiang Xiaobai, who was waving his hands over there.

After that, the two dimensional creatures who had just stepped out of the bloody vortex swept their eyes around, looking at these surrounding… , A doubt flashed in the eyes of these two new-dimensional creatures.

But when they saw Jiang Xiaobai tens of meters away, and smelled the sweet smell of Jiang Xiaobai’s flesh and blood, the two dimensional creatures already roared, and then quickly rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai one after another.

Noting the movement of these two dimensional creatures, the surrounding dimensional creatures…the eyes of the motionless dimensional creatures are as if they are looking at a warrior, and their eyes are agile with a bit of light.

Feel the surprise and admiration of the companions around him.

The fierceness in the eyes of these two dimensional creatures became more intense, as if they were more excited.

During the run, they already lifted their paws.

Glancing at one of the dimensional creatures that had rushed in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, and then raised his fist.


With a slap on the head of the dimensional creature in front, Dao Dao directly scattered the head of the dimensional creature like a bursting watermelon.

Seeing this scene, the killing intent in the eyes of the dimensional creature that followed quickly dissipated.

At this moment, this dimensional creature finally understood why the surrounding companions stood still and did not dare to move.

In panic, this dimensional creature’s feet quickly stiffened and stepped on the ground, trying to stop the body that had just approached quickly.

But under running at full force, I want to stop my body immediately.Where is such an easy thing? Under this forced pause, the two feet of this dimensional creature pushed up a layer of dirt along the way, but it still failed. Stopped the body approaching Jiang Xiaobai.

Even under this kind of forced braking, the body was still out of balance under the force of this song, and after a few laps of Di Shanggu, it reached Jiang Xiaobai’s feet.

From bottom to top, looking at Jiang Xiaobai, who was still carrying blood in his hands, the body of this dimensional creature trembled.

After a while, in the sight of Cao Zijian and others, Jiang Xiaobai’s shoes were flattered and Jiang Xiaobai yelled timidly.

Seeing the dimensional creatures around him not daring to move, the Daha in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms suddenly got out of the neckline of Jiang Xiaobai’s clothes, his little head turned around, and then took a look at the foot of Jiang Xiaobai. That dimensional creature.

A few seconds later, Daha crawled on Jiang Xiaobai’s body, and the legs of the short limbs holding Jiang Xiaobai’s legs slowly slid down like a panda climbing a tree.

Finally, after hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s shoes, he glanced at the dimensional creature in front of him, a dog’s paw lifted up, and then slapped the dimensional creature’s face fiercely.

“Being slapped by Daha, this dimensional creature subconsciously… roared angrily.

Hearing the roar of the metaphysical creature this time, Da Ha’s body was agitated, and then he hugged Jiang Xiaobai’s leg.

But the voice just said: As if he realized something, he raised his head and glanced at Jiang Xiaobai.

When he noticed Jiang Xiaobai’s slightly raised eyebrows, the dimensional creature’s body stiffened, and the roar that contained anger suddenly changed.The strong desire to survive made the voice of this dimensional creature’s mouth again full of timidity. feel.

A typical look of being bullied and wronged but afraid to get angry.

In this way, it seems that inexplicably, there is still a feeling of ugliness and cuteness.

Seeing this, Daha is also bolder.

One grasping Manuo tightly hugged Jiang Xiaobai’s leg, and then a front paw went up like a spring, Yuan Yang frantically slapped a dozen times on the face of this metaphysical creature.

What is called dog fighting on human power? This is dog fighting on human power, farming.

If it was a change of weekdays, Daha would meet this ninth-level dimensional creature of the Stardust Realm alone, and he would have run away in fright. How could he still hold Jiang Xiaobai’s leg while doing it like he does now?

Looking at the scene of the big dog over there bullying the dimensional creatures.

“This stupid dog, following Jiang Xiaojian, is really getting cheaper.”

Zhou Jia couldn’t help holding his forehead, and said with a speechless expression on her face.

Jiang Xiaoxin next to her glanced at Daha over there, and her eyelids also twitched.

On the other hand, Cao Zijian twitched the corners of his mouth fiercely, and he even felt a little unreal in his heart.

Obviously, he was still in a desperate situation before, but now it has only been a few minutes, and the style of painting has suddenly changed.


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