Chapter 228 People with great pens will be great pens everywhere (2/5)

Jiang Xiaobai has always been more caring.

Therefore, for this kind of dimensional creature that can understand current affairs, Jiang Xiaobai did not kill him smoothly.

After pondering for a while, he suddenly turned his head and asked Cao Zijian: “In other words, if these guys are also killed, will they be able to get the corresponding points?”

According to the algorithm of the previous game, the dimensional creatures on the first floor of the Stardust Realm have 10 points for killing, and the ninth floor of the Stardust Realm is… more than 20,000 points.

He killed so many dimensional biological stocks now, how could he earn millions of points.

But thinking of Jiang Xiaobai’s previous brutal performance, after thinking about it for a while, he gave up the idea.

Immediately he squeezed a smile on his face and explained: “After discovering that this meta-space advancement, the personal competition had ended early, so even if you kill these…dimensional creatures, Jiang Xiaobai and others could not get more points either.”

While talking, Cao Zijian was also speechless.

This time the national college competition is divided into individual competitions and team competitions.

The final team’s champion, 493, was judged based on the performance of the participating students of each school after the two competitions.

Although the results of the individual competitions will also be included in the final judgement, they will only account for 50% of the final judgement score.

Otherwise, Yucheng Middle School is now in the top nine rankings, and this terrifying points is better than a fart! Hearing what Cao Zijian said, Jiang Xiaobai curled his lips in disgust.

Afterwards, he lowered his head slightly, looking at the dimensional creature that had been beaten by Da Ha at the moment, Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes and shouted “Stupid Dog”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s voice, Da Ha’s hand movement suddenly became stiff, and then he climbed back onto Jiang Xiaobai’s shoulder, with a pleased expression on his face.

After giving a gesture to Jiang Xiaoxin and the others behind, they already started cleaning the battlefield.

This is a dimensional creature on the ninth level of the Stardust Realm.

Hearing this, Yuan Yang and the others screamed in excitement, and then rushed to the bodies of those…dimensional creatures and began to collect star beads.

There were obviously dozens of dimensional creatures around, but Yuan Yang, Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and others collected the star beads like this.

“This is like dancing on the tip of a knife!”

Involuntarily, Cao Zijian’s heart… this thought came to mind.

But when Yuan Yang swept his gaze to the side, when he watched Yuan Yang walk directly to a dimensional creature.

Then, pointing to the corpse stepped on by this dimensional creature’s feet, he said, “Let’s let it go.”

I don’t know if I understood Yuan Yang’s words or understood Yuan Yang’s gestures. After a daze, the dimensional creature took the initiative to step back a few steps and stood aside. After that, Jiang Xiao moved his hand to the dimensional space gate.

After all tossing about twenty rooms here, Jiang Xiaobai is also a bit boring now.

When the advancement occurred in the previous dimension, Cao Zijian and others looked panicked, and couldn’t hate to run faster with a few legs.

But now, because of Jiang Xiaobai, the group of people walked towards that dimensional space leisurely, and the surrounding nine-layer dimensional creatures of the Stardust Realm were all quiet.


However, in the eyes of a group of dimensional creatures, Jiang Xiaobai and others were slowly walking towards the door of the dimensional space with expectation, and when they were about to leave, the surrounding red vortex was gradually beginning to blur and dissipate. Suddenly there was a roar in the middle.

Afterwards, a dimensional creature slowly stepped out of the bloody vortex.

When the line of sight was swept away, it was already placed on Jiang Xiaobai and the others.

But when this dimensional creature just started to rush towards Jiang Xiaobai, the surrounding…the dimensional creatures trembled.

Perceiving the movement behind them, Cao Zijian and the others suddenly turned their heads.

When looking at the dimensional creature that rushed towards them, the body was already filled with defense.

However, just as Cao Zijian and others were on guard, they saw that there were more than a dozen dimensional creatures around them, but the target was not Jiang Xiaobai and others, but the new dimensional creature that had just entered this meta-space. .

Seeing the dozens of similar creatures around him rushing to his side, and pressing himself to the ground involuntarily, this dimensional creature looked blank.

But without waiting for this metaphysical inquiry, these surrounding…

When this dimensional creature was beaten to one side and couldn’t help wailing, the face of this dimensional creature was still bewildered.

It can’t figure out why all these things around… the companion rushed up and beat him up without any signs.

After a violent beating and it was determined that this dimensional creature could not get up, the dozen or so dimensional creatures who had just started to take a look at Jiang Xiaobai and others cautiously.

Or to be more precise, he glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, with hope in his eyes.

That seems to be asking, “Boss, you can leave without worry.”

Cao Zijian: “…”

Jiang Xiaoxin and others: “………”

Looking at this weird scene, except for… Jiang Xiaobai, the rest of the group were speechless.

Dammit, these…The style of the dimensional creatures is a bit unique! Cao Zijian has also seen a lot of silver dimensional creatures. Immediately after.

The kind of escape…

But this is the first time I have met a dimensional creature with no morals like this.

Yuan Yang on one side spit out a word at this moment.

“These guys, the desire to survive is too strong!”

Hearing that, Cao Zijianhuan swept those… his eyes moved back and forth between the dimensional space door and Jiang Xiaobai in front, with the expected dimensional creatures in his eyes, and he suddenly reacted. It was forced to be helpless.

Now these…The dimensional creatures were all frightened by Jiang Xiaobai’s violence before, and they wished to let Jiang Xiaobai leave quickly.

Suddenly, Cao Zijian rang a sentence of poisonous chicken soup he had seen on the Internet.

People who have good pens will be good pens everywhere.

Just like the current Jiang Xiaobai, the powerful strength can bring these to life…The dimension space is so scared that Jiang Xiaobai can’t wait to leave soon.

If they were changed, it was estimated that they would be wiped out in minutes.

Thinking of this, Cao Zijian seemed to be hit, and a strong sense of frustration arose in his heart.

He was only about thirty years old, but he felt as if he was old.

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