Chapter 226 Could it be that all the fake assistants I met before? (5/5)

With the consumption of a large number of achievement points, Jiang Xiaobai’s attributes rapidly increased.

After breaking through Jiang Xiaobai and entering the Stardust Realm, in the past few days, each attribute has reached almost forty-five points, and his agility has reached fifty points.

At fifty o’clock, it can be said that even most awakened people can reach the physical attributes only when they step into the galaxy realm.

Even those who are awakened at the genius level are only possible at the six or seven levels of the Stardust Realm.

But Jiang Xiaobai is only at the first level of the Stardust Realm, and he has already reached this limit.

In the system, when the attribute point reached fifty, it was also a watershed.

When the physical attributes were forty points before, for each additional point, the cost of achievement points only needed four thousand points.

But after fifty o’clock, an increase of a little bit reached the achievement point of ten thousand points, which more than doubled again.

And after the attribute point reaches fifty-one, it is the real quantitative change that causes the qualitative change.

Just like Jiang Xiaobai, after passing achievement points to make his agility reach 51 points, the speed of his explosion was nearly twice as fast as when his agility was only forty-nine points.

This is also why, as the awakened person goes to the later stage, sometimes a little difference in attributes may be the main reason for the upside-down difference.

07 Therefore, this time, Jiang Xiaobai directly smashed a large number of achievement points on the two attributes of system and strength, and after raising the level of “The Falling Waves Nine Brocades”, Jiang Xiaobai’s attributes suddenly changed.

“Jiang Xiaobai”

“Level 76 of the Stardust Realm”

“Power: 51.

“Agility: 51.

“Physique: 51.

“Will: 40.

“Basic Skills Section: Basic Fighting Skills:, Falling Waves Nine Brocades:, Basic Longbow Skills: 1, Nine Stars Linking 1, Astral Fighting Skills: 1”

“Achievement Points: 39”

In an instant, a sense of power swarming to the extreme has flooded every part of Jiang Xiaobai’s body.

Seeing the two dimensional creatures rushing towards him quickly, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his body flashed like a ghost in the air and disappeared.

Almost within a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of these two dimensional creatures over a distance of tens of meters, and directly faced one of the dimensional creatures while swinging his fist.

It seemed that the moment a white fist touched one of the dimensional creatures, it was like a punch on tofu.

After directly blasting the head of this dimensional creature, the body of the other dimensional creature was also blasted away without any loss.

Seeing this scene, Cao Zijian’s pair of scriptures came out completely.

“I, Cao, are you kidding me”

At this moment, after watching Jiang Xiaobai easily kill two dimensional creatures on the ninth level of the Stardust Realm, Cao Zijian was already going crazy.

This is a dimensional creature of the ninth level of the Stardust Realm, or a dimensional creature of the Astral Mechanic Apprentice level.

You are a student who has not yet entered the university, and you can kill these…The level of dimensional creatures, have you considered the feelings of others The strength that Jiang Xiaobai showed was hit.

Compared to Cao Zijian, the students from the Yucheng Middle School in the back also twitched their lips fiercely.

Even Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia are like this.

Although through Xu Yan before, the two women already knew that Jiang Xiaobai’s strength was so tyrannical that it was not inferior to the awakened person in the ninth-layer of the ordinary Stardust Realm.

But when Jiang Xiaobai saw Jiang Xiaobai kill two ninth-level dimensional creatures in the Stardust Realm, the two women couldn’t help feeling speechless.

Feeling the sensation of hitting and killing with a fist, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help blowing a whistle, his face also full of excitement.

Afterwards, I looked at the dimensional creatures around…the dimensional creatures that rushed towards them quickly, the powerful strength also touched the turbulent heart deep in Jiang Xiaobai’s heart.

When Cao Zijian led Jiang Xiaoxin and others to rush towards the dimension space, Jiang Xiaobai quickly raised the alloy longbow in his left hand, his fingers were already on the bowstring.


As the star power condensed into arrows, when he was about to attack, the bowstring that was originally clasped by three fingers was broken.

Jiang Xiaobai:……. Does this…alloy longbow in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand be used by ordinary astral mechanics or low-level Stardust Awakeners?

Even when it hadn’t been strengthened before, Jiang Xiaobai’s power had faintly exceeded the limit of the alloy longbow in his hand.

Not to mention that after Jiang Xiaobai’s various physical attributes have skyrocketed, with all his strength, this weapon in his hand will naturally not be able to withstand Jiang Xiaobai’s strength.

After thinking about it, some speechlessly threw the alloy longbow in his hand on the ground, and the body quickly bullied himself, actively facing those…dimensional creatures.

This time, it was as if a tiger had entered the flock.

During the process, watching Jiang Xiaobai rush towards those…the dimensional creatures directly grabbed a dimensional creature and used it as a weapon, forming a circle before the dimensional creature exclaiming. After the dimensional creature that was only kneeling on the ground slapped it into the air, the entire upper body of a dimensional creature was directly blasted off with a punch.

Cao Zijian and the others couldn’t help but stop, looking at Jiang Xiaobai who unilaterally slaughtered dimensional creatures while moving back and forth in the field.

After a while, Cao Zijian, still with blood in his mouth, suddenly turned his head to Yuan Yang and pointed to Jiang Xiaobai. …….Dimensional creatures”

Upon hearing this, Yuan Yang said slowly: “Oh, 49 Xiaobai is an auxiliary awakener, and his talent skills have little attack power.”

“Auxiliary…. Awakened. This is also called auxiliary awakened. Are you kidding me”

Afterwards, Cao Zijian asked other people again.

But when it was determined that Jiang Xiaobai was really an auxiliary awakener, Cao Zijian felt that something called a worldview in his brain suddenly cracked and cracked.

“Could it be that all I met before were fake assistants”

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai, who was holding a dimensional creature with one hand in one hand and flying around with other dimensional creatures, Jiang Xiaobai, who looked like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus, twitched fiercely.

With the advancement of the abyss dimension space, the surrounding…red vortex, there will be a continuous flow of dimension creatures.

However, after waiting for a few minutes, a dimensional creature had just stepped out of the red vortex.

After a pause, he glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, who was directly hammered in the upper body in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and then glanced at Jiang Xiaobai who turned his head and swept towards him.

I’m sorry.. to bother you.

Afterwards, in Jiang Xiaobai’s slightly stunned expression, the dimensional creature that had just stepped out of the red vortex unexpectedly didn’t say a word, and it had already re-entered the red vortex after a turn of its body.

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