Chapter 225 You are a bit too much, right? (4/5)

However, in just a few seconds, among the dozens of red vortexes around, nearly a hundred dimensional creatures have stepped out.

And the fluctuations of the star power displayed on each dimensional creature represent these…The level of the dimensional creature is the ninth level creature of the Stardust Realm.

If there are one or two dimensional creatures on the 9th floor of the Stardust Realm, perhaps this rescuer will still hold some hope in his heart.

But so many dimensional creatures on the ninth level of the Stardust Realm, let alone him, even if it is an awakened person on the first level of the Stardust Realm, it will come back and forth.

Thinking of this, the rescuer couldn’t help but feel a little desperate in his eyes.

It seems to be adapting to a new environment.

After just entering this dimensional space, these…the new dimensional creatures did not rush to do it, but after a period of time of almost ten seconds1, there were only two of them. Dimensional Birth “Four Nine Three”

The thing quickly came towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Its target happened to be the rescuer and Jiang Xiaobai who ran at the forefront.

Seeing that the two dimensional creatures on the opposite side could not breathe for a few minutes, they had already crossed hundreds of meters and rushed towards them both aggressively.

Not waiting: The rescuer next to him responded.After squinting his eyes, Jiang Xiaobai quickly greeted him.

Noting Jiang Xiaobai’s movements, the rescuer was startled for a moment, and then couldn’t help but curse in secret.

“Although I know that your kid is strong, but this is a dimensional creature of the ninth layer of the Stardust Realm, didn’t you rush to die in search of death?”

When this thought emerged in his heart, Jiang Xiaobai had already collided with one of the dimensional creatures.

When the fist was swiping, it directly collided with the hand of the dimensional creature on the opposite side, and after a momentary pause, in the sight of several people, the dimensional creature in front of Jiang Xiaobai unexpectedly flew out with a wailing.


Seeing this scene, the rescuer couldn’t help but feel shocked.

“Could it be that this dimensional creature is only fast and has poor power attributes”

Thinking of this, there was a glimmer of hope in the rescuer’s heart.

If it is really as I guessed it, maybe, I really have some hope of surviving here.

After that, watching Jiang Xiaobai’s body turn in front of him, and when he was ready to rush towards the other dimensional creature, the rescuer already yelled “Let me come.”

When the voice appeared, the rescuer had already raided and took the initiative to rush towards one of the dimensional creatures that rushed forward. In the process of looting, the rescuer also secretly said in his heart: “I, Cao Zijian, is also a Stardust Realm anyway. How can the seventh-floor awakened be compared to a middle school student and fight.”

The thought fell, this rescuer, Cao Zijian had already raised one hand quickly.

It can be seen that this rescuer is obviously walking in, and the weapon is also a pair of gloves.

When approaching, the fist was filled with darkness, forming a looming shadow spike.

Just like Jiang Xiaobai, who was close to the opposite dimensional creature, Cao Zijian’s fist had already intersected with the slap of the opposite dimensional creature.

However, the same picture, the same type and level of time, facing different people, the result is completely different.

Just like Cao Zijian is now, seeing Jiang Xiaobai easily blast a dimensional creature upside down, Cao Zijian is confident about his current blow.

However, at the moment when his fist touched the opposite dimensional creature, the smile on Cao Zijian’s face was already frozen in an instant.

With a strong force rushing down the arm.

“Dammit, something is wrong.”

Almost the moment when this thought emerged, the surging force directly caused Cao Zijian’s body to fly upside down like a broken kite, and he was directly beaten back to Yuan Yang and the others and fell to the ground.

The powerful force directly shook Cao Zijian’s internal organs and made Cao Zijian “wow”

While spouting a mouthful of blood, his eyes were staring at the dimensional creature that slapped himself into the air.

After taking a closer look, Cao Zijian determined that this dimensional creature was indeed exactly the same shape as the dimensional creature that Jiang Xiaobai had just hit. How could this dimensional creature be so strong in the next moment, seeing Jiang Xiaobai instantly After appearing in front of the dimensional creature in front of him, and after flying the dimensional creature directly as before, Cao Zijian suddenly understood.

The co-authors are not at all those…The power of the dimensional creatures is weak, completely because Jiang Xiaobai’s strength is too strong….After understanding this, Cao Zijian suddenly felt a little bad. NS.

You know, Jiang Xiaobai, an awakened person at the first level of the Stardust Realm, can knock those…dimensional creatures upside down and fly up, but he has changed to such an awakening of the seventh level of the Stardust Realm. However, the stunning beauty was exchanged, and it was him who was beaten up.

Is there any reason for this? Although Cao Zijian knows that the students who can participate in this national college competition on behalf of various schools are all geniuses, but you are a bit too much. While pressing and hitting, he glanced at Cao Zijian in front of him. After Yuan Yang hesitated for a moment, he couldn’t help but say: “Well, this teacher, if you are weak, don’t try to be strong, lest you still let Xiaobai I have to be distracted to take care of you.”

Cao Zijian, who had been in a daze and shock, couldn’t bear it when he heard this, and another blood spurted out.

“To be disgusted and despised, so angry!”

Although he was depressed by Yuan Yang’s words, Cao Zijian still stared at Jiang Xiaobai and guarded against the surrounding…dimensional creatures.

Soon, watching the battle ahead, watching Jiang Xiaobai who started again over there, Cao Zijianyin faintly noticed something was wrong.

After all, he is an awakened person on the seventh floor of the Stardust Realm, and his knowledge is much better than those of Yuan Yang.

Therefore, after watching it a few times, Cao Zijian had already noticed Jiang Xiaobai’s attack, and it seemed that he had used a pole 1.

1 is a powerful combat technique.

After understanding this, Cao Zijian felt a lot better in his heart.

At the same time, looking at the two dimensional creatures that had been blasted out by him several times but only slightly injured, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes were already slightly narrowed.

After all, it is the dimensional creature of the ninth layer of the Stardust Realm.

Every time Jiang Xiaobai attacked, he already contained the combat skills of “The Falling Wave Nine Brocade”, which can be said to be a full attack.

But even so, the damage caused is limited.

Looking at the two guys in front of him who once again rushed towards him, as well as the surrounding dimensional creatures… Jiang Xiaobai took a breath.

With a thought in his heart, Jiang Xiaobai’s attention has been quickly placed in the system.


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