Chapter 224 The dimensional space of sudden change and promotion (3/5)

“What’s the matter, the roar just now feels a bit wrong.”

Feeling the roar echoing in the entire dimensional space, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but ask.

Not only Yuan Yang, but Jiang Xiaoxin and even Zhou Jia and others were also scanning around, feeling something was wrong.

At this time, a figure quickly rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai and others from far and near.

After getting close, everyone also saw the coming.

It is not the students who participated this time, but those who belonged to the dimension space… the rescuers arranged by the organizer.

After getting closer, the staff member quickly said: “This individual competition ended early. Now you will leave this dimensional space with me.”

As he spoke, the rescuer looked extremely solemn.

And Zhou Jia, Jiang Xiaoxin and others have put their sights on Jiang Xiaobai, as if they were waiting for Jiang Xiaobai’s decision.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai frowned slightly and then solemnly said: “Go, leave first.”

Looking at the response of this rescuer, combined with the roar of the dimensional creatures that echoed in the dimensional space before, Jiang Xiaobai already felt something was wrong.

Other than that, just the loud roar that first appeared before, and the fierce aura in it, even if Jiang Xiaobai heard it, he felt his heartbeat paused at that moment.

Then, following this rescuer, he quickly walked towards the place where the Dimensional Space Gate was.

Along the way, Jiang Xiaobai and others also met many other rescuers who also rushed to the Dimensional Space Gate with some participating students.

“What happened?”

While moving fast, Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and asked.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai, who was relaxed by his side, and at first glance that he was not doing his best, the rescuer couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.

Then he said in a deep voice: “The previous prediction was wrong, this abyss dimension space is going to be promoted.”


Hearing that, the faces of the people behind are all stagnant.

Every time the abyss dimensional space advances, the dimensional creatures in the dimensional space will add many higher-level dimensional creatures.

Now in this dimensional space, the original highest-level dimensional creature has reached the seventh level of the Stardust Realm.

If it is to be promoted again, it is very likely that the silver dimensional creatures on the ninth floor of the Stardust Realm will come, and they have even entered the Galaxy Realm and stepped into the gold-level dimensional creatures.

If it is just a dimensional creature on the seventh floor of the Stardust Realm, with the strength of the students in each school, you can still have the opportunity to fight.

But if a gold-level dimensional student appears, it will undoubtedly be a massacre for many students.

It’s no wonder that this time the individual competition will end early.


It was also at this moment that the entire dimensional space shook out of thin air.Unexpectedly, Yuan Yang and other people almost didn’t stand firm under the shock.

Looking up, in the sky above the meta-space, a huge blood-colored giant door appeared out of thin air, and it quickly condensed from a virtual shadow into a corpse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A round of dark red flame-like energy surrounded the surrounding as the blood-colored giant door appeared in mid-air.

Those in the dimensional space…the dimensional creatures howled again when these giant gates appeared.

“Oops, the gate of the abyss has appeared, and in a while, more powerful dimensional creatures will be thrown into the gate of the abyss.”

Glancing at the abnormal changes in the air, the rescuer who led the team in front couldn’t help but hurriedly said, and the speed was also quickly raised at this moment.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai and others’ expressions were also slightly dignified, and they forcibly collected their attention from the blood-red giant door in the sky, and quickly followed the rescuers one by one.

Fortunately, the Dimensional Space Gate is not far away from Jiang Xiaobai and others.

The total distance is only a dozen kilometers.

After Jiang Xiaobai and others rushed with all their strength, it took less than fifteen minutes or so to see the dimensional space door leading to the outside world.

At the same time, as the red giant door on the side of the blood moon above the sky became solid, red vortexes appeared on the land of the dimensional space.

0 A strong bloody aura continuously radiated from the surrounding red vortex.

Seeing this, the rescuer in front of Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but change drastically.

It’s not just this rescuer who glanced at the red vortex around, and the expressions of the people behind have changed.

Because these vortices belong to the channels that link this dimensional space from those…unknown spaces after they are promoted in the abyss dimension space.

In other words, next, there will be a steady stream of dimensional creatures rushing out of these red vortexes.

Almost all those who can stay in the dimensional space belong to the sedan chair in each school.

…So, even the students who are farther away than Jiang Xiaobai have entered the dimensional space gate safely at this moment.

But Jiang Xiaobai is different here.

In Jiang Xiaobai’s team, except for…Jiang Xiaobai himself, the rest are of the level of Astral Mechanic Apprentice.Even if they do their best, their speed is limited.

By now, other students and rescuers are almost invisible around.

Therefore, besides… a few participating students, only Jiang Xiaobai in the meta space this time is still in this meta space.

Moreover, at the current speed of Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and others, it would take at least two or three minutes to reach the location of the dimensional space gate with all his strength.

Along the way, no one knows what level and how many dimensional creatures will emerge from the red vortex.

Almost when a group of people had just figured out the key points, a series of roars were already coming from the surrounding…red vortex.

In the next moment, in the time of everyone, these…In the red vortex, there are already some human-shaped dimensional creatures stepping out of these red vortex.

After a short pause, the eyes full of violent aura turned to Jiang Xiaobai who was moving fast.

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