Chapter 213 I have confirmed the look in my eyes, I am a cruel person (2/5)

Yan Tianming’s three people 3: “…”

Originally heard from Peng Rou before, Yan Tianming and the three totally felt that Peng Rou was deliberately talking nonsense to scare them.

Who ever thought that Peng Rou really had companions around.

And the number is still eight 8.

Looking at how many people have the same school uniforms, Yan Tianming and the others still don’t know that these people are not a team formed at zero hour like them, but a real school.

It’s right to think about it.According to the situation in this meta-space, the three of them are extremely difficult in these two hours, let alone Peng Rou, who is only a seventh-level star mechanics apprentice. People would carry such drag oil bottles.

For a moment, I glanced at Jiang Xiaoxin and others who were already approaching quickly.After Yan Tianming looked at each other, they all turned around to prepare to escape.

However, just as Trio 3 turned around and ran less than ten meters away, a red shadow quickly flashed in the air.

However, Daha blocked the way of three people 3 under Jiang Xiaobai’s signal.

Glancing at the two-meter-high in front of him, his body was as red as blood, and the wolf mouth was open with traces of flame filled with flames, and his body was full of giant wolves that revealed a fierce feeling. Yan Tianming’s body was obviously stiff. Don’t dare to move rashly.

“Peng Rou, what’s the matter”

After quickly stepping forward, Zhou Jia glanced at the Yan Tianming and three people in front of him and asked.

With a companion by his side, Peng Rou’s previously uneasy 493 heart also calmed down.

Immediately pointing to Yan Tianming’s trio 3 with an angry expression: “The three of them took away the star orbs of the dimensional creatures we killed just now.”

Hearing this, the eyes of several people turned around one after another.

Feeling the sight of a group of people on them, Yan Tianming’s three bodies trembled.

The previous student who had been teasing Peng Rou had a difficult smile on his face and said: “Misunderstandings, all misunderstandings, we are too tired to see this classmate picking the star beads alone, so it’s just to help, it’s completely… Just kidding, there is no evil.”

With that said, the participating student quickly took out the previous star orb.

Seeing this, Yan Tianming and the two nearby also took out their star beads.

Seeing this, Yuan Yang among the few people already stepped forward with a light hum.

However, just as Yuan Yang just walked in front of Trio 3 and stretched out her hand to take back the star beads in Trio 3’s hand, Jiang Xiaoxin behind her glanced at the expression of the student closest to Yuan Yang and suddenly felt wrong.


Hearing Jiang Xiaoxin’s words from behind, Yuan Yang’s hands couldn’t help but pause, his expression a little confused.

Noting Yuan Yang’s movement and Jiang Xiaoxin’s reminder over there, the expression of the student in front of Yuan Yang suddenly changed.

From the point of view of this participating student, there are so many dimensional creatures, the strength of this team can be imagined, and it is definitely not comparable to them.

Not to mention that it was originally in the dimensional space of the competition.As far as everyone is concerned, the students from other schools are competitors.

Only because the three of them had actively bullied Peng Rou before, Jiang Xiaobai and others were afraid they would not let them go.

Maybe after taking the Star Orb back, this will attack the three of them.

Since participating in this national college competition, they are naturally aimed at Na Li.

Naturally, I don’t want to be eliminated simply.

Therefore, the participating student’s idea is very clear, and he can quickly subdue the hostage by attracting someone over by returning the star beads.

For this reason, the participating student even turned the weapon into a Rubik’s Cube and put it back in his pocket to reduce the defense in the hearts of Yuan Yang and others.

However, Yuan Yang and the others did not expect that the same students would be so deep in the city mansion facing the three people.

Even if Jiang Xiaoxin reacted and reminded her, it was completely too late.

Before Yuan Yang could react, the smile on the face of the participating student in front of him turned into a stern face in an instant, and one hand quickly raised and grabbed Yuan Yang’s neck directly.

It was also when the student raised one hand, and one hand suddenly popped out like a spring to grab Yuan Yang’s neck. At the same time, two azure streamers suddenly flashed from one side and directly hit the two of the student. Knees.

With the two arrows coming into the body, they slammed into the two knees of the participating student. With the knee as the critical point, a strong numbness suddenly covered the two lower legs of the participating student.

At the same time, an inexplicable pressure also emerged from the back of the participating student.

Under this kind of complete lack of mental preparation and abnormality, the participating student knelt on the ground with his legs unable to bear the force.

However, the participating student had grabbed Yuan Yang’s neck the moment before.Even if he suddenly kneels on the ground because of Jiang Xiaobai’s skills, his upper body is not affected at all.

A protruding hand still quickly approached Yuan Yang.

In the next instant, under this sudden drop in height, the student who originally grabbed Yuan Yang’s neck suddenly moved down horizontally.

In the sight of the crowd, they directly grasped the location of Yuan Yang Dingding.

Even because of the sudden imbalance of the body, the strength in the original hand has increased a bit.

For a moment, Yuan Yang, who was still somewhat stunned, felt the pain from the place where he had nailed it, and his body suddenly stiffened in place.

Under the stimulation of this obvious pain, Yuan Yang’s blood faded quickly and became pale like tin foil Yuan Yang.


Afterwards, a scream containing pain already sounded from Yuan Yang’s mouth, directly echoing in the sky above this meta-space.

That voice, like weeping like a whistle, contains a kind of pain that only men can know and understand.

Girls like Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin are okay.

But Wei Zidong, who is also a boy, and the others looked at Yuan Yang, who was directly grasped by the nails in front of him.

At the same time, the student who was kneeling in front of Yuan Yang and clasped Yuan Yang with one hand at the moment was also embarrassed.

He couldn’t figure out why he knelt on the ground with soft legs inexplicably.

Then I felt what I was holding in my hand.

He glanced at Jiang Xiaobai and the others on the opposite side, feeling his weak legs, the student was cruel in his heart, forcibly suppressed the urge to let go, and said viciously at Jiang Xiaobai and the others: “Don’t come here, or believe it or not. I squeezed his nails directly.”

Hearing this, Yuan Yang, who was howling miserably, trembled, and he was so scared that he didn’t dare to look at him.

Wei Zidong and others looked at the contestant with shocked expressions.

Glancing at the fierce look in the student’s eyes, Wei Zidong was silent for a while.

While Jiang Xiaobai, who was already slowly approaching at this moment, listened to the threat of the participating student, looked a little surprised and looked at the student who held Yuan Yang Dingding with one hand as a threat, and couldn’t help but twitch at the corner of his mouth. .

“I have confirmed the look in my eyes, he is a cruel person.”


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