Chapter 212 Are you calling for a look? (1/5)

When Peng Rou saw these three people, she had already stood up quickly, and the dagger she was holding in her right hand was quickly raised.

At the same time, the eyes of the three participating students on the opposite side were also placed on Peng Rou.

Peng Rou herself is the auxiliary route taken, and she is also a girl.Compared with Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin, her personality is much weaker.

At this moment, facing the three students wearing the same standard school uniform and some blood stains on their clothes alone, I couldn’t help but feel nervous.

Even the star power in the body inevitably fluctuates somewhat.

Feeling the fluctuations of the star power of Peng Rou’s body with the seven-level star mechanics apprentice level.

After pondering for a little bit, the contestant with a long knife among the three already tilted his head, “Strange, how come there are still seven-level star mechanics still in this meta-space.”

Now that the competition has passed, it is almost half of the time. It stands to reason that during this time, even the ninth-level star mechanics will be unable to move an inch in this meta-space, let alone a seventh-level star power like Peng Rou. Apprentice, it should have been eliminated long ago.

Immediately shook their heads, the three participating students glanced at the silver-level dimensional creatures on the ground, and their eyes lit up.

Then the three of them 3 walked to the side of a dimensional creature, and they had already begun to dissect the corpses to take out the star beads from these corpses.

Seeing the reaction of trio 3, Peng Rou swallowed dryly and then plucked up the courage: “Stop, these dimensional creatures belong to me.”

Hearing that, the three participating students “chirp”


Not to mention these… the wound on the body of the dimensional creature is… it is caused by a weapon in the style of a long sword or a long knife, which is completely the same as the small one in Peng Rou’s hand. The wounds that daggers can cause are completely different.

Peng Rou is a 7th-level star mechanics apprentice alone, let alone these few dimensional creatures, even one of them can easily kill Peng Rou.

Now Peng Rou actually said that the corpses of these silver dimensional creatures belonged to him. How could the three participating students believe it. Therefore, after glancing at Peng Rou with disdain, the student with the long knife was already It was a sneer and said: “It’s just a waste of a 7th-level star mechanics apprentice. If you are acquainted, roll aside, otherwise, I don’t mind to get rid of you…”

When speaking, the participating student was obviously impatient.

I don’t know how to do it.At the beginning, these students were able to meet a single dimensional creature from time to time.

But from the previous one or two hours ago, it was either for more than ten minutes without seeing a dimensional creature.

Or, all at once…meeting a dozen or so.

As a result, the three of them didn’t have any gains during these two hours, and they still had to be extremely careful during their actions, for fear that one carelessness would alarm the…

Therefore, the three participating students are now in their hearts.

Where could Yu Pengrou look good?Seeing the student being impatient and affectionate, Peng Rou couldn’t help but abrupt in her heart and took a step back subconsciously.

Another student next to him looked at Peng Rou’s reaction and said, “Yan Tianming, she is a girl anyway, don’t scare her.”

Yan Tianming, holding a long knife, glanced at Peng Rou with contempt on his face.

Feeling the contempt in the other’s eyes, Peng Rou gritted her teeth and took a deep breath and said: “I warn you, my companion is behind me, as long as I shout, they will come over immediately, I advise you to leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk.”

Hearing what Peng Rou said, Yan Tianming and the three of them were startled for a moment, and then subconsciously swept around.

However, Peng Rou had forgotten that behind the small forest where she was now, there was a continuous pile of grass separating this place from the back.

Naturally, after a few glances, no one could see other people around immediately, all three of them thought Peng Rou was bluffing.

After the student who had teased Yan Tianming collected the star beads, he looked at Peng Rou, who was still pretty good on one side. He got up and approached Peng Rou.

As he approached, the contestant’s eyes still scanned Peng Rou’s body unscrupulously.

Noting this student’s movements, Peng Rou’s heart tightened, and the dagger in her hand was already in front of her, threatening: “Don’t come over, I’ll really shout again.”

Hearing that, the participating student smiled and said: “You are calling someone…Call someone to see if I want to see who around here will answer you.”

Seeing the behavior of the participating student, Peng Rou couldn’t help but stepped back in fear.

The student in front of Peng Rou smiled and pressed harder.

“Why don’t you want to shout? Why don’t you shout, do you want me to shout for you?”

As he approached, the student’s face was full of abusive expressions.

Regarding… the behavior of this participating student, Yan Tianming and another participating student not only did not stop them, but followed behind with a good show.

In this way, as the three of three approached, Peng Rou stepped back in white.

Until Peng Rou and Yan Tianming’s trio 3 all walked through the grass where this small forest was originally in this way.

Following Yan Tian and the three of them staring at Peng Rou slowly passing through the almost one-person-high grass, they suddenly caught a glimpse of a few corpses on the edge of the grass.

After that, the three people 3 slightly deviated their sights from Peng Rou’s body.

And what made Yan Tianming’s trio 3 more shocking was what the sight said, these… dimensional creatures, almost all of them belonged to silver dimensional creatures.

Just a quick glance, there are more than a dozen silver dimensional creatures.

This can’t help but make the three of them secretly surprised, and can’t help but guess what happened before that left so many silver mana good-level dimensional biological corpse farmers.

However, as Yan Tianming’s trio 3 looked at their sights, and when their sights covered the surrounding range of 100 meters, the three of them had clearly seen the hundreds of dimensional creature corpses within this range of 100 meters, and they also saw these corpses. Jiang Xiaobai, who collects star beads on the side, and a group of students from Yucheng Middle School.

Suddenly, because of Peng Rou, the sneer and sneer on Yan Tianming’s 3 faces quickly dissipated, and the body was stiff in place at this moment.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai and others who were collecting star orbs were all aware of Peng Rou’s situation.

Looking at Peng Rou who was holding a dagger and looked like a big enemy from a distance, everyone’s eyes were placed on Yan Tianming’s trio 3 who was opposite Peng Rou.

Gradually, Yan Tianming and others could clearly feel that the sights that they placed on themselves had begun to feel a little bit more obviously unkind and a little bit of drama.

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