Chapter 214 A family is to be neat and tidy (3/5)

I have to say that even this threat was taken out, and Wei Zidong and others were concerned about Yuan Yang’s happiness for the rest of his life, and they did not dare to move at all.

Moreover, the fluctuations in the star power that the participating student showed during his hands-on exercises clearly belonged to the first level of the Stardust Realm.Even Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia could definitely not beat the participating student.

Therefore, the eyes of several people all turned to Jiang Xiaobai, as if waiting for Jiang Xiaobai’s decision.

As the host of the subject being held hostage at this moment, Yuan Yangqiang endured the pain from the place where Dingding was felt, turning his head aggrieved with tears in his eyes and looking at Jiang Xiaobai.

Looking at the reactions of Yuan Yang and others, Yan Tianming and the three of them all knew that the one on the other side…was very handsome, but Jiang Xiaobai, who had a lazy face, was the leader of the team.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Yuan Yang in a bad mood, and after looking at Yan Tianming’s three people, his right hand was gently raised.

In the process of lifting, the star power has already poured into the space ring in his hand.

In the next moment, there was already an extra three-inch flying knife in Jiang Xiaobai’s hands.

After noticing this scene, Yan Tianming and the rest of them were shocked.

And the controller Yuan Yang Dingding, the student who was still kneeling on the ground was even more alert and couldn’t help but want to speak.

“call out…!”

However, before the threatening words in the mouth of the participating student were spoken, a sound of breaking through the air had already rang.

I saw that the three-inch-long flying knife in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand was already thrown out.

However, what is strange is that the direction of Jiang Xiaobai throwing this…flying knife is not where Yan Tianming and Yuan Yang are at all.

Instead, it was facing a few people in an open space almost five or six meters apart.

Noting this, while Yan Tianming and another companion were slightly relaxed, they were also wondering what Jiang Xiaobai’s move meant. However, when Yan Tianming and one of his companions were puzzled, a black shadow flashed in front of them. .

The next moment, I saw that the student who was originally kneeling in front of Yuan Yang, with one hand holding Yuan Yang’s lifeline, had already rushed a few meters away, knelt on one knee, and directly threw Jiang Xiaobai out with his hands together. The flying knife is clamped.

Yan Tianming: “”

Glancing at the student who caught the flying knife in that… weird posture, Yan Tianming and the companions next to him were all confused, not sure why the student who was going to take the flying knife next time did not say anything. At this moment, Yan Tianming and He Meng himself looked at the flying knife caught in the palm in front of him with a look of bewilderment.

Just as Jiang Xiaobai threw out the flying knife, He Meng didn’t know why he had a strong impulse.

I want to use this…Flying knife next, if it doesn’t, I will feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, under this feeling, it is almost instinctive, and He Meng has already rushed out in the first place.

However, after a moment, He Meng was overjoyed as he felt his regained legs.

But wait: this kind of joy spread, glancing at Jiang Xiaobai and others, He Meng came over and remembered the situation they are now in.


He Meng’s heart burst when he looked at Yan Tianming and the two of them who were still looking at him in a daze.

Glancing with joy in his eyes, Yuan Yang, who was about to retreat after pulling his leg, had already rushed out quickly, and in a flash, he rushed to Yuan Yang’s side over a distance of several meters.

Now, Yuan Yang still feels a pain in the position of his nails.

At this moment, seeing He Meng rushing in front of him again, Yuan Yang was directly startled.

But just when He Meng stood still, before he had the next move, a sound of breaking through the air rang from one side again.

Later, Yuan Yang was surprised to find that He Meng, who had just rushed in front of him, had already turned his body and returned to his previous position in less than a second.

It’s still the same posture, even the position of standing and kneeling is exactly the same after putting down and kneeling with the blade.

“This f*ck, what the hell did I come back?”

He Meng, who continued to maintain the same posture, was stunned after returning to the position just now.

If it hadn’t been for an extra flying knife at Yuan Yang’s feet at this moment, He Meng would have to wonder if he hadn’t moved at all just now.

Moreover, He Meng couldn’t figure it out, he was inexplicable, why he couldn’t control himself twice in a row, and he had to follow the flying knife thrown by Jiang Xiaobai over there.

Later, he looked at Yan Tianming and the two people who were still staring at him sluggishly. He Meng cursed in his heart and groaned: “Dammit, why are you still stunned, why do you quickly control that kid?”

Hearing He Meng’s words with obvious dissatisfaction, Yan Tianming and the two had already reacted quickly, and both rushed out and approached Yuan Yang quickly.

Noting the situation of the two people here, Jiang Xiaobai curled his mouth and shook his hand.

In an instant, Yan Tianming and the two of them involuntarily deflected their sights.

The gazes of the two men were each locked in a flying knife.

Almost at the moment when the two raised their heads, the eyes of both of them became a bit misty.

…In the sight of the two of them, all the surrounding scenes are blurred, and the whole world is only the flying knife that slashes through the air. .

The seamless sense of streamliness, the faint metallic luster that radiates from flying.

The extremely ordinary flying knives, in the eyes of Yan Tianming and the two at this moment, are like rare treasures.

An impulse to take this…throwing knife as their own instantly filled the hearts of the two of them.

Under this impulse, both Yan Tianming’s direction of advancement suddenly twisted.

At the same time, seeing Yan Tianming and the two men rushing towards him fiercely, Yuan Yang was so scared that Yuan Yang had subconsciously protected his little nails.

But the next second, what surprised Yuan Yang was that after Yan Tianming and the two rushed in front of him, their bodies turned, and they all passed Yuan Yang’s side, and then quickly rushed to the side.

After that, beside He Meng, there were already two more people on the left and the other standing side by side in a row.

And what is strange is that between the three people 3 side by side, they all maintain the same movement of kneeling down on one knee and putting palms together.

He Meng’s three people 3: “…”

Jiang Xiaoxin and the others: “”

After a few seconds, Yan Tianming and the three of them turned their heads and glanced at each other.

Looking at the three people kneeling on one side, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but nodded.

A family must be neat and tidy, even if you kneel, you must kneel neatly to be comfortable

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