Chapter 208 That’s the feeling of being frightened and partly cold at the same time (2/5)

Jiang Xiaobai carried the dog in the dimensional space, like a little devil entering the village, wherever he went, no humans and animals were left.

All the students who participated in the competition were scared under this huge movement, and they didn’t even think about it, they just sent out a distress signal.

And those…Dimensional creatures were incidentally “growth pain” by Jiang Xiaobai.

Led away.

You know, although Jiang Xiaobai’s movement is not big in the entire dimensional space.

Even half of the participating students such as Wang Wenjie did not run into Jiang Xiaobai because of good luck, but those…the dimensional creatures are different! After Jiang Xiaobai’s back and forth several waves are almost a circle of the dimensional space, basically these …More than half of the dimensional creatures in the dimensional space are chrysanthemums! Blooming.

Even if it stopped afterwards because it couldn’t catch up, but…Chrysanthemum! The injuries at the place also fully aroused the fierceness of these…dimensional creatures.

Basically the latter…the students who competed meet these…dimensional creatures, these…the dimensional creatures are. .. with a violent and crazy look, making these…The students in the contest were confused and their pressure also increased in vain.

…It was not until after tossing back and forth a few times that Jiang Xiaobai took Daha back to the place where Yucheng Middle School and others were hiding.

In these few hours, Jiang Xiaobai’s achievement points have skyrocketed by about 200,000, which is not too happy.

“I said, will there be 493 of them that is too cruel, you can just clear so many people out at once.”

In the dimensional space, Yuan Yang couldn’t help asking when he heard Jiang Xiaobai just understatement and said roughly a number of students who cleared out the competition.

The seats next to him moved a few students, and they also looked at Jiang Xiaobai, obviously they all had the same thoughts as Yuan Yang.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai just shrugged, “Just leave him alone, anyway…The name I reported is that…Wang Wenjie, and those guys didn’t look clearly, what are they afraid of”

Hearing this, the corners of the people’s mouths couldn’t help grinning.

Suddenly, everyone felt sympathy for Wang Wenjie.

He obviously didn’t do anything, but somehow offended half of the students because of Jiang Xiaobai.

Then he clapped his hands, Jiang Xiaobai said: “Oh, it’s been so much time, so it’s important to do business now.”

Several people nodded when they heard this.

Then, Jiang Xiaobai jumped off Daha and rushed out by himself.

Not to mention the strength of Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and others, even the junior high school students who participated in the competition were only eight-level star mechanics apprentices, even worse than Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin.

Just a few people like this, don’t keep it, Jiang Xiaobai is really worried about the safety of Yuan Yang and others.

Before Jiang Xiaobai was along the way… deliberately controlling the distance of those… distributions. It can be said that this time almost half of the dimensional creatures in the meta-space were attracted by Jiang Xiaobai to the neighborhood. Surrounded.

Therefore, in less than ten minutes, Jiang Xiaobai had already rushed from one side.

Behind him, there is already a nearly dimensional creature, howling frantically, chasing after him desperately.

At Yucheng Middle School, except for…Yuan Yang, others who had seen such a battle immediately raised their weapons in fright.

Only Yuan Yang waved his hand unhurriedly and said: “Don’t worry, it’s not time for us to make a move.”

Hearing that, Wei Zidong and others looked at Yuan Yang blankly.

In this regard, Yuan Yang opened his mouth to explain, but when he thought of the process, Yuan Yang sighed, and said with a little melancholy: “Look at it first, and talk about it later.”

Yuan Yang’s remarks confused everyone including Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia.

Noting everyone’s reaction, Yuan Yang explained: “Our current strength is too bad, so Xiaobai first used talent skills to cause those………dimensional creatures to be seriously injured. Then Xiaobai will take the initiative to do it. Some dimensional creatures come over, let’s just do it again.”

“What do you mean to be severely injured? You mean Brother Jiang wants to wound all those………dimensional creatures alone, isn’t it too dangerous?”

Wei Zidong looked at the nearly 100 dimensional creatures behind Jiang Xiaobai and asked with some worry.

Yuan Yang didn’t give too much explanation, just shook his head and said: “You will know when you look at it.”

Seeing this, a group of people also turned to Jiang Xiaobai’s side with doubts.

However, as a group of people gradually realized that something was wrong.

In the sight of a crowd of people, at this moment those… among the dimensional creatures chasing crazily behind Jiang Xiaobai, almost half of their faces are covered with blood, and it is strange to get that, these …The dimensional creature with blood on its face is not the one who roars the most.

On the contrary, these…the frontmost ones…the dimensional creatures with clean faces.

When the distance got closer again, the few people finally saw these clearly…The situation of the dimensional creatures, they understood why the loudest roars were those… ….The more advanced dimensional creatures.

In the line of sight, those who are about five meters behind Jiang Xiaobai…The dimensional creatures, almost every ten seconds, a blood arrow will suddenly burst out from behind these dimensional creatures.

And the place where the blood soared out, it was these…parts of the dimensional creature.

If someone asked Wei Zidong and the others what it would feel like watching hundreds of dimensional creatures running wildly and partially bursting blood at the same time, Wei Zidong can now replied very firmly: “That’s a fright, but also a part of it. The feeling of coldness, the kind that is so cold.”

It’s like now, seeing the dimensional creatures that are not only partly bleeding, but Wei Zidong and others are all partly tight, feeling that there is a chill in that place that is echoing and spreading to the whole body.

“Then, those…Why parts of the dimensional creatures suddenly appear in that kind of situation”

After a while, a student in Yucheng Middle School couldn’t help but ask.

Yuan Yang said quietly: “Because that is one of Xiaobai’s talent skill effects! It will directly cause partial explosions.”

Wei Zidong and others: “…”

“The game, partly burst, and also, there are such talent skills”

After a while, the corners of Wei Zidong and others’ lips twitched fiercely.

I don’t know if it is my own illusion, Wei Zidong and others always feel that part of themselves seems to be twitching at this moment.

Glancing at the reactions of several people, Yuan Yang continued to add, “Moreover, the effect of Xiaobai’s skill, like his talent skill that makes people kneel down, is mandatory and cannot be prevented.”

“It’s mandatory, it can’t be prevented…”

This sentence is like losing a depth bomb, directly exploding a few people to the outside and the inside.

What kind of ghost talent skills are making me funny, let alone Wei Zidong, even if it is Yuan Yang who has known the situation a long time ago, at this moment, I can’t help but feel like a dog in my heart.

To be honest, in Yuan Yang’s view, this kind of talented skill, in Yuan Yang’s view, is completely…not tolerant of the world, it is too cruel, and no one can hold it!

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