Chapter 207 Me, Wang Wenjie, booked the venue (1/5)

After the student was brought out, the teachers and corresponding personnel belonging to the school where the student was located quickly walked up and asked.

It’s okay if you don’t ask, when you ask, this student is already gritted his teeth and said: “Wang Wenjie, you bastard”

The student didn’t know whether it was full of anger or panic, this voice almost roared.

Such a sound containing anger and panic almost attracted the attention of people around him.

Especially Zhu Huanchun looked at the reaction of the student in front of him, and the leader of the school next to the student couldn’t help asking in detail: “Chu Zhitao, what’s going on?”

Chu Zhitao took a few breaths, and then said fiercely: “Just now in my dimensional space, I was fighting a dimensional creature of the third layer of the Stardust Realm, and suddenly felt the ground shaking and a sound of singing.

Then there was a guy riding a blood-red one, while playing a song, suddenly rushed in front of me.”

“Riding on a blood-red giant wolf, is it possible that it is a certain student who has awakened the talents of animal training.”

The leader of the team chanted a little, and then the teacher continued to ask: “What does this have to do with you, is it possible that he attacked you?”

Chu Zhitao shook his head in response: “He didn’t attack me.”

Hearing this, the teacher’s face was even more confused.

“Then what do you mean by such a hatred look?”

Chu Zhitao gritted his teeth and said: “He didn’t attack me, but after this bastard rushed in front of me, he looked at me contemptuously and said loudly, “I, Wang Wenjie, make a reservation, get out of the room, or kill you.”

Then I rode the wolf and ran away. The whole process was so fast that I didn’t even see the bastard’s appearance.”

Listening to the description in the words, the leader teacher in front of the boy also frowned.

Obviously, the guy named Wang Wenjie in Chu Zhitao’s words is indeed a bit too arrogant.

Immediately after a pause, Chu Zhitao gritted his teeth and continued: “I don’t know what to do. It attracted hundreds of dimensional creatures to follow closely, and they rushed in densely, at least most of them were silver dimensional creatures. Then I was forced to directly open the protective cover and the signal for help…”

Speaking of this, it seems that I remembered that before, the hundreds of dimensional creatures roared, stared at the blood-red eyes, and madly rushed past the picture. Chu Zhitao just… couldn’t help but shiver, he was really scared. arrive.

“Well, it’s not right. With so many dimensional creatures, even if you have a protective cover on your watch, you shouldn’t be able to support rescuers.”

The leader teacher suddenly asked with a frown.

Chu Zhitao’s face was yellow and suddenly embarrassed, but after hesitating a little, he said honestly: “I don’t know what that guy did, anyway…the ones behind…the dimensional creatures are blind to them, it’s just that Stare at that bastard.”

When this was said, everyone’s eyes had already changed.

Co-authoring those…dimensional creatures is not Chu Zhitao at all, and Chu Zhitao himself was completely frightened by those… .

Hearing what Chu Zhitao said over there, a bit of disdain appeared on his face.

But in this disdain, Zhu Huanchun is still a bit lost, the team leader, Zhu Huanchun did not know what red wolf is around Wang Wenjie before.

“Could it be that this kid conquered the dimensional creature in the dimensional space”

…. On the side, when the students from Yucheng Middle School heard this, one of the students couldn’t help but said: “The scarlet wolf, can it be said?”

But it still can’t prove that the student has been stopped by Xu Yan first.

It’s not clear to others that the people at Yucheng Middle School and Xu Yan might not know that they can wander the corpses like this in the dimensional space, unscrupulously, except… where are there other people in Jiang Xiaobai and the red giant wolf, Obviously…the big guy who is usually shrunk in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms.

After listening to what Chu Zhitao said, everyone around them looked a little weird, but everyone didn’t care too much.

And many students and teachers are secretly taunting that… the guy named Wang Wenjie.

In the abyss dimensional space, it is obvious that this guy named Wang Wenjie has a brain problem.If you continue to play like this, let alone finishing the game, whether you can live out of that dimensional space is another matter.

But soon these people outside the valley discovered that something was wrong.

Just because after Chu Zhitao, it didn’t take long for students to be screwed out of the dimension space by rescuers one after another.

And this frequency is still increasing.

From the first two to three minutes, one or two students may be screwed out in the next minute.

Not only that, those…rescuers also have a gloomy expression on their faces.

Even these…The rescuers did not bring these…students brought out from the dimensional space back into the valley, and It was thrown directly to the entrance of the dimension door: the backyard returned to the dimension space without saying a word.

In the course of these three hours, half of the students were brought out by these… rescuers.

In other words, within these three hours, more than half of the participating students were directly eliminated.

Among them, there are many students who were originally in the top 100.

These students almost yelled like Chu Zhitao after coming out of the dimension space, “Don’t let Laozi meet you, otherwise Laozi will definitely kill you.”

Seeing these students’ response, it’s not clear to the people in the valley that these students were all pitted by the student named Wang Wenjie in the same way as Chu Zhitao.

For a while, people around started to inquire about which school the so-called Wang Wenjie was a student farmer.

Even Xu Yan couldn’t help but leap fiercely at this moment, “Smelly boy, playing so big, are you going to be the enemy of the world?”

But what made Xu Yan rest assured was that almost no one in it really saw Jiang Xiaobai’s face clearly.

Then she looked at Zhu Huanchun, who was a little embarrassed and worried, and Xu Yan suddenly felt a lot better.

At the same time, in the dimensional space, Wang Wenjie, who had just killed a dimensional creature, suddenly felt that a cool air suddenly appeared in the back spine and quickly spread throughout his body, making Wang Wenjie tremble. At once, there was a chill.


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