Chapter 209 The six emotions of the waves do not recognize, and the waves of boating do not need oars (3/5)

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai led hundreds of dimensional creatures to run from left to right at a distance of more than ten meters from the crowd, and then turned and ran from right to left.

During the process, among the hundreds of dimensional creatures, one-third of the dimensional creatures generally ran and soaked blood locally.

Occasionally there are more than a dozen dimensional creatures suddenly kneeling on the ground, and then being knocked over by those behind…the dimensional creatures, and then a bunch of dimensional creatures stepped on them, painful… …The dimensional creature couldn’t help wailing, and then endured the pain and continued to stand up without crying or making trouble, and continued to keep up with the big army.

Look at the…dimensional creatures that are constantly being led by Jiang Xiaobai’s nose to run, and then look at the bloodstains left on the ground while the dimensional creatures are running, and then Jiang Xiaobai, whose eyes were gathered in front of the dimensional creatures with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, a student behind Yuan Yang couldn’t help but ask, “Say, the style of Jiang Xuedi every time in the dimension space is like this, is it unique?”

When speaking, the student thought for a long time…It was just that he squeezed out such an adjective that barely matched.

Yuan Yang thought for a while and said helplessly: “As far as I know, it seems like this.”

Others don’t know, but Yuan Yang knows that Jiang Xiaobai has entered the dimensional space several times, and his actions have reached the extreme.

For: For others, the extremely dangerous dimensional creatures have arrived at Jiang Xiaobai, but they can be played alive by Jiang Xiaobai to collapse.

It is also nine-year compulsory education, but Jiang Xiaobai’s wave is basically something that others can’t learn.

Other people’s waves are waves and waves and die on the beach.

And Jiang Xiaobai’s waves are the waves of six feelings that do not recognize them, and the waves of boating do not need oars.

All kinds of gaps can only be quietly experienced by yourself.

After waiting for a few minutes again, seeing that it is getting more and more miserable, it is obviously wilting, but because of pain and hatred, he is facing the dimensional creature that Jiang Xiaobai is chasing, and Wei Zidong here turns his head and sighs. After a sigh of relief: “No, I can’t stand it anymore.”

Although he knew it shouldn’t, but looking at the terrible conditions of the dimensional creatures, Wei Zidong suddenly felt a little sympathy for these dimensional creatures.

Not only Wei Zidong, but even a few other students felt that those…dimensional creatures were a bit pitiful.

Hearing the reaction of Wei Zidong and others next to him, Yuan Yang waved his hand and said, “Relax, if you feel that… Just help him get rid of it earlier.”

Wei Zidong nodded first, but then asked strangely: “Yuan Yang, you are all familiar with what you said.”

Yuan Yang groaned for a few seconds before he sighed and said, “Because, what you have experienced now is what I experienced before.”

While speaking, Yuan Yang added a sentence in his heart with an unbearable look back, “and the process is more tortuous and uncomfortable.

“Yuan Yang”

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai in the distance suddenly shouted.

Hearing the sound, Yuan Yang’s eyes lit up, and the compassion on his face instantly disappeared, but he was filled with excitement.

“Everyone is ready to pick up the guests.”

Looking at Yuan Yang who was excited, Wei Ziren rolled his eyes.

Zhou Jia felt even more contempt for Wei Zidong’s behavior.

But after more than ten minutes, Wei Zidong and others were originally right…this time the metaphysical sympathy dissipated instantly, turning to a look of excitement on their faces like Yuan Yang.

Even Zhou Jia is the same.

You know, now Jiang Xiaobai has gotten here, but they are all silver-level dimensional creatures! After killing them, not only can they harvest silver-level star orbs, but they can also earn expensive points.

And these…The silver dimensional creatures brought over by Jiang Xiaobai, without exception, have already lost too much blood and their strength has dropped drastically.

With Xu Yan’s special training before, and with the cooperation of several people, there is no difficulty in solving this half-dead silver-level dimensional creature.

Gee, the truth.

With everyone getting ready on this side, Jiang Xiaobai’s body already jumped up and rushed directly into those…dimensional creatures.

After he knelt down with a crackle, he grabbed a dimensional creature that was already slow due to excessive bleeding and threw it directly to Jiang Xiaoxin, and then passed these without hurriedly… The dimensional creature rushed forward.

0 noticed this dimensional creature that was directly thrown by Jiang Xiaobai, everyone greeted it with the weapon in their hands tightly.

After all, it is a silver-level dimensional creature, no matter…

It is the first time that Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia, Yuan Yang and others have responded, naturally lacking confidence in their hearts.

Therefore, at the beginning, it is inevitable that a few people will be a little cautious.

But afterwards, more and more dimensional creatures died in their hands. After getting used to this battle rhythm and the cooperation between several people in actual combat, the time it takes to kill a dimensional creature is also constant. shorten.

From the first two or three minutes, one can be solved, and now it can be quickly killed in less than one minute.

……Notice the situation of Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and others, Jiang Xiaobai is not one by one.

With the passage of time, seeing that almost all of the dimensional creatures here were half-dead tossed by him, and once again lost a few dimensional creatures to the few people who were staring at them, Jiang Xiaobai also took out his hands. The alloy longbow is harvested.

Until the last dimensional creature in the field was headshot by Jiang Xiaobai with an arrow, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the panting crowd, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and waved his hand and said: “You clean the battlefield, I will lead the next one. Bo’s dimensional creatures are here.”

Watching Jiang Xiaobai go away quickly, sweeping around the surrounding…The body of the dimensional creature, Yuan Yang smashed his mouth and said: “Sure enough, I still follow Xiaobai in the dimensional space. Mixing is easier!”

During the month that Jiang Xiaobai trained with Xu Yan, Yuan Yang also followed Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and Thu Hai into the dimension space.

During the whole process, several people were cautious, for fear that they would take their lives in accidentally.

Where is it like with Jiang Xiaobai, you don’t need to think about other things at all during the whole process.

Simple, fast, and earn more.

After hearing the words and thinking about it for a while, the other students next to each other looked at the star beads in their hands, and nodded with deep conviction.

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