Chapter 190 Come for a hug? The one that never separates from death? (4/5)

Seeing the same kind who suddenly kneeled on the ground in front, the dimensional creature behind who was rushing hurriedly stopped in surprise.

Seeing that the bone spurs on oneself and the other party were about to be pierced into the bodies of both parties immediately, the body of this dimensional creature finally stopped.

This caused the dimensional creature to breathe a long sigh of relief, and a burst of rejoicing in his heart.

“Puff, puff…”

But it hasn’t waited: this dimensional creature completely relaxed.

Suddenly, a sudden pain came from behind, but another dimensional creature that couldn’t stop carrying a full body of bone spurs slammed into it.

A thrust emerged from behind, causing the body of the dimensional creature, who had finally stopped the car to stop, and slammed straight forward.

“Puff, puff…”

The next moment, it’s “Four Nine Three”

A series of painful feelings surfaced.

If this dimensional creature can speak, it will definitely curse loudly at this moment “”

, Even under the severe pain and loss, this dimensional creature wanted to turn its head, as if it wanted to curse the silly lack behind him.

But before he turned his head, behind the dimensional creature behind him, there was another dimensional creature that stupidly slammed into it.


This time, the bone spurs behind him…the bone spurs passed directly through the body of this dimensional creature, causing the head that had just turned halfway to be so soft and soft, two like frogs. His eyes still stared round.

A look of indecency.

And this kind of thing does not just appear on this dimensional creature, but also appears around it.

With these…the dimensional creatures knelt directly on the ground, caught off guard, those behind…the dimensional creatures had no time to dodge or move away, directly Just hit it.

“One, two, three 3…”

After a few seconds, the dozens of dimensional creatures that had rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai around here were like clay tightly attached together.

In the end, the only thing in the field was the dimensional creature that was far away and was still kneeling on the ground.

Looking at the situation in the field, Wei Zidong and other students who had retreated to the back had their eyes widened and their mouths opened, as if it was a ghost in the sky.

From beginning to end, Jiang Xiaobai obviously didn’t do anything, just because of his talent skills, some dimensional creatures suddenly kneeled down, and then this scene appeared.

“Fuck, it can be like this”

Staring at the situation in the field, even Yuan Yang, who has experienced Jiang Xiaobai’s skills, was stunned by this word at the moment.

And Jiang Xiaobai himself stared at these…the dimensional creatures that were already dead and could no longer die, and his expression was a bit stunned.

To be honest, Jiang Xiaobai really didn’t think that dimensional creatures would become like this after being affected by his own skills.

After all, the previous skills had an effect on those…dimensional creatures, and the effect they produced was nothing more than controlling their ability to act.

It will not be like what it is now, after a skill…There is a dimensional creature that counts as a collective suicide.

Then, I glanced at these…the dimensional creatures strung together like candied haws, and then looked at the hundreds of dimensional creatures still remaining in the field, Jiang Xiaobai With a move in his heart, a curve has emerged from the corner of Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth.

After smoothly killing the lucky and alive dimensional creatures around, Jiang Xiaobai rushed a few steps and dashed through the air like a big eagle for more than ten meters before rushing directly to the ones in front… ….The middle of the dimensional creatures.

The next moment, as the dimensional creatures quickly rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai, just like the previous scene, after dozens of dimensional creatures knelt on the ground, those… originally rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai’s dimensional creature was caught off guard and directly greeted him.

The dimensional creatures in front were horrified and wanted to stop their forward body, but the dimensional creatures behind were not clear about the situation or roared and rushed forward quickly.

By the time the reaction came, it had become a sandwich biscuits that were tightly sandwiched in the middle, and then dozens of bone spurs connected them tightly, deeply, the kind that would cause blood and pain when pulled out…

But in just one minute, with Jiang Xiaobai as the center, dozens of dimensional creatures around were so intimately connected.

Come to hug the kind of inseparable death, Jiang Xiaobai always thought that such things as dead without letting go or separating are all lie to people…but today, these… …The dimensional creature used his own life and personal experience to stage such a scene for Jiang Xiaobai.

Tears were almost in his eyes that moved Jiang Xiaobai.

Facing this kind of sincere friendship, Jiang Xiaobai felt a “growth pain” as he waved his right hand while these dimensional creatures were dead.

, While letting these…the dimensional creatures partially burst and wail and twist their body, the…bone spurs on the body have been pierced a bit deeper, and it is now completely cold with almost only a breath. NS.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai fell alone in their encirclement, but the previous batch of dimensional creatures who followed after them were already dead.

Those remaining behind…the dimensional creatures are completely unable to rush in because they surrounded them and used their bodies to form a wall, so they were anxious about them… ….The dimensional creature hurriedly jumped its feet and kept roaring.

It is typical to take our remains to protect the enemy from teammates.

Waiting for the surrounding…After the dimensional creatures were cold, Jiang Xiaobai directly jumped up, stepping on the heads of these dimensional creatures and continued to rush to the next batch of targets.

Death is like the wind, accompanied by life.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai is already an incarnation of a god of death.

In the distance, on the side of the train, watching Jiang Xiaobai go wherever he goes, there is a large dimensional life 1.

1 The thing died tragically, Yuan Yang and others fell into deep silence.

After a while, Wei Zidong in the team didn’t know what he thought of, and suddenly spoke with a bit of resentment: “I suddenly want to go back. Maybe, I think I might not be suitable for fighting.”

Not to mention Wei Zidong, even the other students in the team felt a little uncomfortable at this moment.

Like them, in the previous exhausting battles, in the process, I was afraid that one would be killed by accident, and only before and after they killed dozens of dimensional creatures.

And now, Jiang Xiaobai is just jumping everywhere, without doing anything at all, standing in place and posing, those around…the dimensional creatures will die collectively, and they will die with their own kind. The way to die.

This gap really makes people feel a little uncomfortable and want to be autistic.

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