Chapter 189 Shot (3/5)

During this process, on the train, there were also dozens of other awakenings slowly walking off the train.

Those who can dare to come out at this time are definitely the official awakeners.They glanced at Xu Yan and Jiang Xiaobai, and learned about these… from the above dimensional creature level.

She glanced at these…After the awakened, she looked at the dimensional creatures in the distance…the fast approaching dimensional creatures, Xu Yan was already quick to speak. Said: “For one minute, except Jiang Xiaobai, the rest will be a team of six people, each of whom chooses teammates, and then prepares for battle. During the battle, they are not allowed to leave within 100 meters.”

When the voice fell, Jiang Xiaoxin and the others had already responded in a low voice.After they quickly divided into two teams, they took out their weapons one after another, looking like they were waiting.

With the passage of time, as the…dimensional creatures in the distance approached quickly, the faces of those…dimensional creatures were also imprinted in the eyes of a group of people.

The whole body is as black as ink, and the appearance looks like a toad, but it is a human shape, not jumping and jumping, but running fast with two legs.

And these…The dimensional creature is like a hedgehog, with bone spurs extending from the bones all over the body, and the appearance is extremely hideous and ugly.

During its movement, the fluctuations in the star power that came out of his body also indicated these…the level of dimensional creatures.

A bronze dimensional creature equivalent to a seven-level star mechanic.

The mobile rooms rushed towards this side in a row, densely packed, at least hundreds of thousands.

“Jiang Xiaobai, you take care of Jiang Xiaoxin and their team, and I will take care of the other team.”

Seeing those… when the giant scorpion was only less than two hundred meters away from here, Xu Yan said while taking out a Rubik’s Cube.

After the words fell, the Rubik’s Cube in his hand was already transformed into a long spear that was nearly two meters long.

Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze was placed on the weapon in Xu Yan’s hand, and his eyes were slightly red.

Different from the weapons in the hands of Jiang Xiaobai and other students, the weapons in Xu Yan’s hands were all fluorescent, and under the infusion of Xu Yan’s star power, the entire spear seemed to be covered in flames, which looked extraordinarily mysterious.

And the weapon itself comes with corresponding effects, at least it is a function that even the above weapons have.

After gazing at the weapon in Xu Yan’s hand for a while, she already retracted her gaze, then also took out the alloy longbow, and threw Daha on the shoulder to the ground.

When Daha fell on the ground, he changed into the blood wolf king form almost instantaneously.

Xu Yan already knew about Daha’s situation, so there was no surprise.

But the students of Wei Zidong were dumbfounded when they watched Daha turn from a cute little blood-dropping dog into a fierce dimensional creature now.

But don’t wait: Wei Zidong and others thought a lot, as these…dimensional creatures approached, those who walked to the front…The awakened were already raiding. At the beginning, Dao Dao talent skills bloomed in the air and rushed towards the meta creature.

And a group of students also raised their martial arts one after another, and the team of students quickly turned to these…The giant scorpion greeted them.

In many cases, no matter how large the number is, it is useless.

Just like now, even though there are many of these, the strength is too low.

Under the hands of the awakened ones, after every talent skill, several dimensional creatures will be directly killed.

There are those…Awakened people in front of them.Although there are many dimensional creatures that have been missed, they are not too many to be completely estimated by these students.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai also dispelled his idea of ​​going up to attract the attention of most dimensional creatures.

In the process, all dimensional creatures close to Jiang Xiaobai didn’t need Jiang Xiaobai to do anything before they were easily solved by Daha opening his mouth with a blood blade.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai, who had no security risks at all, turned to stand idly on the spot, observing the fighting on Jiang Xiaoxin’s side.

When Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia were in danger, the alloy longbow in their hands was quickly raised, and as the bowstring fluctuated, an arrow condensed by star power was instantly shot like a thunder… …. Dimensional creatures shoot and kill.

In the process, it was so close that Jiang Xiaoxin and the others didn’t even have time to react.

Gradually, there were more and more corpses of dimensional creatures around, and in more than ten minutes, a large number of corpses of dimensional creatures accumulated around here.

0 This kind of combat with fewer enemies and more, high and mild combat also caused the physical strength of these students to be greatly consumed, and the number of mistakes increased.

Not to mention these students, even those in front…the awakened who were originally rushing into the dimensional biota are beginning to show fatigue due to the frequent use of talent skills.

The reason why Xu Yan let these students come out this time is still to use these… battle to see the mutual cooperation between these students and their reactions when facing dimensional creatures.

Now that the goal has been achieved, and the middle and upper half of these students are almost reaching their limits, Xu Yan immediately asked the students in front to withdraw quickly.

After Jiang Xiaoxin, Yuan Yang, Zhou Jia and others all walked back out of breath, Xu Yan pondered for a moment, then took a step back slowly, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

…Jiang Xiaobai picked up his eyelids, and it is still unclear where he is now caught by Xu Yan and asked to solve those… Dimensional creatures.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai curled his lips, and then slowly stepped forward in the sight of the students.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the students behind were all on Jiang Xiaobai.

After all, in the past few days, they haven’t really seen Jiang Xiaobai take the initiative, and Xu Yan said that Jiang Xiaobai can sweep them by himself, so everyone is curious about Jiang Xiaobai’s strength.

Now that there is a chance, everyone is naturally intent on seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s strength.

As everyone retreated, Jiang Xiaobai greeted him, and the attention of dozens of dimensional creatures around him instantly focused on Jiang Xiaobai’s body, rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai after a roar.

However, just as these dozens of dimensional creatures rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai and quickly approached, they stepped into the area of ​​influence of Jiang Xiaobai’s skills.

Half of these dozens of dimensional creatures are… so weirdly kneeling on the ground.

Of course, if that’s the case, that’s all.

The key is these…The dimensional creature itself looks like a hedgehog, with sharp bone spurs that seem to grow from the body.

At this time, the situation became a little different. B.


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